
dànɡ àn fēn lèi
  • classification of documents
  1. 甲历档案分类保管,按出身、官阶和资历等等列分开,便于每年度铨选的查阅和统计。

    Occupy first place over the calendar classification of documents storage , part according to columns such as family background , official rank and experience , easy to spend steelyard selections every year looking up and statistics .

  2. 该系统由用户层、表示层、业务逻辑层、EIS存储层构成,能够实现文件全文检索、文件名检索、用户密码修改、用户管理、档案分类以及查询修改等操作。

    The system consists of user layer , express layer , operation logic layer and EIS storage layer . It can provide the functions such as text search in a file , filename search , password change , user management , the classification , query and modification of files .

  3. 电焊机产品档案分类编号初探

    Trial Exploration for Filing Classified Number of Electric Welding Machine products

  4. 他这个星期会告诉我按照字母顺序将档案分类

    He 'll tell me to sort the files alphabetically one week

  5. 基于《金融档案分类表》的自动分类算法研究

    Research on the Automatic Categorization Algorithm Based on the Finance Archive Categorization

  6. 《环境保护档案分类表》的应用初探

    Preliminary Study on the Application of Classification Forms of Environmental Protection Archives

  7. 图书分类与档案分类的互鉴研究

    A Comparative Study Between Classified Books And Archives

  8. 旅游档案分类编号的方法

    Methods of Classifying and Numbering the Tourism Files

  9. 通过各种手段,政府已经以令人措不及防的速度将档案分类处理。

    By any measure , the administration has been classifying documents at a dizzying pace .

  10. 档案分类和索引系统

    Records classification and indexing system

  11. 其侧重点不在于提供一个放之四海皆准的档案分类方案,而是侧重于以房地产企业实际需求为基点的解决这一类企业档案分类问题的一种新的建设性分类思路。

    Their attention is not to provide a universally applicable classification scheme file , It was a real estate enterprise archive management , the actual demand .

  12. 为适应防震减灾事业的发展,对《地震档案分类表》的进一步完善提出建议。

    The paper presented a suggestion to perfect the " category table of seismic archives " completely for adapting to the development of earthquake prevention and disaster relief cause .

  13. 本文的最终研究目标是建立以房地产企业管理类档案分类原则为基础的相对科学合理的房地产企业管理类档案分类方案。

    This final research goal is to establish real estate enterprise management archives classification scheme . It must be reasonable , and , with real estate enterprise management archives based on classification principles .

  14. 我相信在克洛斯比商业实习班修完这门课后,我能够替贵公司设置并且操作一套档案分类系统。

    I feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which I completed at the Crosby School of Business , I can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization .

  15. 该文介绍了《中国档案分类法〈地震档案分类表〉》的分类体系及其在中国地震局地球物理研究所的应用,指出了它在应用中存在的一些问题。

    The paper depicts the classification system of the Chinese Archives Classification ( the Seismological Archives Classification List ) and its application to the Institute of Geophysics , CSB ; points out some problems existing in the application of the classification list .

  16. 档案分类法的继承与借鉴、档案鉴定理论与标准的初步形成、档案保管期限由分散到统一的发展以及走出封闭第一步的档案利用制度,则是档案管理法规近代化的重要标志。

    The inheritance and development of the Classification method , the initial forming of archive appraisal theories and standards , gradual standardization of archive retention periods , and the pioneer reference system for archive opening are then the essential milestones of the archival legislations and regulations modernization .

  17. 浅谈城市测绘档案实体分类

    The Simple Discussion of Entity Sort of Urban Surveying and Mapping Files

  18. 乡镇档案的分类与收集范围

    Classification and Range of Collecting Archives of Villages and Towns

  19. 论述档案实体分类及其在企业生产经营活动中的重要性。

    The article talks about archive classification and importance in enterprise operation .

  20. 高校档案实体分类法中教学工作类类目设置

    Discuss Table installation of Teaching Work Category in College Archival Entity Classification

  21. 建立新生心理健康档案,分类处理;

    Establishing documents of psychological health for freshmen and managing them in categories .

  22. 试论农业科技档案的分类

    Classification of archives of the agricultural science and technology

  23. 也许这些档案和分类帐有些地方不太对。

    Perhaps there was something not quite right about the files and the ledgers .

  24. 浅谈高校档案实体分类标准的认识

    Discussion about the recognization of archives classsification standard in the institutes and higher learning

  25. 家庭档案的分类及归档范围

    Classification and Filing Range of family Archives

  26. 文书类档案的分类标引研究

    On Indexing Classification for Document Archive

  27. 本文就国家实验室档案的分类原则和分类方法两方面进行了讨论。

    Author arose sort principle and method of archives , he based on the work characteristic of country lab.

  28. 在第二部分,介绍了传统纸质档案的分类整理理论与方法。

    In the second part , this paper introduces the traditional paper files to sort of theory and methods .

  29. ⑶本研究提出医院综合档案职能分类法,并灵活运用到系统模块设计中。

    ⑶ The research proposes " function classification of hospital comprehensive archives " that is flexibly applied to system module design .

  30. 水电建设项目工程档案的分类方案与档号编制,是工程文件归档整理、组卷的关键问题之一。

    For hydropower construction projects , achieves classification and number preparation is a critical issue in sorting-out and voluming of project documents .