
  1. 张洋曾参加的托福培训班的目标是让每个学生都得100分(注:新托福考试满分为120分),而她却只得了89分。

    Zhang 's TOEFL training class aims to help students get a score of 100 , but she only got 89 .

  2. 张洋说,老师和同学在写个人陈述和简历方面给了我很多有用的建议,同时让我对国外大学的申请流程也有了更多的了解。

    My teachers and classmates gave me helpful advice on writing personal statements and resumes . I know more about the application procedure for foreign universities now , she says .

  3. 培训班带来的也许不只是考试技巧。就读于安徽建筑大学、23岁的张洋说,她曾参加过一个月的托福培训班,而令她收获最多的却是其中的学习氛围。

    Rather than test-taking skills , Zhang Yang , 23 , a business administration major at Anhui Jianzhu University who once took a one-month TOEFL training course , says she benefited from the atmosphere most .