
zī běn lǒnɡ duàn
  • Capital monopoly;monopoly of capital
  1. 青海的商业,在建省之后,逐渐向官僚资本垄断的方向发展。

    Commerce of Qinghai , after building the province , the direction monopolized to the bureaucratic capital gradually is developed .

  2. 经济上,兴办洋务实业,打破了外国资本垄断,削弱了列强的经济侵略。

    In economy , they engaged in the western-style industry and commerce , finishing the monopoly of the foreign capital and weakening the economic invasion of the big powers .

  3. 国际垄断在经历了资源禀赋和资本垄断的发展阶段后,尤其是20世纪80年代以后,随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国际垄断进入到一个全新的发展阶段。

    After the capital and factor endowment advantage development stage of international monopoly , international monopoly has progressed to a new level with the development of global economy especially after the 80 's of last century .

  4. 然而,随着中国水务市场逐步对外开放,传统水务行业的地域垄断和资本垄断被打破,国外资本、国家资本、民营资本竞相进入水务行业,中国水务市场进入了前所未有的竞争状态。

    With the opening up of Chinese water market , geographic and capital monopoly in water industry were broken up . And capital from foreign , domestic and private sectors enters the water industry , leading into a state of unprecedented competition in Chinese water market .

  5. 引入资本的垄断程度愈高,对国内生产效率的提高愈不显著。

    The higher the monopolistic degree of import investment is , the more unconscious of spillover effects is .

  6. 国务院提出要鼓励和引导民间资本进入垄断性行业,其中就包括石油和天然气领域。

    The state council put forward to encourage and guide private capital into the monopoly industries , including oil and gas fields .

  7. 资本的垄断成了与这种垄断一起并在这种垄断之下繁盛起来的生产方式的桎梏。

    The monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production , which has sprung up and flourished along with , and under it .

  8. 造成这一分歧的主要原因有三:古典自然权利论向现代社会权利论转变,自由资本向垄断资本转变;

    The causes of the difference are as follows : transformation from the theory of classic natural right to the theory of modern social right ; transformation from freedom capital to monopoly capital ;

  9. 20世纪末期,石化业界联合、购并浪潮深刻地改变了全球石化工业格局,世界石化资本更加垄断集中。

    In the last years of 20th century , many petrochemical multinationals have launched a wave of merger , alliance and reorganization to change the global petrochemical industry , and this will make the world petrochemical capital more concentrated and monopolized .

  10. 通过市场结构重组,将垄断性产业的自然垄断性业务和竞争性业务分离;通过不对称管制扶持新的竞争力量;通过民营化,促使民间资本进入垄断性产业。

    Through the reorganization of market structure , we separate the natural monopoly industries from the competitive operations ; through asymmetric regulation , we support the new competitive powers ; through prevarication , we encourage the private capital to enter the industry of monopoly .

  11. 无形资本具有垄断性,可以为所有者带来垄断利润,追求利润的动力驱使着资本所有者突破国家地域的限制,把无形资本作为目前在世界范围内获取垄断利润的最佳手段。

    The intangible capital has monopoly character , which brings monopoly profits for the capitalists , the nature of running after profits drives the capitalists to break through the confine of the countries , and take monopoly profit among the worldwide scope with the best tool of intangible capital .

  12. 二是要调整国有经济布局,使国有资本向垄断性业务领域发生战略性转移,同时要继续完善国有独资企业、国有控股企业的企业治理结构,以提高国有经济的控制力和效率水平。

    Secondly , adjust the structure of the state economy , strategically transfer the state-owned capital to the monopolistic service sector , meanwhile further improve the enterprise-governance structure in the solely state-owned enterprises and the state-owned holding enterprises to enhance the controlling force and the efficiency of the state economy .

  13. 第二,信息资本可以形成垄断;

    Secondly , information cap ital acts as a sort of monopoly based knowledge ;

  14. 通过拥有国家资本和独享垄断权的国家银行,把信贷集中在国家手里。

    Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State , by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly .

  15. 第三,减少政府补贴,引导私有资本对自然垄断行业的投资,促进自然垄断行业的发展是政府对自然垄断行业及其价格管制的动力;

    Third : Cutting down the government 's subsidy , leading the private capital to invest in the field of public utility and advancing the development of public utility is the power that the government control public utility and its price .

  16. 金融资本和产业资本垄断与操纵市场价格使矿产企业将承担着巨大的价格波动风险。

    Mining enterprises will face great risk of price fluctuation when market price is monopolized and manipulated by financial capital and industrial capital .

  17. 西方资本的航运企业垄断上海的航运业达100年,掠取了中国人民的巨额财富。

    The western capital shipping enterprises have monopolied the Shanghai shipping service for 100 years and plundered a huge sam of wealth from chinese people .

  18. 研究表明,企业比人力资本更能使垄断力得到扩展,从而能比人力资本赚到更多的钱。

    It is found through research that firms can extend the monopoly that human capital has and can thus earn more profits than human capital .

  19. 其中一些改革(如金融改革、推动民间资本进入国有企业垄断领域)都会对国有企业构成打击。

    Many of the proposed reforms ( such as financial reform and promotion of private investment in sectors currently dominated by SOEs ) will hurt powerful SOEs .

  20. 世界石油工业经过新一轮的大调整,必将增强资本集中和市场垄断程度,对发展中国家的经济及其石油公司的经营和市场构成巨大威胁。

    The restructuring will certainly result in the further concentration of world oil capital and greater monopoly in the world oil market , which will pose a major threat to the economies and oil markets of developing countries as well as to the operation of these nations ' oil companies .

  21. 资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体垄断企业控制权和剩余索取权。

    Capital employing labor means owners of substantial capital hold control right and residual claiming right of a enterprise .

  22. 平均地权的基本措施是征收土地税,以防止贫富分化;节制资本的目的在于限制私人资本对国计民生的垄断和控制。

    The basic policy of the former was levying land taxes to prevent from the division of between the rich and poor , and the purpose of the latter , to constraint private capital 's control and monopoly on the national economy and the people 's livelihood .