
  1. 档案中介机构在私人档案管理中的应用

    The Use of Medium Organizations in Management of Private Archives

  2. 最后对我国档案中介机构的未来发展市场和发展趋势进行了展望。

    Finally , the future development of archival intermediary market and development trends are discussed .

  3. 本文从档案中介机构的一些基本内容入手,研究了档案业务外包的含义、形成动因、发展历程和积极意义。

    Start from the some of the basic content of the archive intermediaries archive outsourcing meaning of formative causation , development process and positive significance .

  4. 文章针对档案中介机构存在的问题从档案中介机构自身,整个档案中介机构行业,档案业务发包部门,社会监督和社会立法方面寻找解决方法。

    The article intermediaries problems intermediaries from the archive itself , the entire file intermediaries industry , archive contracting sector , social supervision and social legislation to find a solution .

  5. 档案中介机构的发展遭遇了瓶颈,用新的切实可行的档案中介机构发展的理论来审视和指导档案中介机构的发展具有重大意义。

    Archive intermediaries suffered a bottleneck to the development of the theory of development to look at the practical archive intermediaries and guidance files intermediaries development is of great significance .

  6. 档案中介服务机构研究

    The Research of Agency Organ of Archives

  7. 文章注重结合其他中介机构的先进经验进行研究,对档案中介服务机构从机构的建立、管理、服务等方面进行全方位的解剖,提出建议。

    On the basis of advanced experience of other organ agency , some advices of organ establishment , administration and servings are proposed .

  8. 我国档案业务外包的重要载体&档案中介机构的良性发展将极大地助力于我国档案事业。

    Healthily promoting the development of the archive intermediary organizations that are important carriers of our archive business outsourcing will benefit our archive work a lot .