
  • 网络european style;Classic European Style
  1. 让居室整体看来大气而淡雅,将欧式风格时尚化、简单化。

    Let household to be grand elegant in the whole and make European style fashionized simplified .

  2. 一幢幢欧式风格的别墅精心摆放在自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园。

    Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely , constructs a world outside garden .

  3. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  4. 发布会既展出了浓郁欧式风格的服装,也不乏印度传统的纱丽长袍,它们的设计灵感主要来自大英帝国统治(EnglishRaj)前的各个朝代、尤以莫卧尔王朝(Mughaldynasty)为甚。

    There were traditional sari-like gowns as well as more European silhouettes , inspired largely by the regimes that preceded the English Raj , especially the Mughal dynasty .

  5. 我喜欢青岛。这里的建筑都是欧式风格的。

    I love Qingdao , which is famous for building style of European .

  6. 那些老建筑都是欧式风格。

    Those old buildings are all .

  7. 庐山东谷欧式风格老别墅景观设计

    The Landscape Design of the Old Villas With European Style in the East Vale on Lu Mountain

  8. 传统欧式风格的高贵典雅,同时追求简练、明快、浪漫及抽象的家居风格。

    Traditional European stylistic nobleness elegance , whilst in pursuit of simplicity , brightness , romance abstract household style .

  9. “形散神聚”是欧式风格的主要特点,在纵横开阖,步移景异中,展现欧式园林的精致与尊贵。

    Open and enclosed spaces , changing and varied landscape demonstrates the refinement and nobleness of the European garden .

  10. 华西村建造了数百套欧式风格豪华别墅,坐落在大烟囱、仓库和稻田之间。

    The village has built hundreds of European-style luxury villas that nestle between smokestacks , warehouses and rice paddies .

  11. 当然不会,但是你可以选择使用亚式或者欧式风格角色。

    A. While the character styling will not change , you can still play as an Asian or European character .

  12. 如果您的家中是以欧式风格为主,那么将带有中式风格的元素点缀其中,一定会为整个房间增色不少。

    If your home is a European-style oriented , then dotted with Chinese-style elements which will certainly livened up the whole room .

  13. 你看他们还做了镶边装饰,让房间看起来有种老欧式风格,但布局很现代。

    Look at what they 've done with the trim . It has an old-country look to it , but a modern layout .

  14. 广播大楼原外墙面为水刷石面层,为了不破坏原有的欧式风格,改造设计方案是在旧水刷石面层上喷涂外墙真石涂料。

    In order to keep the original European style , the contractor designed the renovation plan of spray granite-like coating on the old finish .

  15. 车头圆形雾灯与大灯的配合恰到好处,使得整个车头外观大气之余带些欧式风格。

    The front circular fog lamp and head lamp headlamp 's coordination just right , causes when the entire front outward appearance atmosphere belt western-style style .

  16. 本论文研究的目的是为我国现阶段欧式风格居住环境景观设计,提出设计原则、设计手法及设计要点。

    The purpose of this thesis is to propose design principles , design techniques and design points for current European-style landscape design in residential area of China .

  17. 威尼斯大酒店是湖南省永州市首家按照欧式风格建造的豪华商旅型酒店,位于永州市繁华的政治、金融、商业中心。

    Venice Hotel is the first luxury business hotel of Yongzhou city , Hunan province , which was constructed by the European style , located in the political , fiscal , business center .

  18. 浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了中西合壁的特色。许多知名人士都被认为具有自己的特殊风格。

    Of the concentrated modern history culture the person is past to reside ; All countries building had European style of typical model , become the special features of the Chinese and Western combined .

  19. 最后,本文进一步探讨欧式风格居住环境景观设计的手法和要点,为我国现代居住区中的欧式风格环境景观设计在理论和方法上提供依据和参考。

    Finally , this thesis further discusses the techniques and the key points for European-style environment landscape design , providing the basis and the reference for European-style landscape design in residential area in the theory and the method .

  20. 在世界博览广场的另一侧,成排欧式风格的建筑里分布着一家家高档餐厅和酒吧,门前停着许多挂红字车牌的豪华轿车。

    On the other side of the World Expo Center , rows of faux European buildings house upmarket restaurants and bars . Many of the cars out front are limousines with red characters on their licence plates , indicating use by government officials .

  21. 拜柏瑞阳光(Thesunshineofbibury)此套橱柜设计采用典型的欧式田园风格,设计上讲求心灵的自然回归感,给人一种扑面而来的清新气息。

    The sunshine of bibury The design of this kitchen mainly embodies the idea of British rural life , the design pursue spiritual ascription with natural freshness .

  22. 宾馆欧式装修风格,更显大方、浪漫。

    Hotel Continental style of decoration , more generous , romantic .

  23. 教堂顶上欧式的风格。

    Europe style of the roof .

  24. 这个设计是古典欧式金属风格,它的边角设计看起来高贵并且易于清洗。

    This model is classical metallic European style , whose bevel design style looks elegant and easy to clean surface .

  25. 款型及设计秉承欧式简约设计风格。

    Model and design adhering to the European contracted design style .

  26. 在欧式等国际风格住宅热卖了十几年以后,中国人也开始思考和建设属于自己的房子。

    After more than ten years ' hotness in the European and international style residential , the Chinese people begin to think about building their own house .

  27. 西方在室内设计方面对中国的影响至今还存在,我们至今能够看到各种所谓的欧式室内设计风格,但是中国对西方室内设计风格的影响却渐渐黯淡。

    Nowadays , the influences of Western over interior design certainly remain existent in China as different European interior styles are still observed numerously . However , the effects of Chinese interior design in the Western world are steadily faded .