
  1. 浅谈网络时代的高校档案数字化建设

    Discusses on Digitalization Construction of University Archives in the Network Times

  2. 浅谈基层农技部门的档案数字化建设

    Shallow talk about archives to be digital of grass-roots agri-tech section

  3. 高校声像档案数字化建设研究

    Research on digital construction of audio-visual archives in institutions of higher learning

  4. 浅谈交通档案数字化的基本原则和程序

    The fundamental principles and base programs of digitalized traffic archive

  5. 地质科技档案数字化管理工作方法与思路

    Managing Method and Thoughts in Digitizing Geological and Technological Files

  6. 一种新型档案数字化信息灾害备份方法

    A New Backup Method of the Archives Digitalized Information Disaster

  7. 适应时代发展搞好化工企业档案数字化

    Improvement Archives Digitalization of Chemical Enterprise Meeting the Time Development

  8. 浅谈档案数字化建设中应遵循的几个原则

    Several principles should be followed in archives digitization construction

  9. 析高校图书馆档案数字化建设

    On the digitalization construction of archives in university libraries

  10. 科技档案数字化发展与数字化实践研究

    Research of Digital Development and Practice in Scientific Document

  11. 档案数字化建设中若干问题的研究

    The Research on a Number of Questions in the Construction of Archives Digitizing

  12. 历史纸质气象档案数字化技术策略初步分析

    Preliminary Researches on Digitizing Paper Meteorological History Archives

  13. 简论高校档案数字化建设

    Brief Study on Digital Construction of University Archives

  14. 在系统中,拟定将纸质档案数字化为数字图像。

    In the system , the papery archive is transferred into digital document image .

  15. 基层卫生单位档案数字化管理的几点认识

    Experience of archives digitalization in basic health units

  16. 档案数字化的格式选择

    On the form choice of archive 's digitalization

  17. 去年我们把所有档案数字化了

    We digitized all our archives last year .

  18. 把档案数字化然后通过限制访问浪费成果不啻自扳台脚。

    It is self-defeating to digitize the archives and waste the results by restricting access .

  19. 高校档案数字化是当前档案工作发展的一个重要组成部分。

    The digital construction of university archives is the important part of archives development nowadays .

  20. 而专门论及少数民族历史档案数字化建设的论文就更微乎其微。

    But he paper concern on the minority history archives digitized construction is very few .

  21. 对档案数字化建设进行研究具有十分重要的意义。

    The study on the construction of the digitized archives has a very important significance .

  22. 高职院校档案数字化是高校信息化建设的必然趋势。

    University digital archive has been an inevitable trend for the construction of information-based university .

  23. 第三,搞好企业档案数字化建设必须提高管理人员的素质;

    Improve the quality of administrative personnel ;

  24. 浅谈档案数字化管理

    On the Digitized Management of Archives

  25. 档案数字化研究

    The Research on Archives Digitizing

  26. 对档案数字化建设的思考

    On Digitalization Construction of Archives

  27. 高校教学档案数字化目标与实现途径

    The Aim of the Digitization of Teaching Archives in Higher Learning Schools and the Approach to Realize It

  28. 档案数字化工作给予了档案人新的使命和机遇,然而在实际工作中也存在很多问题和困难。

    Digitization tasks not only bring archivists new missions and opportunities but also many practical problems and difficulties .

  29. 信息技术的高速发展和应用要求档案数字化。

    And it is necessary to convert classic archives into electronic files along with the rapid development and application of information technologies .

  30. 档案数字化是档案工作的必然趋势,也是驻缅中资企业档案管理的工作方向。

    Archival digitization is the inevitable trend of archival work and the direction of archival management of the Chinese enterprises to Myanmar .