
  • 网络value added statement;Value-added statements;added value statement
  1. 论文还研究了增值表与GDP核算的关系,然后,在此基础上提出了我国企业增值表规范的思路。

    Author studies the relationship between the value added statement and GDP accounting , based on which a thinking line is put forward to standardize the industrial value added statement in the country .

  2. 论我国企业编制增值表的现实必要性

    On the Necessity of Working out Growth Table in Enterprises

  3. 在增值表财务分析中引入杜邦分析体系的探讨

    Introduce Du Pont Analysis System in Increased Form Financial Analysis

  4. 财务报告体系的完善主要包括自愿披露系统性分析报告、全面收益表和增值表。

    Perfection of financial report system incorporates voluntary disclosure report , overall income statement and added-value report .

  5. 本章在研究了企业增加值形成的基础上,给出了增值表的形式。深入探讨企业增值表与企业价值型投入产出表的联系。

    We do research on the relation of the value-added table and the Input-output table of an enterprise .

  6. 在此基础上,设计了包括资产权益表、增值表和企业社会责任报告等在内的以人为本财务报告体系。

    On the basis , people-oriented financial report system including asset-equity sheet , added value statement and CSR report are designed .

  7. 扩展型增值表:目标要求·理论解释·表式设计只能使用数组初始值设定项表达式为数组类型赋值

    The Statement Extended of Value Added : Aims · Theoretical Clarification · Table Designing ; Can only use array initializer expressions to assign to array types

  8. 具有代表性的报告模式包括增值表,社会资产负债表,社会收益表,社会经济营运表等。

    The representative reports including the increment statement , the social balance sheet , the social income statement , the social - economy statement and so on .

  9. 本文认为,我国应借鉴西方国家增值表的方式,实施价值增值会计与管理。

    This paper argues that our country should learn and imitate western country 's value-added sheet and execute the first kind of value-added accounting and management presently .

  10. 设计以人为本的企业财务报告,关键在于发展人本会计,提出了构建包括资产权益表、增值表和企业社会责任报告等在内的以人为本财务报告体系。

    The key of people-oriented financial report design is to develop people-oriented accounting . People-oriented financial report system including asset-equity sheet , added value statement and CSR report is designed .

  11. 根据增值税退税表(在英国,外国游客可在机场申请退还销售税)的相关数据,这家奢侈品商店计算出,中国富裕游客在该店的人均购物金额增加到3500英镑。

    Using data from VAT reclaim forms ( UK sales tax can be reclaimed by visiting tourists at the airport ) , the luxury store has calculated sales to wealthy Chinese have risen to an average of 3500 per tourist .

  12. 关于增值额指标与增值表的探讨

    The Increasing Value Amount and Its Table

  13. 本文建议在增值税转型之际,应该明确增值税真正身份,以“费用说”替代“代理说”,建立财税分离的增值税会计模式,给增值税在损益表中应有地位。

    Due to the change of value-added tax , in order to set up a separate value-added tax accounting model , Expense Doctrine should be used instead of Agency Doctrine .