
zēng zhǎng lǜ
  • growth rate;rate of increase;rate of rise
增长率[zēng zhǎng lǜ]
  1. 我们将以实际经济增长率其涨跌幅作为门限变量,建立收益率、通货膨胀率与它们关系的非线性门限回归模型。

    We will definite the actually economic growth rate of rise as the threshold variable , established the nonlinear threshold regression model of return rate , inflation rate and the relationship between them .

  2. 瑟罗指出,关于中国总的经济增长率(10%)的官方统计实际上只是反映了其城市的经济增长率。

    The official statistic for China 's overall growth rate ( 10 percent ) actually describes the economic growth rate only of its cities , Thurow claimed .

  3. 经济发展速度已经放慢,增长率很低,或者根本没有增长。

    The economy is already sputtering , with low or no growth

  4. 去年,经济增长率下降到4%以下。

    Last year , economic growth tailed off to below four percent

  5. 经济在发展,实现了高增长率。

    The economy is expanding , notching up high growth rates .

  6. 大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。

    Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth

  7. 工资增长率已降至7%左右。

    Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent

  8. 人口增长率正在以每年1.4%的速度下降。

    Population growth is decreasing by 1.4 % each year

  9. 这几年的市场年增长率都保持在20%。

    The market has shown annual growth of 20 per cent for several years .

  10. 日本经济以年增长率超过10%的速度增长。

    The Japanese economy grew at an annual rate of more than 10 per cent .

  11. 国民生产总值的增长率将取决于总需求的增长率。

    The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand

  12. 今年英格兰和威尔士报道的犯罪增长率是战后以来最高的。

    The percentage increase in reported crime in England and Wales this year is the highest since the war

  13. 欧洲的经济已在多个领域互相趋同;更有意思的是,各国经济增长率也渐趋一致。

    Europe 's economies have converged in several areas . More interestingly , there has been convergence in economic growth rates

  14. 富国农业总增长率高于穷国。

    The total rise in agricultural in rich countries in growth than the fall in poor ones .

  15. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  16. 基于BP网的区域年售电量增长率预测

    Prediction of the Growth Rate of Energy Based on BP Neural Network

  17. 辨证认识GDP增长率

    Dialectical understanding with the Increasing Rate of GDP

  18. HAART药物依从性对CD4细胞增长率的影响研究

    Adherence effects on CD_4 increase rate in HAART for AIDS patients

  19. 第五部分,基于公共支出视角的税收增长率高于GDP增长率的影响因素研究。

    Part five , based on public expenditures , we discuss the effects of tax growth higher than GDP growth .

  20. 两周前,据美国政府的报告,美国第二季GDP增长率达到4%,这为这番表态提供了有力证据。

    Two weeks ago , the US government reported second quarter GDP growth of 4 per cent , a strong showing .

  21. 一年之后,IMF预测意大利2003年的经济增长率为2.9%。

    A year later , the IMF predicted a 2003 growth rate for Italy of 2.9 per cent .

  22. 改革加快了中国经济发展,十年改革期间的年平均经济增长率超过了8%.NET技术。NET数据访问技术。

    The reforms to date have led to accelerated development in China with the Net Material Product growth rate averaging over 8 percent per year for the ten year period .

  23. 运用EVA提升企业价值的基本方式应以投资资本回报率及增长率而定。

    The basic measures to increase enterprises ' value through using EVA should be defined by the return ratio of the investment .

  24. 并且讨论了尘埃等离子体电子束入射情况下,共振Langmuir波的增长率。

    We discuss the growth rate of the Langmuir wave in the case of electron beam injection .

  25. 文中介绍了事故损失评估理论和方法,通过AHP法求出煤矿安全生产对经济增长率的贡献;

    After introducing the means and theory of evaluating accident damage , applied AHP to seek the contribution of safety to the economy increasing rate ;

  26. 对响应时间增长率的比较并不会显示Tomcat与IBMWebSphere程序服务器之间的显著差异。

    The comparison of the rate of increase in response times does not show a large difference between Tomcat and IBM WebSphere application servers .

  27. 但是,这轮全球经济危机的爆发,极大的抑制了天津地区的电力需求,全社会用电量增长率与GDP增长率之间呈现出明显的背离。

    However , with the outbreak of the global economic crisis has greatly inhibited electricity demand in Tianjin , electricity consumption and GDP growth rate showed a significant difference .

  28. 第三,福建省在2000年后CO2的排放速度加快,其排放量增长率位于全国第4位。

    The CO2 emission load is speed after 2000 in Fujian Province , the growth rate of CO2 emission are located in the first four in our country .

  29. 在己排序的基础上,通过分析与查询词的完全相关结果增长率确定选择出的Web数据库个数阈值,从而获得既高效又准确的部分Web数据库。

    On the basis of sorting through the analysis and query results related to the growth rate to determine the selection of the threshold number of Web databases which was both efficient and accurate part of the Web databases .

  30. 使用受污河水灌溉的稻田,受到一定程度的污染,Cu、Ni、Cr平均质量分数增长率分别为25.69%、22.16%和25.54%,表现出明显的累积效应。

    The accumulation effect of the pollution was remarkable . The growth rate of average content for Cu , Ni and Cr was 25.69 % , 22.16 % and 25.54 % respectively .