
  • 网络wwf;World Wide Fund For Nature;the World Wildlife Fund;WFF
  1. 世界自然基金会正尽力熊猫。

    4The WWF is trying to the panda .

  2. 请加入世界自然基金会香港分会的行列,为孩子保存一个洁净的世界!

    Please join hands with WWF Hong Kong to reserve a clean world for our children !

  3. 环境组织世界自然基金会改革谋划师汤姆•克朗普顿说:"当我们无法真正消除恐惧的根源时,我们往往会采取一系列防御机制来达到心理上的适应。"。

    " When we can 't actually remove the source of our fear , we tend to adapt psychologically by adopting a range of defence mechanisms , " says Tom Crompton , change strategist for the environmental organisation World Wide Fund for Nature .

  4. 但世界自然基金会英国分会的迈克·巴雷特博士说,新的模型证据显示,如果紧急采取行动,就可以扭转这种趋势。

    But Dr Mike Barrett of WWF-UK says new modelling evidence suggests the tide can be turned if action is taken urgently .

  5. 世界自然基金会指出,造成数量下降的主因是河流状况不佳,这主要归咎于污染、筑坝和污水排放。

    According to the WWF , much of the decline is driven by the poor state of rivers – mostly as a result of pollution , dams and sewage .

  6. 该项目工地与尼日利亚接壤,我们与世界自然基金会(worldwidefundfornature)合作,在伦敦设计了桥架。

    The site borders Nigeria . Working with the World Wide Fund for nature , we designed the bridge in London .

  7. 该活动由环保组织世界自然基金会(WorldWideFundforNature)组织,也叫做世界野生动物基金会(WorldWildlifeFund).

    The is organized by a group , the World Wide Fund for Nature , also known as the World Wildlife Fund .

  8. 联盟将与世界自然基金会(worldwildlifefund)一同努力,在珠江三角洲制造业中心开发低碳生产流程。

    With the World Wildlife Fund the group is working to develop low-carbon manufacturing processes in the Pearl River Delta manufacturing hub .

  9. 今年,世界自然基金会还发起了众筹平台平台“蓝色地球小时”(EarthHourBlue)行动,该平台旨在为全球的环保项目募资。

    This year the World Wide Fund for Nature also launched Earth Hour Blue , a crowdfunding platform aimed at raising money for environmental projects around the globe .

  10. 1990年,该银行与一家国际生物保护组织“世界自然基金会”(WorldWildlifeFund)建立了名为“绿色信托”(TheGreenTrust)的合作关系,一直持续至今。

    In1990 , the bank established a partnership with the World Wildlife Fund , an international conservation group , known as The Green Trust , which continues to this day .

  11. 世界自然基金会(worldwildlifefund)本月呼吁,停止为耗水较多的农作物(如甜菜)提供补贴,谴责它们应对水消耗量激增负责。

    The World Wildlife Fund this month called for an end to farming subsidies for water - dependent crops such as sugar beet , blaming them for soaring water consumption .

  12. 世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)等环保团体也认为,北极地区发生石油泄漏的风险太大,不应在那里进行钻井作业。

    Environmental groups such as World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace believe the risk of an oil spill in the Arctic is too great to justify drilling there .

  13. 但他说,“绝大多数重要的非政府环保组织”支持政府的计划,其中包括世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)。

    He did say the government 's plan was supported by " the overwhelming majority of key environmental nongovernment organizations , " including the World Wildlife Fund and the Nature Conservancy .

  14. 全球上千个城市响应了2014年的“地球一小时”(EarthHour)熄灯活动。这是一项由世界自然基金会(WorldWideFundforNature)发起的一个象征性的环保运动。

    Thousands of cities around the globe turned off their lights for an hour to mark Earth Hour 2014 , a symbolic show of support for the environment organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature .

  15. 早在2007年,世界自然基金会(WWF)成都办公室就和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地科普教育部建立了项目合作。

    In2007 , the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ), Chengdu Office contacted the education department of the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding .

  16. 世界自然基金会(WWF)气候和能源政策负责人JasonAnderson表示,重要的一点是这些承诺意味着新的资金,而不是在现有承诺的基础上进行重组。

    Jason Anderson , head of EU climate and energy policy at the environment group WWF , says it is important the pledges amount to new money - rather than simply existing aid .

  17. 但欧亚基金会和世界自然基金会都表示,即便是那些未被列入名单的NGO也不会因这项改革蒙受最严重打击,因为和赠与不同,慈善捐款可以免税。

    But both the Eurasia Foundation and WWF said even NGOs left off the list could escape the worst impact of the change since charitable donations , as opposed to grants , were exempt from tax .

  18. 世界自然基金会的TracyTsang说,香港政府没有禁止在公务宴请中食用鱼翅,而且还在活动人士提出这个问题时屡次加以回避。

    The Hong Kong government hasn 't banned shark 's fin from official banquets , says Tracy Tsang of the WWF , and repeatedly dodged the question whenever activists raise the issue .

  19. 世界自然基金会(WWF)警告称,如果不能制定更严厉的规则,规范各国对北极资源的争夺,北极地区可能受到无可挽回的损坏。

    The Arctic could face irreparable damage unless tougher rules are made to curb the scramble by world powers for the region 's resources , a leading international environmental group has warned .

  20. 来自世界自然基金会保护组织的GillyLlewellyn说到,有很多可能破坏珊瑚海生态系统的原因,污染和石油及天然气钻取也在其中。

    Gilly Llewellyn , from the conservation organization WWF , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea 's ecosystem .

  21. 世界自然基金会(WWF)本月公布的一项研究显示,从1970年到2010年,中国爬行动物和两栖动物的总量下降了97%,而哺乳动物数量——人类除外——在同一时期下降了50%。

    From 1970 to 2010 , the population of reptiles and amphibians fell 97 percent in China , while the mammal populations - humans excepted - fell 50 percent during the same period , according to a study released this month by the World Wide Fund for Nature .

  22. “这是基础四国首次作为一个集团发言,”自然保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)的TasneemEssop表示。与不少多次出席峰会的人士一样,她对中国的行为抱有褒贬不一的想法。

    " This is the first time the Basics are speaking as a bloc ," said Tasneem Essop of WWF , a nature conservation group , who like many summit veterans in Durban has mixed thoughts about China 's behaviour .

  23. 世界自然基金会是一个自然环境保护机构,成立于1961年。

    WWF , the global conservation organization was founded in 1961 .

  24. 活动募集的资金将被捐给世界自然基金会香港分部。

    Funds raised via the project will be donated to WWF Hong Kong .

  25. 大家好,我是世界自然基金会全球总干事詹姆斯·李普。

    Hello , I 'm James Leape , Director General of WWF of International .

  26. 世界自然基金会香港分会是本港主要的慈善环保组织。

    WWF Hong Kong is one of Hong kong 's leading environmental charitable organisations .

  27. 目前,世界自然基金会在全球一百多个国家开展工作,拥有五百万支持者。

    Today we are working over a hundred countries with five million supporters around the world .

  28. 我想捐钱给世界自然基金会,因为我喜欢动物。

    I want to donate money to World Wide Fund for Nature because I love animals .

  29. 我们谨代表世界自然基金会全球各地员工,衷心感谢你们的支持。

    On behalf of the WWF teams around the world , we thank you for your support .

  30. 女:马丁·索摩空负责环保慈善机构世界自然基金会的北极项目。

    W : Martin Sommerkorn runs the Arctic program for the environmental charity the World Wildlife Fund .