
  • 网络government performance audit;Performance Auditing in Government
  1. 第二部分针对理论界对3E标准的批评,借鉴平衡计分卡的原理,提出一个政府绩效审计平衡计分卡的基本框架。

    For the second part of the theoretical circle on the three E standards criticism , learn from the principles of the Balanced Scorecard , a government performance audit by the basic framework of the Balanced Scorecard .

  2. 第一章:政府绩效审计的本质与功能。

    The second chapter : Nature and functions of performance audit .

  3. 第三部分:政府绩效审计的绿色GDP评价指标设计。

    Third part : Design on appraised index system of government performance auditing - Green GDP system .

  4. 在此理论基础上,结合指标体系的设计原则和科学发展观的指导思想,本文对绿色GDP指标体系进行了设计,并对该绿色GDP指标中部分重点指标在政府绩效审计中的应用进行了分析。

    On this basis , combined the designing principles of the index system and guidelines of the scientific development concept , this paper has designed Green GDP index system tentatively .

  5. 这一部分介绍了政府绩效审计中绿色GDP指标的内涵,分析了构建政府绩效审计的绿色GDP评价指标体系的意义与可行性。

    This part introduces Green GDP 's academic base and connotation and proves that it is both necessary and feasible to set up Green GDP index system as appraised index system of government performance auditing ;

  6. 政府绩效审计是对被审计单位在履行职责过程中使用资源的经济性、效率性、效果性进行的审查和评价也称为三E审计或效益审计。

    Government performance auditing , also called " 3E Audit " or " Benefit Audit ", is the examination and evaluation regarding to economy , efficiency and effectiveness of audited units , in which government can audit the corporations about their using of resources in the process of their duties .

  7. 国际政府绩效审计研究:一个文献综述

    The Study on International Government Performance Auditing : A Literature Review

  8. 构建我国政府绩效审计模式的研究

    Research on the Contribution to Performance Auditing in the Chinese Government

  9. 美国政府绩效审计方法的变迁及启示

    Approach Change of Governmental Performance Audit in USA and Its Enlightenment

  10. 地方政府绩效审计:基于辽宁省的问卷调查研究

    Local Government Performance Audit : A Questionnaire Survey from Liaoning Province

  11. 政府绩效审计与项目评估:实践特征及融合

    Government Performance Audit and Program Evaluation : Practical Characteristics and Its Integration

  12. 第二部分对政府绩效审计问题的理论进行分析。

    Part Two analyzes the theory of government performance audit .

  13. 深圳政府绩效审计研究与启示

    A Study of the Government Performance Auditing in Shenzhen : Its Enlightenment

  14. 政府绩效审计与政府会计改革的互动关系研究

    Interactive Relationship of Government Performance Audit and Government Accounting Reform

  15. 政府绩效审计已经成为国家审计的主要形式。

    Government Performance Audit has become the main form of national audit .

  16. 全面推进我国政府绩效审计发展的对策研究

    A Study on Development Countermeasures of Our Government Performance Audit

  17. 关于有效开展政府绩效审计的思考

    Consideration on the effective implement of the governmental audit on the beneficial result

  18. 第二章:政府绩效审计的要素。

    The third chapter : Factors of performance audit .

  19. 第五章对我国开展政府绩效审计的现实环境进行分析。

    Chapter 5 analyses the environments of government performance audit in our country .

  20. 方法要素:政府绩效审计方法体系的构建应体现层次性、鲜明性,故本文将政府绩效审计方法分为总体审计指导方法、证据收集方法和证据分析方法三个层次进行构建和阐述。

    The method system should be layer and clear .

  21. 政府绩效审计理论与实务研究

    A Theoretical and Practical Study on Government Performance Auditing

  22. 我国政府绩效审计模式的可行性理论框架

    On the Theoretical Framework of the Feasibility of Merit Auditing Model of the Government

  23. 我国政府绩效审计风险原因解析与对策

    An Analysis of the Causes for the Risk of Government Performance Auditing and Countermeasures

  24. 理论界亦纷纷把目光投向政府绩效审计领域。

    Theorists have also set their sights on the area of government performance audit .

  25. 在此基础上,分析了我国开展政府绩效审计的必要性和可行性。

    Finally , it analyses the necessity and feasibility on the government performance auditing .

  26. 政府绩效审计的国际比较

    On the International Comparison of Government Performance Auditing

  27. 县(市)级政府绩效审计目标的特点分析

    Analyzing Characteristic of County Government Performance Audit Objective

  28. 二是尝试性地开展政府绩效审计工作;

    Carrying out tentative auditing of government performance ;

  29. 本文从理论与实践两方面对政府绩效审计进行了较为全面的分析。

    This article analyzes the government performance audit form both theoretical and practical aspects .

  30. 政府绩效审计的产生、发展是审计环境发生变化的结果。

    Emerging and developing of government performance auditing are the results of audit environment variation .