
  1. 档案信息化建设中MIS软件的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of MIS Software in Information Construction of Archives

  2. 档案信息化建设与档案的开发利用

    The Construction of Archives Information and its Development and Utilization

  3. 高校房产档案信息化建设存在的问题及对策

    Problems and countermeasures of the construction of university real estate file informationization

  4. 高校档案信息化建设的深入发展带来了诸多伦理问题。

    The development of college archiving information brings up many ethical problems .

  5. 影响中国档案信息化建设的文化分析

    A Cultural Analysis of Affecting China Construction of Archives Information

  6. 基层档案信息化建设的主要保障措施

    The Main Ensuring Measures of Archives Informatization Construction in the Grass-roots Level

  7. 企业档案信息化建设中系统安全问题探索

    An Inquiry into Problems of System Safety in Information Construction of Business Archives

  8. 浅谈电子公文归档管理与学校档案信息化建设

    On Electronic Documents Management and Archives ′ Information Construction

  9. 强化高职院校档案信息化建设的思路与对策

    Thoughts and Countermeasures on Strengthening Construction of Archives Informatization of Higher Vocational Colleges

  10. 基于知识管理的企业档案信息化建设研究

    Research on Enterprise Archive Informationization Based on Knowledge Management

  11. 以落实为目标,尊重档案信息化建设规律。

    Regard implementing as the goal , respect the file information construction law .

  12. 实现五个突破加快高校档案信息化建设

    Realize " Five Breakthrough " and Promote Archives Informatization in Colleges and Universities

  13. 档案信息化建设中质量、投入与速度的博弈

    Games of Quality , Inputs & Speed in the Construction of Archives Informatization

  14. 目前它受内、外诸多因素的影响,严重地制约着档案信息化建设。

    It is affected and limited by so many facts of inner and outer .

  15. 档案信息化建设的一些探讨

    Probe into the Informatization Construction of Archive

  16. 结果:计划生育科技档案信息化建设无明确统一标准;

    Results : the science and technology file informationization construction has no clear uniform standards ;

  17. 浅谈企业档案信息化建设

    On the Information Construction of Enterprise Archives

  18. 高校人事档案信息化建设初探

    Informationalization of Personnel Archives in Universities

  19. 高等学校档案信息化建设

    File information construction in higher schools

  20. 我们要充分认识档案信息化建设在电子政务建设中的地位和作用。

    We must understand the file informationization construction fully , in the E-government constructs the status and the function .

  21. 在实现档案信息化建设的过程中,应实现档案工作现代化、档案工作标准化、档案工作开放化、档案工作服务化。

    During archives information building , should realize the modernization , standardization , open and service of archives work .

  22. 抓住发展机遇大力推进全省档案信息化建设

    To Grasp the Development Opportunities and Devote Major Efforts to Promote the Construction of the Archival Information in Sichuan Province

  23. 随着档案信息化建设的全面铺开,我国档案事业发展已经进入数字档案馆建设的新阶段。

    With the development of archival informatization , archival undertaking of our country has stepped into new stage , that is digital archives construction .

  24. 文中分析了高职院校档案信息化建设的现状,提出了新形式下高职院校档案信息化建设的对策。

    The author analyzes the present situation of file information construction work in higher vocational technologies , puts up countermeasures in the new situation .

  25. 文章分析了档案信息化建设中对知识产权保护的影响及措施。

    This paper analyzes on the influence of the construction of archives informatization on the intellectual property right protection , and puts forward some countermeasures .

  26. 高校档案信息化建设应考虑以下几方面:一是多媒体档案数字化;

    For the informationization of the archives in universities , the followings should be taken into consideration : first , the digitalization of the files ;

  27. 在档案信息化建设全面推进的今天,档案网站建设作为其中的重要内容业已成为当前关注的热点之一。

    Today the construction of archives information has been comprehensively pushed forward . The construction of the archives website has become one of the hot topics .

  28. 企业档案信息化建设是企业信息化的重要组成部分,是现代企业档案信息资源开发利用的前提。

    As a premise to the information usage of modern business achieves , the informational construction of business achieves plays an important part in business informatization .

  29. 作为大连数字物流港工程的重要组成部分,大连港档案信息化建设项目随之启动。

    As an important constituent of the " Engineering of Dalian Digital Logistics Harbor ", the project of Dalian file informationization will also along with it start .

  30. 并着重叙述了档案信息化建设过程中四个方面的重要性、必要性以及合理实施措施。

    It also discusses the development foreground of microcosmic science and technology archives and states the importance , necessary and proper application measures of archives information construction .