
  • 网络latitudinal distribution
  1. 南太平洋降水中MSA的纬度分布及其分解的气温敏感性

    Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature

  2. 利用第10代国际参考地磁场模型(IGRF)的资料,研究了地磁位的谐波振幅的纬度分布及其时间变化。

    Using the 10th International Geomagnetic Reference Field ( IGRF ) models , the latitudinal distribution of harmonic amplitude and its time-variation of geomagnetic potential are investigated .

  3. 本文总结了癌症和银屑病的纬度分布,并从色光效应的角度利用激光生物刺激作用的类肽激素模型(QPHML)给出了一种可能的解释。

    In this paper , the latitude distribution on cancer and psoriasis are summarized and explained according to the quasi hormone model on laser biostimulation ( QPHML ) .

  4. 疾病的纬度分布与色光效应

    Latitude distribution of disease and color effects

  5. 这些成分的相对大小随季节而变,场的变幅有特定的纬度分布。

    The relative magnitudes of these components change with season and their amplitudes have definite latitudinal distributions .

  6. 取样尺度效应对滇西北地区种子植物物种多样性纬度分布格局的影响

    Effects of sampling scale on latitudinal patterns of species diversity in seed plants in northwestern Yunnan , China

  7. 本文用云南天文台黑子目视观测资料,作出了黑子的纬度分布图。

    A latitude distribution of sunspot groups is given by using the data of the visual sunspot observations made at the Yunnan Observatory .

  8. 黄赤夹角以41ka的周期改变日射的纬度分布,而气候岁差以19ka和23ka的两个周期改变日射的季节分布。

    The obliquity of the ecliptic mainly controls the latitudinal distribution of insolation with a period of 41 ka . The climatic precession mainly controls seasonal distribution of insolation with two periods of 19 ka and 23 ka .

  9. 岩体裂隙面形态特征评价方法有立体评价法、垂直剖面法、迷向均匀随机线法、角分布法、余纬度分布法等。

    Estimations of the morphological characteristics of fracture surface in rocks include the stereological estimation , the vertical section method , the method of the isotropic uniform random line , the method of the angular distribution , the method of the colatitude distribution and so on .

  10. 全球强震能量释放与陆地表面积沿纬度带分布的相关关系

    Relativity between distribution of energy released by strong earthquakes and that of land surface area along latitude lines on a global scale

  11. 分别从总阻塞、孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞发生次数和天数的纬度主要分布区和峰值区的地理位置进行比较,分析得出极地高压绝大多数是偶极子型,且生命史较长;

    The main conclusions are : 1 . Geographical position : Most of blocking events in higher latitudes correspond to dipole blocking , and the lifetime is longer ;

  12. 华北和华南块体古生代至中生代古地磁极移曲线与古纬度的分布变化峰峰煤田煤质分布变化规律的研究

    Revised and Synthetic Apparent Polar Wander Paths of The North and South China Blocks From the Cambrian to Cretaceous The Law Governing Coal Quality Variation Relying on Its Distribution in Fengfeng Coal Field

  13. 通过对微分多普勒数据处理后得到的电离层总电子含量的分析,探讨了南极地区总电子含量随纬度的分布变化特征及规律。

    Based on the analyzing of total electron content ( TEC ) of ionosphere determined from differential doppler data , the characteristics of variations of total electron content at different latitudes in the Antarctic area are investigated .

  14. 寒冷地区有着独特的地理位置和气候条件,在北半球高纬度地区广泛分布。

    Cold areas which have special geographical locations and climatic conditions are widely distributed in high latitude of northern hemisphere .

  15. 结果表明,决定我国皮肤相对湿度地理分布的基本因素是纬度、海陆分布、地形和大气环流,季节不同,则各因素所起作用有差异。

    It showed that the main factors which decided the distribution of the relative humidity of Chinese skin are latitude , distribution of sea-land , topography and atmospheric circulation .

  16. 本文在一简化气象模型的基础上,综合考虑了纬度、水陆分布、地形以及城乡差异等多种因素的影响,并对参数加以确定。

    Based on a simple HVAC climate model , considered the effect of latitude , distributing of land and water , terrain and discrepancy on town and village , ascertained the parameter .

  17. 我国西部高山高纬度地区广泛分布有第四纪冰水堆积地层,在冰水堆积物地区修建高速公路,工程经验较少,前期研究工作也未见相关报导。

    The Quaternary fluvioglacial deposited stratum is widely distributed in the high mountain and high latitude area of Western China . The project experience of building highway in fluvioglacial deposits area is deficient , and relative research about this field is not found .

  18. 西风环流,尤其是中、高纬度高层西风的分布及其变化对于形成不同类型的台风路径亦起了很重要的作用。

    The circulation features in the westerlies , especially , distribution and variation of the upper – level westerlies play an important role in controlling the different tracks .

  19. 随着暮春旋涡消散,臭氧洞弥合过程空气的稀释作用,将影响低纬度地区臭氧时空分布。

    Ozone hole is already having : an effect on populated region of lower latitude as a result of transport of air after the spring bread-up of the Antarctic vortex .

  20. 这一三维电流体系在中低纬度地面产生的磁场呈现出特殊的纬度分布:X分量几乎不随纬度变化,Y分量随纬度增高近似呈线性变化。

    The magnetic field exhibits a characteristic distribution on the ground surface of mid-low latitudes : no latitudinal variations in X component , and linear variations with respect to latitude in Y component .

  21. 在果实类型方面,种类组成上占主体地位的核果所占的比例在纬度28°附近处达到了最低值,而蒴果在此处的比例达到了其在纬度分布范围内的峰值。

    In terms of fruit types , drupe which is in dominant position reaches a minimum value in the vicinity of latitude 28 °, while the proportion of capsule reaches its peak here .