
  • 网络Euro Indices
  1. 涵盖制造业和服务业的欧元区PMI指数连续第三个月下降,4月份降至47.4,这是五个月来的最低位。

    The index covering manufacturing and services fell for a third consecutive month to 47.4 points in April , the lowest for five months .

  2. 在声明中,瑞银表示,损失是在过去3个月内投资标普500指数(s&p500)、dax指数和欧元区斯托克指数(eurostoxx)等股指期货造成的。

    In its statement , the bank alleged that the losses had been built up over the past three months in S & P 500 , DAX and euro Stoxx index futures .

  3. 欧元区采购经理人指数(PMI)显示,欧元区15国私营部门产出9月份已连续第4个月下降。

    Private-sector output in the 15-country region has contracted in September for the fourth consecutive month , according to eurozone purchasing managers ' indices .

  4. 德国、法国、意大利和西班牙的制造业活动出现收缩,MarkitEconomics的12月欧元区制造业指数因此降至该指数11年历史以来的最低水平。

    Manufacturing activity contracted in Germany , France , Italy and Spain , pushing the Markit Economics survey of euro-zone manufacturing last month to the lowest level in its11-year history .

  5. 欧元区综合pmi指数从45.7小幅升至45.8,其中制造业产出指数的回暖在很大程度上被服务业指数的恶化所抵消。

    The composite eurozone PMI edged up from 45.7 to 45.8 as an improvement in the manufacturing index was largely negated by a drop in service sector activity .

  6. 3月份欧元区采购经理人指数(PMI)这被视为可靠的经济活动趋势预警指数的意外上升,提供了迄今为止最为明显的迹象,即欧元区16国经济体经济萎缩的速度已开始放缓。

    An unexpected rise in March 's eurozone purchasing managers ' indices regarded as reliable early indicators of trends in activity provided the strongest clue yet that the rate at which the 16-country economy is contracting had started to slow .

  7. 在截止2014年7月的一年里,欧元区消费者价格指数上涨0.4%。

    In the year to July 2014 , consumer price inflation in the eurozone was 0.4 per cent .

  8. 在欧元区消费价格指数的增长率下探到负数之前,该地区的低通胀率早就拉响了警报。

    Well before eurozone consumer prices tipped below zero , the region 's low inflation rate had been raising alarms .

  9. 上周稍早公布的欧元区采购经理人指数显示,欧元升值已对新出口定单造成冲击,德国也未能幸免。

    Eurozone purchasing managers ' indices earlier this week had suggested the currency 's appreciation was hitting new export orders , including in Germany .

  10. 修正后的欧元区采购经理人指数证实了制造业出现萎缩,导致欧元汇率下跌,欧元区银行业股票受到冲击。

    The euro fell and bank shares across the region were hit as revised eurozone purchasing managers ' indices confirmed a contraction in manufacturing .

  11. 受到密切关注的一份欧元区调查显示,经修正,12月欧元区制造业指数降至33.9的新低。

    The revised version of a closely followed eurozone survey showed manufacturing activity there hitting a new low of 33.9 in December .