
  • 网络government monopoly;state monopoly;public monopoly
  1. 银行信贷必须对私企放开,同时建设严格的监管机制,以防范政府垄断。

    Bank credit needs to be loosened for private companies and a tough regulatory regime should be designed to guard against a state monopoly .

  2. 其实出租车行业是开放比较早的行业,不存在政府垄断。

    The taxi industry was one of the first industries on the open market , and a government monopoly doesn 't exist .

  3. 第二,城市更新主体单一,政府垄断城市更新。

    Secondly , the urban renewal is monopole by the government .

  4. 对土地一级市场政府垄断的思考

    Thoughts on " Government Monopoly of Primary Land Market "

  5. 邮政服务由政府垄断。

    The post services are a government monopoly .

  6. 并且,当时的对外贸易由政府垄断。

    And it was monopolized by the government .

  7. 最后对由政府垄断基础设施投融资导致的问题进行了分析。

    On the basis of that , it analyses the results caused by government domination .

  8. 地方政府垄断土地一级市场,以确保地方财政收入来源稳定。

    The local governments monopolize the primary market , which ensures the governments ' revenue .

  9. 他说:在苏联时代,政府垄断了武力。

    In Soviet times , the state had a monopoly of force , he said .

  10. 略谈政府垄断土地一级市场的问题和对策

    Brief discussion on the questions and Countermeasures of government 's monopoly on primary market of land

  11. 对策:打破政府垄断,开放经营主体,引进竞争机制。

    Countermeasure : Break the monopoly of government , open business units and import competition system .

  12. 但是政府垄断经营的基本格局和长期存在的低效率问题仍然没有从根本上改观。

    The government still manage these industries monopoly , efficiency in those industries is very low .

  13. 为了增加收入,茶的买卖由政府垄断。

    Efforts at state monopozation occurred in an attempt to control the revenue of the tea trade .

  14. 因此,必须建立政府垄断一级土地出让市场的城市土地供应机制及相应的城市土地供应模式。

    Therefore , the city land supply mechanism and the corresponding city land supply pattern should be established .

  15. 近年来,我国开始打破政府垄断,在公共服务提供的过程中引入市场竞争机制。

    In recent years , China has started to break the governmental-monopolization , introduce market mechanism into public service .

  16. 除此之外,盐的经营权由政府垄断,是国家收入的重要来源。

    Besides , the supply of salt was controlled by government monopoly and provided an important source of revenue .

  17. 它是解决政府垄断与市场竞争、公共供给与需求之间的矛盾的前提。

    It is prerequisite to resolving contradictions between governmental monopolization and market competition , between pubic supply and demand .

  18. 政府垄断着城市更新的决策和实施,其他的利益相关方只是被动的接受,没有参与性。

    The government monopolizes the decision-making and implementation of the urban renewal . Other stakeholders are just a passive acceptance .

  19. 他让政府垄断檀香木贸易并对造访船只征税。

    He established a government monopoly in the sandalwood trade , and he collected duties ( charges ) from visiting ships .

  20. 在计划经济体制下,公共物品与服务领域无一例外地采取严格的政府垄断机制,造成了公共资源配置过程中的极大浪费和低效。

    In the period of planed economy , the fields of public articles and service are rigorously controlled by the government ;

  21. 在公司控制权市场来说,这是由政府垄断控制资本资源导致的寻租行为。

    This is a rent-seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government 's monopolistic control over financial resources .

  22. 但是,在一些集中度较高、特别是涉及政府垄断的行业中,横向兼并已经有可能对消费者福利造成损害。

    However , in the market with high concentration especially involved in administration monopoly , the horizontal mergers may harm customer welfare .

  23. 然而,在既有的政府垄断性供给体系下,社区普遍存在公共物品供给短缺。

    However , under the current supply system of government monopoly , it is universal to community 's supply shortage of public goods .

  24. 公用事业由于其自身行业的自然垄断性,传统体制下一直由政府垄断经营。

    Because of the natural monopolization of the public utilities , it used to be run by the government in the traditional system .

  25. 在19世纪,由于政府垄断着货币政策,私营银行被禁止发行自己的货币。

    In the 19th century , private banks were prohibited from issuing their own money as governments asserted a monopoly over monetary policy .

  26. 体育产业与政府垄断问题研究&2010年广州第16届亚运会运作模式的探讨

    Research on Sports Industry and Government Monopolization & Exploring the Operating Model of the 16th Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou in 2010

  27. 网络经济条件下的垄断市场特征与政府垄断规制&兼与工业经济条件下的垄断市场比较

    The characteristic of monopolistic market and regulations of government monopoly under network economy condition & And concurrently compared with that under traditional industrial economy condition

  28. 由此观点引起的争论,曾在世界范围内进行,并形成了一些国家对劳务派遣的政府垄断管制。

    From this point of view argument , in the world , and the formation of a number of countries sending labor government monopoly control .

  29. 第二节特别关注于电信行业的政府垄断问题,这种垄断是危害最大的一种垄断,必须予以彻底的反对。

    The second section pays an especial attention to the governmental monopoly in the telecommunication industry , which is the most dangerous monopoly of all .

  30. 经济学上的垄断是指对市场的控制和干预,它包括企业垄断和政府垄断。

    The economic monopolization refers to the control over the market and the interference in it . It contains the enterprise monopolization and the government monopolization .