
  • 网络land area
  1. 作为天津市海河开发建设七大异国风情区项目之一的德式风情区,坐落在河西区界内,原为天津德租界,规划总用地面积47.02公顷。

    Tianjin Haihe River as the development and construction of seven exotic one area of the German customs area , located in the west of the district boundaries , the former German concession in Tianjin , planning the total land area of 47.02 hectares .

  2. 江北城总用地面积2平方公里,自然条件独具特色,山丘河谷脉络清晰,林木茂盛,为城市通风提供了良好的条件。

    Jiangbei town covers a total area of2 square kilometers , with unique natural conditions , clear lines of mountains and rivers , and luxuriant forests , all of which provide a sound ventilation for the city .

  3. 中国广东省江门市政府上周六在网站上发布了一份简短声明说,不再考虑这个投资人民币300亿元(48亿美元)、总用地面积229公顷的核燃料工业园项目。项目原计划落址江门卫星城鹤山市。

    In a terse statement posted to its website Saturday , the government of Jiangmen city in southern China 's Guangdong province said it was no longer considering the 30 billion yuan ( $ 4.8 billion ) , 229-hectare industrial park that had been planned for the satellite town of Heshan .

  4. 研究区内森林分布不均,以有林地为主,占总林业用地面积的94.86%。

    There is imbalance in the location of different forest patch types . Forest land type is the dominant landscape , their area accounts for 87.35 % of the total vegetation area .

  5. 比如说,上海几年前把容积率(总建筑面积与总用地面积的比率)上限从6-8降到2.5-4,以避免市中心变成混凝土丛林。

    Shanghai , for example , lowered the maximum plot ratio , ie the gross floor area that you are allowed to build , years ago from 6 to 8 to 2.5 to 4 in order to avoid the inner city becoming a concrete jungle .