
  • 网络ICOR;incremental capital-output ratio
  1. 中国的增量资本产出率(衡量每增加一单位资本能产生多少GDP)已经恶化,而且会因工资日益上涨进一步变糟。

    Its incremental capital output ratio , the GDP eked from each extra unit of capital , has deteriorated , and will be further undermined by rising wages .

  2. 余永定表示,这一点已经在衡量投资效率的增量资本产出率(icor)数据中清楚地体现出来。

    Prof Yu says this is already evident in the figures for the incremental capital / output ratio , which measures the efficiency of investment .

  3. 2011年,增量资本产出率(衡量一定投资水平对增长的贡献率)达到了4.6,为1992年以来的最高值。

    The incremental capital output ratio – a measure of the growth generated by a given level of investment – reached 4.6 in 2011 , the highest since 1992 .