- 名Huaihe River;Huai River

[the Huaihe River] 中国长江和黄河之间的大河。发源于桐柏山,原注入黄海,后因黄河改道,淤高下游河床后,它才流入洪泽湖,经高邮湖入长江,长845公里,流域16.4万平方公里
The Huai River must be harnessed .
Eco-environmental Vulnerability Evaluation Based on GIS in Tongbai-Dabie Mountain Area of Huai River Basin
The Influence of the Topography of the Huaihe 's Upper Reaches on the Heavy Rainfall
Application of GRAPES Model to Area-rainfall Forecast in the Huaihe River Basin
The Yellow River-Huaihe River delta developed on transgressive bed HI and consists of the superimpositions of6 deltaic complexes .
Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of PAHs in Sediment Core from Xuyi Section of Huaihe River
The fluctuating moisture field has strong intermittency , and is not in accord with the Kolmogorov theory .
The probable position of mesoscale convective precipitation is analyzed with AMSU data .
At the same time , by combining the geochemical properties of the sediments , such as pH 's value , grain size , mineral components and so on , these property relations to heavy metal concentrations were analyzed .
Bacterial Growth Potential ( BGP ) method was used to investigate the limiting effect of phosphorus in the biological process for drinking water treatment in a water plant in Huai River basin .
In this paper , with the methods of statistical theory , Fourier transform and wavelet transform , the turbulent moisture data obtained from Huaihe River Basin Experiment ( HUBEX ) has been studied to explore the statistical , spectral and intermittent characteristics of turbulent moisture .
The data obtained by the recruited observational period of HUBEX over rice field area at Shouxian site from June to July , 1999 are used to investigate the bulk transfer coefficients CD , CH and CE .
The third is sensitivity experiments by the modified BATS model on soil texture and soil color . Four series of sensitivity experiments have been carried out to examine the modified BATS sensitivity to soil color and soil moisture .
Sustainable Development of Huaihe River Basin and Arrangement for Moving Residents in Flood Approach and Storage Zone ; DDTs Transport Between Sediment and Water in the Mainstream of Haihe River in the Urban Area
The article simply introduce the tension and extension craft of prestressed steel stranded wire in 35m box girder long-line pedestal , provide the reference for the construction of pre-tensioned prestressed box girder in broken-line reinforcement .
The results showed that the average concentration of PAHs in sediments was 293.8 ng · g-1 . The concentrations had a wide variation range , generally taking on a trend from high in the middle reach to low in the lower reach .
The research contents conlude : The evaluation methods of human health risk from priority pollutants in Huaihe River were compared and discussed . The results proved that quantitative structure-activity relationship ( QSAR ) model was the optimal method for human health risk .
We found the annual distribution law about the abnormity of Huaihe river basin 's precipitation in ENSO events is that : in EL Nino event , the precipitation increases in spring and winter , while in LA Nina event , the precipitation decreases , especially in July .
This paper firstly uses linear regression , M-K test , t test , sliding SNR , wavelet analysis method to analyze the characteristics of climate change in northern of Huaihe River .
Finally , this paper classify the cropping system of Huaihe Watershed by climate suitability and climate risk of wheat-rice , wheat-corn , double cropping rice under the IPCC A2 climate scenario . ( 1 ) The climate risk degree is significantly different in different cropping system .
Triolein Semipermeable membrane device ( Triolein SPMD ) was used to monitor toxic and organic pollutants such as PCBs , PAHs , and Substituted Benzenes in the Huaihe River , at the sites of Xinyang and Huainan city , where organic pollution is very severe .
A Knowledge-base for Flood Control in Middle Reaches of Huaihe River
The Major Weeds and Control of Wheatfield in Huaihe River Area
Dynamic pollution receiving capacity in Huainan-Bengbu section of the Huaihe River
Construction of Rehabilitating the Landscape Outside the Qinhuai River in Nanjing
The small river is a branch of the Huai River .
Views on the Total Quantity Control in the Huaihe River Basin
Percentages of the Water Quality Grades of the Huai River System
Framework Research of Water Pollution Control in the Huaihe River Basin
The section crossing the Huaihe River has been completed smoothly .