
  1. 我们必须展现“亮剑”的精神!

    We must show " show sword " 's spiritual !

  2. 这也是他总结的亮剑精神所在。

    This was his summing up the spirit of the Liang Jian .

  3. 亮剑精神就是我们这只军队的军魂!

    Liang Jian spirit is the soul of our armed forces this !

  4. 这是一次典型的中国式亮剑行动!

    This is a typical Chinese Liang Jian action !

  5. 这个时候我也就开始亮剑了,我说我们换个链接吧!

    I also begin this moment bright sword , I say we change a link !

  6. 不要轻易亮剑

    Do not draw your sword

  7. 亮剑虚假广告

    Attacks the False Advertisement

  8. 一把漂亮的神剑被嵌在那块大石头中,手机广告峥嵘亮剑,发展之路任重道远

    A beautiful magic sword was stuck in the rock . Mobile Phone Ads Outbreak on a Long Developments Road with Heavy Burdens

  9. 军事题材的民间狂欢&电视连续剧《历史的天空》、《亮剑》的创作特点分析

    A Folk Carnival of Military Subject & An Analysis on the Artistic Technique of TV Serials Historical Sky and Challenging by Showing Sword

  10. 第四部分,高校亮剑精神培育的实施途径。

    Chapter four illustrates some detailed channels and methods for the cultivation of the spirit of " shining sword " in higher learning institutions .

  11. 东部、北部区域七大板块各执一把长剑,发扬亮剑精神,剑锋所至,所向披靡。

    Eastern and northern regions seven plate kept a sword , carry forward the spirit Liangjian , double parking , sweep away all obstacles .

  12. 那么,为了你真正所想要的所在乎的所等待的一切,你的选择就只有一个、只能是也必须是:亮剑!

    Well , To you really want as to what have been waiting for all , your choice is one that only has to be : Liang Jian !

  13. 《亮剑》塑造了性格鲜明的李云龙形象,在社会上也引起了诸多争论,批评和赞誉的意见针锋相对,土匪说和英雄说交织错杂。

    It has portrayed the distinctive image of Li Yunlong in the novel of Bright Sword , and caused many arguments in the society , criticism and the praise , the bandit and the hero of the views .

  14. 《历史的天空》、《亮剑》等电视连续剧在叙述军事题材的故事时,采用民间狂欢的表达方式,塑造了全新的草莽英雄形象,展示了被遮蔽在官方概念之下的民间价值观。

    TV serials , Historical Sky and Challenging by Showing Sword , which portray the new images of greenwood heroes , demonstrate the folk concepts of value covered by the official concept of value before in the revelry expression way .