
  1. 医院档案网络化管理的构建与优化途径

    Construction and optimizing method for networking management of archives in hospitals

  2. 高等院校档案网络化管理的研究与应用

    Study and application for the file network management of the high school

  3. 对健康档案网络化管理的伦理学思考

    Ethical Considerations centered upon Network Management of Health Record

  4. 对远程教育学籍档案网络化管理的探索

    Probe into the Networking Management of Students ' Records Files in Distance Education

  5. 文章还对档案网络化管理工作中存在的问题进行了对策分析。

    In viewing the problems existed in files network management , it presents some corresponding solutions .

  6. 健康档案网络化管理是实现基本公共卫生服务均等化目标的重要举措之一。

    Network management of health record is an important measure to realize the aim of equalization of the basic public health services .

  7. 同时探讨了医院档案网络化管理的硬件环境,软件及管理系统内容的构建与优化。

    The article also explores the hardware environment , construction and optimizing method of software and management issues in networking management of archives in hospital .

  8. 油田企业档案信息网络化管理的探讨

    Discussion on Network Management of Files Resource of Petroleum Enterprise

  9. 档案信息网络化管理中应注意的问题

    Problems In The Archives Information Network Management

  10. 谈教学档案的网络化管理

    Network Administration of Teaching Archives

  11. 本文在论述档案信息网络化管理必要性与可行性的基础上,重点论述了实现档案信息网络化应做的各种前期准备工作,并指出了档案信息网络化建设应当处理好四个方面的关系。

    On base of discussing the need and feasibility of networked management of archives information , this paper focus on the preparative work of realizing networked archives and four relationships that should be disposed during the construction of archives computer network .

  12. 优化医院档案信息网络化管理系统的总体设想即出发点必须放在立足本院、本部门的实际工作上;其次,要对档案管理网络化建设的需求进行准确定位。

    The base and general consideration for optimizing system for networking management of archives information in hospital should be based on the practical work of hospital and department , then it needs a correct positing for the construction of networking management of archives in hospital .

  13. 论人事档案信息的网络化管理

    On network management of personal archives

  14. 档案信息网络化在档案管理中的应用前景

    Files in the File of Information Network Management Applications

  15. 与此同时,档案网络化&给档案管理者在业务素质和专业技能上提出了更高的要求,并给档案管理科学化、规范化提出了更高的要求。

    In the mean time , the networking of files will put higher requirements on file managers with regard to their qualifications and managing skills , and on the scientific and standardized managing of files .

  16. 通过对档案管理信息系统的建设,大连港档案管理实现了收集、管理、检索和查询为一体的档案信息网络化管理,为建设数字化档案馆奠定了坚实的基础。

    By using the information system of file management , it fulfilled an integrated management system for file collecting , managing , retrieving and inquiring , which has laid a solid foundation for constructing digitized archives .