
  1. 南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。

    The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties .

  2. 明靖江王城之地可考的最早历史,可以追溯到南朝宋时期。

    The earliest history of Ming Prince Mansion dates back to the end of Nan Dynasty .

  3. 《歌录》是产生于西晋至南朝宋时(具体而言即公元270年至475年)的一部记录乐府音乐的典籍。

    The Collection of Songs is an anonymous book about Yue-fu Music , which had come out between the West-Jin dynasty to the Song of Southern dynasty ( 270A . D. & 475 A.D. )

  4. 从南朝宋开始,经过唐宋元明清逐渐成为现代汉语中表示动词或形容词时体的重要标记。

    Since the Song of South dynasty , through Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasty , it is becoming the most important sign of tense which signifies verb and adjectives in modern Chinese little by little .

  5. 南朝宋、梁时期,斯里兰卡两次遣使来朝的国书里都表达了通过两国共同弘扬佛教,借以达到化育百姓,治理好国家的目的。

    During the period of the southern Song and Liang Dynasties , Sri Lanka sent two credentials to China with the objective of promoting Buddhism , developing a system to educate the masses , and finding ways to better administer the country .

  6. 刘勰是在全面总结先秦以至南朝宋齐时代文学创作和文学批评丰富经验的基础上撰著《文心雕龙》的。

    Liu Xie thoroughly summarized the abundant experience of literature creation and literature criticism from Qin Dynasty to Song Qi Period of Nan Dynasty ; the book Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature was written on the basis of the summarization .

  7. 谢庄是南朝刘宋一代的著名文学家,也是东晋南朝谢氏文学集团的重要成员之一。

    Xie Zhuang is a famous litterateur in the Jin period of Nan Dynasty , and he is also one of the members of the Xie literature group .

  8. “海上丝绸之路”形成于西汉,完善于东晋南朝,在隋唐宋时广州发展成为“海上丝绸之路”第一大港和世界东方港市。

    The Marine Silk Route beginning from Guangzhou came into being in West Han Dynasty and became perfect in East Jin and Southern Dynasties .