
  1. 在对该网络的网络效率和节点重要性指数进行模拟计算后,对该地区的供应链发展和风险预防提出了一些建议,为政府和供应链管理者提供了一定的决策支持。

    After the network efficiency and node importance result was calculated , some suggestions in the area of supply chain development and risk prevention were put forward for the government . It can help provides certain decision-making support on supply chain management .

  2. 同时,基于管理主体的不同,我们将供应链协同管理分为企业层供应链协同管理和政府层供应链协同管理。

    Meanwhile , base on the different subject of the management of SC , we divide the management into enterprise layer and government layer .

  3. 本文的目的是基于新的信息技术,为企业和政府提供新的供应链管理思路和方法。

    The object of this paper is to provide new ideas and methods of supply chain management based on the new information technologies for enterprises and governments .

  4. 在分析政府采购供应链主要特征的基础上,结合我国政府采购的现实,探讨了政府采购应用供应链管理的意义和需解决的几个主要问题。

    On the basis of analyzing the leading features of mode , the meaning and some major problems in application of supply chain management are discussed .