
  1. 再往前看,到下个世纪末世界人口预计将达约100亿。

    Looking still further ahead , by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion .

  2. 中国是世界人口最多的国家,有11亿,约占世界总人口的四分之一。

    China is the world 's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion , which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population .

  3. 世界人口的不断增长将给未来带来重大的问题。

    The world 's ever-increasing population will cause great problems in the future .

  4. 这家报纸开辟专栏来讨论世界人口问题。

    The newspaper devoted a special column to a discussion of the problem of the world 's population .

  5. 一个是在印度和中国这两个世界人口最多的国家产量增速下降得尤其剧烈。

    One is that it has been particularly sharp in the world 's most countries , India and China .

  6. 人口变化。世界人口为什么在增长?

    Population Change Why is the world 's population growing ?

  7. 此外,约50%的世界人口生活在目前这一数字低于更替水平(即每名妇女生育2.1个)的地区,几乎所有发达国家都在经历次更替以下的出生率。

    Furthermore , around 50 % of the world 's population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level ( i.e.2.1 births per woman ) and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate .

  8. 随着世界人口的增长,粮食的需求量越来越大。

    Food is in great need a growing of world population .

  9. 世界人口在增加,资源在减少,粮食价格在上涨。

    World population is increasing , resources are becoming fewer , and food prices are rising .

  10. 根据“世界人口综述”(WorldPopulationReview)网站的数据,目前约有14%的泰国人是华裔,所以,泰国是中国以外世界上最大的华人社区所在地之一。

    Today about 14 percent of the population is ethnically Chinese , according to World Population Review , making Thailand the home of one of the world 's largest Chinese communities outside China .

  11. 随着世界人口的老龄化,阿尔茨海默病(AD)已成为当前研究的热点之一,但目前其确切的发病机制还不完全清楚。

    Alzheimers disease ( AD ) has abstracted many scientists interests with the aging of people in the world , but its mechanisms are still remaining unclear .

  12. 而两年前,谷歌(Google)宣布它旗下的电子邮件服务Gmail有4.25亿(相当于全世界人口的6%以上)活跃账户。

    Or two years ago , when Google announced that there were 425 million active Gmail accounts ( or , put another way , more than 6 % of the world population ) .

  13. 世界人口增长有两个特点。

    There are two features in the growth of world population .

  14. 世界人口每年增加2%。

    The world population goes up by two percent a year .

  15. 人口老龄化是世界人口发展的一种趋势。

    Population aging is one of the world 's population development tendency .

  16. 对于世界人口的增加,师父您的看法如何?

    Would you like to comment something on this escalating world population ?

  17. 论世界人口增长对气候变化的影响

    The Influence of World Population Explosion on the Climate Changing

  18. 该病影响着大约10%的世界人口,在不同的国家或地区其发病率不同。

    The incidence of asthma is different in different country and district .

  19. 年世界人口和住房普查方案专家组

    Expert Group on the 2000 World Population and Housing Census Programme 2000

  20. 世界人口的一半是亚洲人。

    One half of the world 's population is Asians .

  21. 我了解到世界人口越来越大。

    How the population of the world is getting bigger and bigger .

  22. 不断增长的世界人口将对粮食供应带来重负。

    The increasing world population will put a strain on food supply .

  23. 世界人口比预期增长得快。

    The world 's population was growing faster than predicted .

  24. 过去40年中世界人口增加了一倍。

    The world 's population has doubled during the last four decades .

  25. 问题是世界人口正在快速增长。

    The problem is the world population is growing fast .

  26. 写在世界人口六十亿日:人口的数学计算&马尔萨斯是否正确?

    The Year of Six Million : Math of Population-was Malthus Right ?

  27. 世界人口正在飞速增长。

    The population of the world is increasing rapidly .

  28. 世界人口老龄化与中国体育发展

    The Aging of World Population and China Sports Development

  29. 世界人口移民新态势

    New Trend of Immigration and Emigration in the World

  30. 中国和印度都是世界人口大国,两国人口控制政策的形成都经历了曲折历程。

    China and India are two countries with large population in the world .