
dànɡ àn jú
  • archives bureau;record office
  1. 中国北京市档案局、档案馆于1996年建成档案网站,开创了中国档案网站的先河。

    The Chinese archives bureau of Peking City , the archives building sets up in 1996 the archives website , founded the Chinese archives website first river .

  2. 本论文的课题背景是国家档案局立项课题集成网络环境下电子文件档案管理系统的理论与应用研究。

    This project thesis comes from the subject that State Archives Bureau set up The theory and application research of the Electronic Archive Management System under the Integrated Networks Environment .

  3. ERB考试——以负责此次考试的教育档案局(EducationalRecordsBureau)的名字命名——会决定一个孩子能否进入那些最优秀的私立幼儿园,例如有拉克伦•默多克(LachlanMurdoch)和伊万娜•特朗普(IvanaTrump)等校友的圣三一学院幼儿园(Trinity)。

    The ERB - named after the Educational Records Bureau which administers it - determines if a child can get into the best private schools , such as Trinity which includes Lachlan Murdoch and Ivana Trump among its alumni .

  4. 注:统计范围:市、县(市)区档案局,国家综合档案馆。

    Note : Statistical Limits are Archives of Each District and County .

  5. 一些重要的地图逐渐从国家档案局消失。

    A set of very important maps are missing from the National Archives .

  6. 7个研究对象中又以中国国家档案局网站在线服务的情况最不如人意。

    Online service of website of the state archives administration of China is most unsatisfactory .

  7. 政府机构每一天都产生可能移交给国家档案局的新档案。

    Every day Government agencies create new records that might be transferred to the National Archives .

  8. 根据国家档案局的要求,对于这些重要的电子档案各级档案局(馆)需要进行及时、有效、安全地收集管理并加以利用。

    According to the policy from the National Archives , these important electronic files must be collected effectively by Archives ( Museum ) .

  9. 至于政府行政机关现行文件开放的主体地位确立以后,档案局(馆)的现行文件阅览中心是否继续开办,应视情况而定。

    As to whether the current record reading centers in archives ( record office ) continue to exist or not after it has been established , should depend upon the state of affair .

  10. 档案局(保存官方档案可供公众查阅).代理诉讼的律师和其他诉讼代理人有权调查收集证据,可以查阅本案有关材料。

    Public Record Office ( place where official records are kept and made available to the public ) Lawyers acting as litigant representatives or other representatives of the litigant have the rights to investigate , collect evidence and inspect the files of the case in question .

  11. 最后分析介绍河南省辉县档案局近几年大力推行的以档案行政执法为主的管理经验和成绩,为本文的观点提供实践方面的支撑。

    In the final , in order to support the point of this article in practice , the author introduces the experience and success of Hui county archives in Henan province to push to manage archives according to the administrative law enforcement primarily in recent years .

  12. 国家档案局等四部委关于《国有企业资产与产权变动档案处置暂行办法》的相关规定与全宗理论中的来源原则既有相通又有相悖之处。

    There are some identity and contradictions between related the regulations of ″ Temporary Methods of Archival Disposition in Change of Property and Property Rights of State-Owned Enterprises ″ issued by four Ministries and Departments including State Archives Bureau and the principle of provenance of fonds theory .

  13. 为实现新盈利模式,本文建议成立国家信用档案管理局,制定《资产抵押法》、《信用管理法》和《个人信用消费法》等。

    To realize the new model , this paper suggests establishing National Credit Bureau , and making Assets Mortgage Law , Credit Management Law and Personal Credit Consumption Law .

  14. 美国国家档案文件管理局的电子邮件文件管理规范及反馈评价综述

    The Management Standard of E.Mail Records of NARA of the U.S. and a Summary of Its Feedback and Appraisals

  15. 国家档案和文件管理局(NARA)是保藏、维护这些资料并利用这些资料进行研究的政府机构。

    The National Archives and Records Administration ( NARA ) is the Government agency that preserves and maintains these materials and makes them available for research .

  16. 有关的档案由联邦调查局保管。

    The files in question are in the custody of the fbi .

  17. 近年来,我国大力推进档案信息化建设,全国各地档案局(馆)的数字档案馆建设开展得如火如荼。

    The construction of digital archives has been carried out in full swing all over the country in recent years , because of the vigorous promotion of archives informatization .

  18. 基于同质性和可比性的原则,本次测评选取了浙江省十一个地市级档案馆作为测评对象,将测评结果与浙江省档案局进行的测评结果进行比较研究。

    Based on the principle of homogeneity and comparability , the thesis choose 11 cities in Zhejiang Province to evaluate , then do comparative research with the result and that of Zhejiang Archives .