
  • 网络City Park;urban park;Stadtpark
  1. 昨天暴雨来临时,我们正在清理城市公园。

    When the rainstorm came yesterday , we were cleaning up the city park .

  2. 例句在外面玩了一晚之后,为恢复精神,我今天早上去城市公园散步了。

    I went for a walk in the city park this morning to refresh myself after a night on the town .

  3. 城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。

    Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round

  4. 史密斯先生写了一本轻松的旅游指南,其中有一系列简短的章节专门介绍城市公园的具体方面,比如多年来为建设完美城市而提出的各种方案。

    Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook , with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity — parks , say , or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city .

  5. 例句地方政府承诺会全力支持“挽救城市公园”的计划。

    The council made a promise to throw its weight behind the " Save the Urban Gardens " project .

  6. 她最近出版的新书《城市公园:公共空间,个人想法》(CityParks:PublicSpaces,PrivateThoughts)是自己从事志愿活动(尽管是一位身居高位的志愿者)的热情抵达的新顶点。

    Her recently published book , city parks : public spaces , private thoughts , is the culmination of passions she pursued as a volunteer , albeit a high ranking one .

  7. 论文利用现有相对成熟的GIS技术方法最小邻近距离法和成本加权距离法探讨城市公园的可达性。

    The paper use existing relatively mature GIS computing technique smallest neighbor discusses the metropolitan park from the law and the cost weighting from the law the accessibility .

  8. 作为一个新建的现代城市公园,ThamesBarrier公园流露的历史感较为含蓄。

    As a newly built modern urban park , Thames Barrier Park has shown a sense of history in an implied manner .

  9. 其中滴滴涕占总有机氯农药类POPs物质的98.9%,是北京地区土壤中残留有机氯农药类POPs物质的主要成分,城市公园、园林土壤是城市滴滴涕的主要污染源。

    DDTs was the primary compound in soil samples , accounting for 98.9 % of the pesticides POPs . The source of DDTs was garden soils in city parks .

  10. 对不同介质下同种PTS类物质的暴露量比较发现,城市公园及路边灰尘环境下的暴露量最大,其次是蔬菜摄取途径。

    When comparing the exposure dose of the same PTS in different ambient medium , it is found that it was the biggest dose in urban parks and roadside dust and the next was in the way of vegetable ingestion . 4 .

  11. 云南省凤庆县城市公园绿地系统规划研究

    Study on Park System Planning of Fengqing County , Yunnan Province

  12. 城市公园环境设施地域性设计研究

    The Study on Regional Design of Environment Facilities in City Park

  13. 天津城市公园景观文化特色演变研究

    The Evolution Research on Landscape Cultural Characteristic for Tianjin Urban Park

  14. 上海市10个城市公园景观水体富营养化评价

    Eutrophication evaluation of landscape waters in ten urban parks in Shanghai

  15. 厦门城市公园植物群落的物种丰富度调查分析

    Investigation on species abundances of plant communities at Xiamen city parks

  16. 他们认为城市公园不应该收费。

    They believe a public park should be free of charge .

  17. 城市公园免费开放后面临的管理问题与对策&以上海浦东新区为例

    The Management Problems and Countermeasures after Free Opening of City Parks

  18. 一群学生正在计划一个城市公园清洁日。

    A group students are a city parks clean-up day .

  19. 广州城市公园的两种规划模式探讨&人民公园南广场、麓湖公园综合规划实例

    Approaches on the Two Planning Modes of Guangzhou Urban Parks

  20. 大连市城市公园收费制度设计研究

    The Study of the Charges of City Parks of Dalian

  21. 城市公园和郊区公园生物多样性评估的指标

    Indicators for monitoring biodiversity in urban and sub urban parks

  22. 对日本近代城市公园绿地历史发展的探讨

    A Study on History of Japanese Modern Urban Green Space and System

  23. 开放性城市公园绿地边界空间设计研究

    A Study on Design of Edge Space of Open Urban Public Park

  24. 南昌市城市公园空间布局研究

    On the Spatial Distribution of Urban Park in Nanchang City

  25. 城市公园夏季鸟类的群落结构

    Study of the summer birds community structure in urban park

  26. 关于城市公园生态建设和管理的探讨

    Discussion on the Ecological Construction and Management of City Parks

  27. 由纽约中央公园谈城市公园与公共空间

    On urban park and public space from the New York central park

  28. 2002年,利维的骸骨在一个城市公园里被发现。

    Levy 's skeletal remains were found in a city park in2002 .

  29. 城市公园建设项目综合费-效分析的灰色评价

    Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Urban Public-spirited Development Project with Grey Evaluation

  30. 尽量找国家或是城市公园,或是一些安全,黑暗的地方。

    Look for state or city parks or other safe , dark sites .