
  • 网络Total market value;Market Capitalization;total market capitalization;market cap
  1. 前20只股票的权重仅占总市值的逾50%。

    The top 20 stocks are just over 50 per cent of the market cap by weighting .

  2. 这些新生儿的总市值只有3000亿美元,其中还有一半是Facebook。

    This group has a combined market cap of only $ 300 billion , half of which is represented by Facebook ( FB ) alone .

  3. 其中两家的规模非常庞大(中石油(PetroChina)和中国石化(ChinaPetroleum)),占销售总额的28%,总市值的四分之一。

    Two of the companies are very large ( Petrochina and China Petroleum ) accounting for 28 per cent of sales and a quarter of market capitalisation .

  4. 据统计,2007年底全球股票市场总市值57.4万亿美元,约为当年全球GDP的1.2倍。

    In 2007 , the total market value of global stock market is 57.4 trillion dollar about 1.2 times of the GDP that year .

  5. 沪深股市总市值23.57万亿元,占2008年GDP比例约95.4%。

    The total market value in Shanghai and Shenzhen securities market is 23.57 trillion Yuan , account for the GDP in 2008 approximately 95.4 % .

  6. 例如,在富时环球指数(ftseallworldindex)中,美国市场占总市值的41%,而中国仅占1.48%。

    For example , the US markets make up 41 per cent of the market capitalisation of the FTSE all world index . China only makes up 1.48 per cent .

  7. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)估计,此类贷款相当于符合融资交易条件的股票的自由流通股总市值的12%,国内生产总值(GDP)的3.5%。

    Goldman Sachs estimates such lending equals 12 per cent of the free-float market capitalisation of margin-eligible stocks , and 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product .

  8. 但欧盟立法者应该纳闷的是,为何欧盟8家最有价值的公司的总市值只有Facebook的10%,或者谷歌的6%。

    But EU legislators should be wondering why Europe 's eight most valuable companies are only worth about 10 per cent of Facebook or 6 per cent of Google .

  9. 如果加上Twitter和商务社交网站LinkedIn,三家公司已占据总市值的三分之二之多。

    Add in twitter ( TWTR ) and LinkedIn ( lnkd ) , and these three companies make up roughly two-thirds of this total market cap .

  10. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,高地持有的福布斯传媒少数股权目前减价80%,意味着福布斯传媒的总市值约为1.2亿美元。

    Fortune has learned that elevation is currently carrying its minority stake in Forbes media at an 80 % discount , meaning that the entire company would be worth around $ 120 million .

  11. 相比之下,2000年TMT板块占全球总市值的39%,他表示。

    Compare this with TMT , which accounted for 39 per cent of global market cap in 2000 , he says .

  12. 截止2002年底,境内上市公司数达1224家,总市值38329.13亿元,占我国GDP的37.43%。

    By the end of 2002 , there are 1224 domestic listed companies , the total market value of which is ¥ 3,832,913 million , accounting for 37.43 % of the GDP of our country .

  13. 投资者青睐赢家。中国股市的总市值虽未恢复到雷曼(Lehman)破产前的水平,但已超越日本,成为世界第二大。

    Investors love a winner and , although not back at pre-Lehman levels , China 's domestic market capitalisation has leapfrogged Japan to become the world 's second biggest .

  14. 截止到2009年12月底,沪深两市上市公司家数1477家,总市值达16万6千多亿元,与去年GDP相当。

    By the end of December 2009 , there was 1477 listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets with a total market capitalization of over 16 trillion 600 billion yuan , corresponding to the GDP last year .

  15. 我们不妨看一下目前十家最大的企业科技巨头的市值(SAP也是其中之一):它们的总市值超过1.3万亿美元。

    Take a look at the market cap of the 10 largest enterprise incumbents ( of which SAP is a member ) : There 's more than $ 1.3 trillion of market cap in this group .

  16. 它于去年12月表达了对Felix的兴趣,当时,Felix的股价刚刚超过每股5澳元(总市值约为10亿澳元)。

    It expressed interest in Felix last December when its target 's shares were trading at just over A $ 5 a share , or about A $ 1bn .

  17. 它们加起来颇有分量——深市总市值达1.34万亿美元,近期超过了澳大利亚的ASX200指数。

    Together they carry some weight - Shenzhen has a total capitalisation of $ 1.34tn , recently overtaking Australia 's ASX 200 .

  18. 这不仅超过了竞争对手雅虎(yahoo)的总市值,也是自上世纪90年代末互联网繁荣首次令硅谷员工的股票期权成为全球艳羡的对象以来,数额最大的意外财富之一。

    That is more than the entire stock market value of rival Yahoo , and represents one of the biggest windfalls since the dotcom boom of the late-1990s first made the stock options of Silicon Valley employees the subject of global envy .

  19. 本周一,社交媒体巨头Facebook的市值一度越过2000亿美元,跻身高端科技企业行列。但截至周二收盘,该公司股价小幅下跌,总市值稍低于该俱乐部的入门标准。

    Facebook 's value briefly passed the $ 200 billion mark on Monday , placing the social media giant in a rarefied club . By Tuesday 's close , however , it shares fell slightly , and the company 's market capitalization dipped just below the threshold .

  20. 情况很可能会有所改善,尽管此举不太可能对内地股市的整体投资者行为产生重大影响&因为已发放的QFII配额总计只有300亿美元,不到内地股市总市值的2%。

    Experience has most likely improved , although with the total amount of quota issued standing at $ 30bn , less than 2 per cent of the total mainland stock markets ' capitalisation , it is unlikely to have had a meaningful impact on overall investor behaviour .

  21. 通过比较一个国家的生产总市值。

    By comparing the total market value of a nation 's production .

  22. 这些公司现在的总市值约为8500亿美元。

    These companies now have a combined value of about $ 850bn .

  23. 中国内地股市市值仅占全球总市值7%。

    The Chinese market capitalisation stands at only 7 per cent of the global total .

  24. 自由流通股占总市值的比例相对较低。

    Equity free float as a proportion of total market capitalisation tends to be relatively low .

  25. 在泡沫处于顶峰时期,东京股市的市值超过全球股市总市值的一半。

    At its peak the Tokyo stock market was worth more than half of global market capitalisation .

  26. 我们调查的公司由总市值界定,因此会有一些变化。

    The companies we examine are defined by market capitalisation . As a result there are changes .

  27. 在纽约证交所上市的28家中国内地公司的全球总市值达7900亿美元。

    The total global market capitalisation of the 28 NYSE-listed Chinese companies from the mainland is $ 790bn .

  28. 五年内最大的几个集团的总市值缩水了约90%。

    In five years , the combined market capitalisation of the biggest groups has shrunk by about nine-tenths .

  29. 我可以举一个简单的例子:在1973年,华盛顿邮报公司的总市值为8千万美元。

    One quick example : The Washington Post Company in1973 was selling for $ 80 million in the market .

  30. 目前中国上市公司总市值已经超过国内生产总值并达到十九万亿元人民币。

    At present the total market capitalization of listed companies already surpassed GDP and amounts to 19 trillion Yuan .