
dà qì hòu
  • macroclimate;circumstances from the outside
大气候[dà qì hòu]
  1. 荔枝林小气候特征及其与大气候的关系

    Microclimatic Characteristics in Litchi Forest in Relation to Macroclimate

  2. 只有改革管理体制,才能使龙狮运动适应我国市场经济建设的大气候;

    Only the reform on the management system can Dragon 's and lion 's sports adapt to of our country market macroclimate of economic construction ;

  3. 在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。

    It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate .

  4. Facebook可能不需要操心所谓的IPO时机问题,但它也不可能不受经济大气候的影响。

    Facebook is probably immune to the timing issues related to IPO windows , but it does not stand apart from the economy at large .

  5. 因此,利用简易的人手串珠和编织技术,自己设计并制作饰品(DIY)成为了全球时尚的大气候。

    Therefore , the use of simple understaffed beads and weaving techniques , their design and making jewellery ( DIY ) became the global fashion created .

  6. 并由此可推算出0~100cm和0~200cm农田土壤有效水分含量的关系式,同时探讨用大气候观测场土壤水分资料代替农田土壤水分状况的可能性,并求出推算模型。

    Calculated equations for effective moisture in the soils of 0 ~ 100cm and 0 ~ 200cm were set up . Possibility of using the data from climatic observation platform instead of the effective moisture in farmland soil is discussed .

  7. 中药组织在此大气候下,自然毫不例外。

    Organizations of Chinese medicines are no exception under this global climate .

  8. 这就是他们的文明的大气候。

    It is the climate of their civilization .

  9. 他是一位表达的观点与当前大气候完全不一致的作家。

    He is a writer who expresses views totally at variance with the contemporary climate .

  10. 极为重要的是,创新不应成为当前紧缩大气候造成的预算削减的牺牲品。

    Critically , innovation must not fall victim to budget constraints in the current climate of austerity .

  11. 本文提出发展中国科学事业所需的四个非客观物质设备方面的主要社会条件:要有自由安定的小气候;善于从不利大气候中求有利的小环境;

    In this paper the authers put forward four main social conditions needed for development of Chinese sciences .

  12. 西北干旱区10种荒漠植物地理分布与大气候的关系及其可能潜在分布区的估测

    Species-climate relationships of 10 desert plant species and their estimated potential distribution range in the arid lands of Northwestern China

  13. 没收刑制度在中国刑法中虽然予以了保留,但其存在也必然深受国际大气候的影响,其存在的合理性受到质疑。

    Although the sysem is reserved , but it is effected by international climate , and its rationality is oppugned .

  14. 在这种大气候影响下,宠儿的身份自然地表现出多样性和开放性。

    In this big cultural climate , Beloved ? s identity naturally appears to be open to multi ? interpretations .

  15. 他说虽然处在当前经济形势不好的大气候下,他的公司仍然不错,他还想扩大业务:

    He says that even with today 's poor economic climate , his business is good and he wants to expand .

  16. 这样的管理者肯定难成大气候,难有大作为。

    Such managers will surely fail to pose a real problem or give much scope for the talents of their subordinates .

  17. 如果新加坡人这种短视的、功利主义的态度不改,全社会仍缺少一个重视历史学习的大气候。

    We cannot create an overall climate that encourages the learning of history if such a myopic and mercenary attitude persists .

  18. 主要原因是计划经济体制下形成的传统的产业结构不适应市场经济的大气候。

    The main reaon lies in its traditional industrial structure which can not offer sufficient competence in a market economy any more .

  19. 【听力原文】【参考译文】今天,我想谈谈地球上最后的大气候的转变,在最后一个冰河时代的结束。

    Today I want to talk about the Earth 's last major climatic shift , at the end of the last ice age .

  20. 尽管并未成什么大气候,比他小16岁的弟弟埃德蒙也在伦敦做演员。

    His brother Edmund , sixteen years his junior , became an actor in London too , though without making much of a mark .

  21. 国际大气候的客观情势、知识经济的日益紧逼,都使成人高校德育工作面临新的严峻挑战。

    The objective situation of international climate and the urgent increase of the intellectual economy will make moral education in adult universities face severe challenges .

  22. 但从目前的大气候看来,美国大学读书的亚洲毕业生大部分还是选择美国以外的地方工作。

    Yet in the current climate , travellers have a good chance of meeting an Asian-born graduate from an American college who is moving somewhere else to work .

  23. 利用2002-2003年间荔枝林小气候梯度观测资料,分析荔枝林小气候特征及其与背景大气候之间的关系。

    Using microclimatic dada recorded from 2002 to 2003 in litchi ( Litchi chinensis ) forest in Huadu , the relationship between the microclimate and macroclimate was studied .

  24. 所有这一切都在中国创造了一个西方文化迅速传播的大气候,使西方文化的引进成为一种时代的潮流,掀起了一场西方文化热潮。

    All of this in China has created a rapid spread of western culture into a trend of the times , set off a wave of western culture .

  25. 并在全球气候变暖的大气候背景下,分析了重庆气候的变化趋势,并就气候变化对重庆农业可能造成的影响进行了初步的探讨;

    In the background of global warming climate , it analyses the Chongqing climate change trends , and studies preliminarily the possible impact on agriculture of Chongqing climate change .

  26. 时代大气候为吴江叶氏女作家成长的氛围,明中叶以前的思想控制与明代中后期社会思潮的冲击,带来了女性文学迥异的季节景观。

    The control of mentality before the middle age of the Ming dynasty and the impact of trend of thought lead to the different scenes of the women 's literature .

  27. 这是在抗日民族统一战线的大气候下党派关系获得部分调整的一种反映,在全国抗战史上尚较为罕见。

    This reflected a kind of harmony in the relationship between the parties in the national united front against Japan and it was rare in the history of Anti-Japanese War .

  28. 形成湖北水彩这一地域特性的外动力为中国水彩画发展的大气候,即当下中国政治、经济、文化教育的影响作用。

    Forms the Hubei water color this region characteristic outside power for the Chinese watercolor painting development macroclimate , namely immediately Chinese politics , economical , culture and education influence function .

  29. 现在,就像你刚才做的那样,如果世界上裸露的土地的面积快速的增长到超过了世界土地一半以上的面积,大气候就被我们改变了。

    Now , by the time you are doing that and increasing greatly the percentage of bare ground on more than half the world 's land , you are changing macroclimate .

  30. 采用信息传递量作为度量气候可预报性的指标,分别讨论了我国各大气候区的10个代表测站平均气温的可预报性。

    The predictability of mean temperature is investigated for ten stations located , separately , in all climatic regions of the country in terms of information transmission as the measure of climatic predictability .