
shì jiè qì xiànɡ zǔ zhī
  • world meteorological organization;WMO;World Meteorological Organization, UN
  1. 来自世界气象组织的奥卡萨纳·塔拉索娃博士表示,这种变化的速度前所未有。

    According to Dr Oksana Tarasova from the World Meteorological Organization , the speed of this change hasn ’ t been seen before .

  2. 作者引用世界气象组织(WorldMeteorologicalOrganization)的资料称,在中国,像在其他地方一样,气温不断上升,与高温有关的死亡案例也在增加。

    China , like everywhere else , is experiencing those rising temperatures and also rising deaths related to heat , the authors said , quoting the World Meteorological Organization .

  3. 世界气象组织(wmo)和世界银行(worldbank)已在这方面提供帮助,但我们还需要更多的帮助。

    The World Meteorological Organisation and the world bank are already helping , but more is needed .

  4. WMO(WorldMeteorologicalOrganization,世界气象组织)报告称,欧洲的很多地区遇到了罕见的温暖天气,而斯堪的纳维亚的一些国家则遭遇了有记录以来最温暖的冬季。

    The WMO report said there was unusually warm weather in many parts of Europe , and Scandinavian countries enjoyed the warmest winter season on record .

  5. 在9月初发布的另一份报告中,世界气象组织(WorldMeteorologicalOrganization)称,2013年大气中的二氧化碳水平,比工业革命之前的普遍水平高出42%。

    In a separate report in early September , the World Meteorological Organization said the level of carbon dioxide in the air in 2013 was 42 percent above the level that prevailed before the Industrial Revolution .

  6. 对于过滤大气模式,d,Δp,Δt的值和世界气象组织对全球观测系统所要求的相近;

    For the filtered model , the values of d , of Δ p and of Δ t , in general , come near those required in the MANUAL ON THE GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM published in 1980 by WMO .

  7. 在北极出现不同寻常的变暖之际,联合国世界气象组织(WorldMeteorologicalOrganisation)的官员称,他们有95%的把握相信,2016年将是自19世纪有记录以来最热的一年。

    The unusual warmth has come as officials at the UN 's World Meteorological Organization said they were 95 per cent sure that 2016 would be the hottest year since records began in the 19th century .

  8. 联合国旗下的世界气象组织(WorldMeteorologicalOrganisation,WMO)报告称,2014年将成为有记录以来最热的一年,而领先科学家们表示,人类活动可能应对此负责。

    The year 2014 is on track to be the hottest on record , the UN 's weather agency has reported , and leading scientists say humans are likely to be responsible .

  9. 中国作为世界气象组织的重要成员,为WMO和国际气象界作出了自己应有的贡献。

    China as one of important member of WMO , has made its due contribution to WMO and international meteorological community .

  10. 世界气象组织(WMO)称,预计未来几个月非洲之角地区的干旱灾情将会减轻。

    The World Meteorological Organization ( WMO ) says the Horn Of Africa can look forward to weaker drought conditions in the coming months .

  11. 印度气象部(IMD)是世界气象组织在亚洲的特别机构,它计划对其观测系统进行升级和自动化。

    The Indian Meteorological Department ( IMD ), the World Meteorological Organization 's specialised centre for Asia , plans to further upgrade and automate its observation systems .

  12. 世界气象组织秘书长雅罗(MichelJarraud)说,世界绝大多数地区2009年的气温都高于正常值。

    The head of the World Meteorological Organization , Michel Jarraud , said most areas of the world had above normal temperatures in2009 .

  13. 世界气象组织(WMO)从上世纪90年代中期开展的研究表明,在天气预报服务上每投入1美元,就会减少10美元的经济损失。

    A study from the mid-1990s admittedly , conducted by the World Meteorological Organization concluded that every dollar invested in weather forecasting services would save $ 10 in economic losses .

  14. 世界气象组织(WMO)表示,该组织所建模型显示2014年第二季度末之前极有可能出现厄尔尼诺现象。

    The World Meteorological Organisation ( WMO ) said its modelling suggested a fairly large potential for an El Nino , most likely by the end of the second quarter of 2014 .

  15. 本文针对渤海海冰管理中制作海冰实况图问题,提出采用世界气象组织(WMO)制定的一套海冰国际符号标示冰图。

    To counter the problems in plotting sea-ice state chart during sea-ice management of Bohai Sea , the paper recommends to adopt a set of international ice symbols stipulated by World Meteorological Organization in the ice chart .

  16. 该组织推出的GEONETCast计划由中国、美国、世界气象组织和运作欧洲气象卫星的欧洲气象卫星组织共同发起。

    The group 's GEONETCast project is organised by China , the United States , the World Meteorological Organization and EUMETSAT , which operates European weather satellites .

  17. 这样的命名是来源于世界气象组织。

    The naming system is based on the World Meteorological Organization .

  18. 该节日是世界气象组织在1950年所创办的。

    This is the date in 1950 that the WMO was created .

  19. 世界气象组织说,气候变暖可能会加剧空气污染。

    WMO says a warming climate can exacerbate air pollution .

  20. 世界气象组织的所有188个成员国都会参加世界气象日的活动。

    All 188 member states of the WMO participate in World Meteorological Day .

  21. 命名系统是基于世界气象组织。

    The naming system is based on the WorldMeteorologicalOrganization .

  22. 世界气象组织表示,2008年为有记录以来第十大温暖年份。

    The World Meteorological Organization said 2008 was the 10th warmest year on record .

  23. 看到了吧,原来飓风也是有“家谱”的,这个“家谱”是世界气象组织排定的。

    Hurricanes names are chosen from a list selected by the World Meteorological Organization .

  24. 肯?戴维森是世界气象组织机构下世界气候项目组的负责人。

    Ken Davidson is the director of the World Meteorological Organization 's World Climate Program .

  25. 世界气象组织执行理事会

    Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization

  26. 世界气象组织的最终数据是这三组数据的平均值。

    The WMO 's final figure is an average of the three sets of data .

  27. 世界气象组织的柯里表示,对气象学家来说,非洲之角发生干旱毫不令人惊讶。

    Kolli says the drought in the Horn of Africa came as no surprise to meteorologists .

  28. 在本次世博会的历史上首次创立专门反映天气和气候的展馆,称之为“气象天地”的气象馆是中国气象局和世界气象组织联合承办的展馆。

    Meteoland is a joint pavilion of the China Meteorological Administration and the World Meteorological Organization .

  29. 世界气象组织和东安格利亚大学还指出,全球气候将呈现长期变暖的趋势。

    The Met Office / UAE also suggested a long-term warming trend in the global climate .

  30. 洛夫是世界气象组织气象和减灾中心的主任。

    Love , who is director of Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization ,