
  • 网络urban climate
  1. 凉爽且能反射热量的白色房间已是一种城市气候解决方案,在世界各地的城市中得到了应用。

    Cool , heat-reflecting white rooms are already an urban climate solution that 's been embraced in cities around the world .

  2. 柳州城市气候变化分析

    The Analysis Of Urban Climate ′ s Change In Liuzhou City

  3. 根据城市气候领导联盟C40的数据,城市的极端高温天气可能导致死亡率上升14%,并会导致人们的劳动效率降低,损害道路和铁轨等基础设施。C40在全球拥有97个成员城市。

    According to C40 , a climate leadership group made up of 97 cities around the world , extreme heat events in cities can cause mortality increases of up to 14 % , as well as lower workforce such as roads and rail lines .

  4. 兰州城市气候效应的时空特征及形成机制研究

    Temporal-Spatial Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Urban Climate Effect in Lanzhou

  5. 哈尔滨等几个城市气候变化的对比分析

    A comparative analysis of climate change for some cities including Harbin

  6. 北京地区夏季城市气候趋势和环境效应的分析研究

    Summer urban climate trends and environmental effect in the Beijing area

  7. 潍坊城市气候变化特征及其与空气污染关系研究

    Weifang Urban Climate Change Characteristics and Its with Air Pollution Relations Research

  8. 德州市冬季城市气候效应分析

    Analysis of Climatic Effect of Urban Environment in Dezhou City in Winter

  9. 昆明城市气候水平空间分布特征

    A Study on the Horizonal-Spatial Characteristics of Urban Climate in Kunming City

  10. 西宁市区的城市气候效应

    On the Effect of Urban Climate in Xining City

  11. 南京城市气候灾害的研究

    A study of the Urban Climatic Disasters in Nanjing

  12. 合肥城市气候效应初步分析

    An initial analysis of climate effect in Hefei City

  13. 武汉城市气候特征初步分析

    A primary analysis of Urban Climatic Features of Wuhan

  14. 这种相对独立的城市气候环境,对人类的社会生产和生活的影响愈益直接而突出。

    The urban climate environment impacts on social production and life directly and obviously .

  15. 芜湖市城市气候效应初步研究

    On Primary Research of Wuhu Urban Climate Effect

  16. 以上结果可为低纬城市气候的深入研究,建筑的合理设计提供科学基础。

    This result will be scientific basis for urban climate research and city planning .

  17. 城市气候研究刍议

    A discussion on the research of urban climate

  18. 对城市气候研究中几个问题的看法

    Some problems on the study of urban climate

  19. 亚洲城市气候变迁韧性组织正在修复类似于红树林的重要的生态系统。

    The Asian Cities Climate Resilience Network is restoring vital ecosystems like forest mangroves .

  20. 武汉城市气候变化对用电用水的影响研究

    A Study of Climate Changing in Wuhan to the Effect of Using Electricity and Water

  21. 昆明城市气候特征

    The Character of Urban Climate in Kunming

  22. 成都市近50年城市气候年代际变化及热岛效应

    The interannual climate change and heat island effect of Chengdu of the recent fifty years

  23. 广州城市气候资源与被动蒸发冷却技术的应用

    Urban Climatic Resources and application of the technique of passive cooling by evaporation in Guangzhou

  24. 杭州城市气候

    The climate of the city of Hangzhou

  25. 规划与设计中城市气候问题探讨

    A Brief Discussion on Some Problems of Urban Climate in China 's Urban Planning and Design

  26. 论我国城市气候研究工作的进展

    Urban Climate Study In China

  27. 关于城市气候资源研究

    The Climatic Energy of City

  28. 重庆城市气候

    The city climate of Chongqing

  29. 城市气候高温化的成因与对策&以福州市城区为例

    Causes and countermeasures of urban high temperature climate : exemplified by the urban area of Fuzhou city

  30. 论城市气候资源

    Climatic Energy of City