
zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo
  • balance sheet;statement of assets and liabilities
  1. 企业法人应当按照登记主管机关规定的时间提交年检报告书、资金平衡表或者资产负债表。

    An enterprise as a legal person shall submit its annual check-up report , its balance sheet or statement of assets and liabilities to the registration authority at the time it prescribes .

  2. 清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查,编制资产负债表和财产目录,制定清算方案。

    The tasks of the liquidation committee are : to conduct through check of the property of the joint venture company , its claim and indebtedness ; to work out the statement of assets and liabilities and list of property ; to formulate a liquidation plan .

  3. 19%的B2C电子商务公司现在的市值比其资产负债表上的现金额高不了多少。

    19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets .

  4. 劳斯莱斯公司需要稳健的资产负债表。

    Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet .

  5. 房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。

    When the development bubble burst , federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks .

  6. 他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。

    They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets .

  7. 由于美联储(fed)资产负债表和美国债务的规模,存在着巨大不确定性。

    There was great uncertainty because of the size of the Federal Reserve balance sheet and of US debt .

  8. 该行ipo被一再推迟,为的是让它改革其管理层和资产负债表。

    Its IPO was repeatedly delayed to allow the bank to reform its management and balance sheet .

  9. 相比之下,日本央行(boj)资产负债表的规模约为日本gdp的30%。

    By comparison , the balance sheet of the Bank of Japan equals approximately 30 per cent of Japanese GDP .

  10. 在信贷紧缩之后,美国银行(bankofamerica)正寻求通过出售所持中国建设银行(ccb)股份来筹集资金,以强化其资产负债表。

    Bank of America is seeking to raise capital to shore up its balance sheet in the wake of the credit crunch by selling shares in China Construction Bank .

  11. bis报告在这方面提供了重要帮助:它展示出,过度担忧央行资产负债表规模扩大的影响是没有道理的。

    On this the BIS report does a signal service : it demonstrates that hysteria about the impact of larger central bank balance sheets is unjustified .

  12. 《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)作为一项全球改革,旨在增强银行的资产负债表,它要求从2015年起,银行必须持有足够多容易变现的资产,以防范为期30天的市场危机。

    As part of the global Basel III reforms to strengthen balance sheets , banks will from 2015 have to hold sufficient easy-to-sell assets to protect against a 30-day market crisis .

  13. 高盛于2006年末创设并出售了hudsonmezzanine,其中包含了来自其自身资产负债表的住房抵押贷款证券。

    The bank created and sold Hudson mezzanine , which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet , in late 2006 .

  14. 欧洲央行(ecb)像2008年的美联储(usfed)一样,想要以大量流动性安抚市场,但随着银行资产负债表上质量较好的资产已经用尽,抵押品的质量正在下降。

    The European Central Bank , like the US Federal Reserve in 2008 , has sought to reassure markets by providing generous liquidity , but collateral quality is declining as the better pickings on bank balance sheets are used up .

  15. 旨在提高金融体系安全性的欧盟(EU)规定,将要求在欧洲设有业务的银行在2019年之前总共筹资约4600亿欧元(合6540亿美元)或大幅降低其风险和缩减资产负债表。

    European Union rules designed to make the financial system safer would require banks operating in Europe to raise an estimated € 460bn ( $ 654bn ) in capital by 2019 or reduce their risk and balance sheets substantially .

  16. 另外,布朗先生利用私人融资方案(PFI),把大笔公共借款挪至资产负债表外,从而使英国的公共债务维持在较低水平。

    And Mr Brown has kept Britain 's public debt low by taking large amounts of public borrowing off-balance-sheet through the private finance initiative .

  17. 拥有强有力的资产负债表,且保持近十年的利润稳步增长,从很多方面来说,BAE都状况良好。

    After nearly a decade of steadily growing profits and armed with a strong balance-sheet , BAE is in many ways in good shape .

  18. 瑞银(UBS)准备利用其庞大的资产负债表规模来支持其新任投行部门联席主管。该行正加大努力恢复其在市场中的地位。

    UBS is gearing up to use its balance sheet heft to back its new co-head of investment banking as the Swiss group steps up efforts to revive its status in the market .

  19. 全球仍在等待欧洲采取财政规则、纪律和实施方面的行动,以及欧洲央行(ECB)采取资产负债表手段&这在当前情况下是最重要的。

    The world continues to wait on European actions on fiscal rules , discipline and enforcement , as well as use of the balance sheet that matters most in the current situation : the European Central Bank .

  20. 然而在传统会计原则之架构下,衍生性金融商品的资产负债表外(off-balance-sheet)特性,使得财务报表无法充份反映其经济实质的相关信息。

    Nevertheless , under conventional accounting principles , the characteristics of the off-balance-sheet won 't enable financial statements to adequately reflect the real-term information of the economy .

  21. 欧洲央行希望,如果银行大量申请LTRO,将可避免收缩其资产负债表。

    A large take-up , the central bank hopes , would avoid banks having to shrink their balance sheets .

  22. 问题是欧洲央行已拒绝出手,而且一些成员国,比如德国,也不想押上自己的资产负债表来支持EFSF。

    Trouble is , the ECB has refused to help , and countries , like Germany , do not want them to lend their balance sheet out to back up the EFSF .

  23. 房价波动会通过托宾q效应、财富效应、资产负债表效应、预期效应等机制对经济增长产生影响;反之,经济增长会带来居民收入上升、城市化和工业化加快等,进而影响房价的波动。

    The price fluctuations effect the economic growth through Tobin q effect , wealth effect , the effect of the balance sheet and the expected effect . Conversely , economic growth will come with income rise , urbanization and industrialization , and have an impact of price fluctuation .

  24. 审核资产负债表、MREP报告、地方财务报告和税务报告;

    Review Balance sheet list , MREP report , local financial report , tax report ;

  25. IKB是高盛的客户,但就此次交易而言,高盛传达的信息是:我们照看自己的资产负债表,你们自己管自己的。

    IKB was one such but , when it came to this deal , Goldman 's message was : We 're taking care of our balance sheet and you 're on your own .

  26. 然而,半数不良贷款很快波澜不兴地被核销,另一半则被剥离资产负债表,平价出售给政府出资成立的资产管理公司(AMC),由后者慢慢消化。

    However , very quickly , half of NPLs were written off without a fuss , and the other half were taken off balance sheet , sold to government-funded Asset Management Companies ( AMC ) at par for gradual resolution .

  27. 第一件事发生在2008年3月27日。当时掌管雷曼资产负债表的巴特麦克达德(BartMcDade),用电子邮件向富尔德等人发送了为随后一天会议准备的会议材料。

    First , on March 27 2008 , Bart McDade , then Lehman 's balance sheet tsar , e-mailed materials to Mr Fuld and others for a meeting the following day .

  28. 莱丁斯(BarryRidings)是LazardLtd.的资深银行家,为企业提供破产或其他资产负债表重组交易的咨询服务。他说,听起来这次风暴似乎会非常非常严重。

    ' It sounds like it 's going to be really , really bad , ' said Barry Ridings , a veteran Lazard Ltd. banker who advises companies on bankruptcies and other balance-sheet restructuring deals .

  29. 德尔索尔达托先生过去曾是福斯托•通纳(FaustoTonna)的得力助手。通纳先生在帕玛拉特长期担任首席财务官,打造了该公司复杂的资产负债表,且经常怠慢分析师。

    Mr Del Soldato had been the right hand man to Fausto Tonna , the long-time CFO who built up the complex balance sheet and regularly snubbed analysts .

  30. 现在你能给我讲讲这张资产负债表吗?

    Can you tell me something about this balance sheet now ?