
zhǒng pí
  • seed coat;testa;episperm;husk of a seed
种皮[zhǒng pí]
  1. 花生种皮中一种NBS类抗病基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of NBS Class of Resistance Gene Homolog from Peanut Testa

  2. 因此,可以认为现代月季种子休眠的主要原因是果皮和种皮内含有较高水平的ABA。

    It is therefore suggested that the relatively high level of ABA in the pericarp and testa is the major cause of the achene dormancy .

  3. 脱下的种皮,可由筛子上的吸气装置吸除。

    Hulls may be removed by aspiration on screens .

  4. 与瘦果相似,不同点在于颖果的果皮和种皮紧密愈合不易分离。

    It is similar to an achene except that the ovary wall is fused with the seed coat .

  5. 樱花的中部就是种皮,外形像一个绿色小囊,花柱从这里向外生长。

    In the centre of the cherry-flower is the seed-vessel , which looks like a little green bag , with a long point called the style rising from it .

  6. 外源DNA导入大豆后代种皮颜色变异的过氧化物酶分析

    Peroxidase Analysis Of Seed-Coat-Colour Variation in Progenies of Soybean Having Received Foreign DNA

  7. 国产大豆种皮中Fe(Ⅱ)稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of Ferrous Iron in Soyabean Hull

  8. 银杏外种皮中银杏酚酸的超临界CO2萃取

    Studies on Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction for Ginkgolic Acids in the Epicarp of Ginkgo biloba

  9. HPLC测定银杏外种皮多糖的分子质量及含量

    Determination of molecular weight and content of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides by HPLC

  10. 采用HPLC对核桃仁种皮中的多酚类物质进行了分析研究。

    The determination of polyphenols in the walnut kernel pellicle was studied by HPLC .

  11. 一个与大豆黄色种皮相关的RAPD标记

    A RAPD marker related with yellow seed coat of soybean

  12. RP-HPLC法测定2种银杏外种皮中黄酮苷含量

    Analysis of Flavonoids Glycosides in Ginkgo Exotesta of Both Cultivars by RP-HPLC

  13. 银杏外种皮多糖对HL-60细胞的体外实验研究

    Experimental Study of Ginkgo biloba Exocarp Polysaccharides on HL-60 Cells in Vitro

  14. 大豆属Soja亚属种皮微形态特征的研究

    Study on the episperm micro-morphological characteristics of subgenus Soja in Glycine

  15. 黄豆亚属(Soja)植物种皮结构的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Seed Coat Structure of Soja

  16. 结果银杏外种皮内酯可增强小鼠脑内SOD、GSHpx的活性,减少MDA的含量,提高小鼠的记忆学习能力。

    Results Ginkgolide can reduce the content of MDA , improve SOD and GSH-Px activity in mouse brains and enhance the learning memory behavior .

  17. 试验结果又表明,10%以上浓度的H2O2对种子种皮开裂虽有很明显的促进效果,但对于种子萌发是不利的。

    The experiment result shows again that though the H_2O_2above 10 % consistency have evident accelerating effect on dehiscence of the seed coat , it is harmful to the sprouting of the seed .

  18. 随成熟度的提高,种仁中POD同工酶条带数有所增加,而种皮中其条带数不变,只是随成熟度的提高酶带颜色变浅。

    As the seeds became more mature , the band number of POD isozyme increased in seed kernels and kept unchangeable in seed coats but became lighter in colour .

  19. 本文采用酸提取方法对大豆种皮果胶的提取工艺条件进行研究,考察了温度、pH、料液比、提取时间等因素对果胶收率的影响。

    Acid-extraction of pectin from soybean hull was studied . The effects of temperature , pH , ratios of soybean hull to extraction solvent , extraction time on the yields of soybean hull pectin prepared were measured .

  20. 目的:研究银杏外种皮多糖(Ginkgobilobaenocarppolysaccharides,GBEP)对小鼠肝癌的抑制作用及作用机制。

    Objective : To study the anticancer action of Ginkgo Biloba testa polysaccharides ( GBTP ) on mice liver cancer and its mechanism .

  21. 通过柱层析对内源激素进行分离提取,再用气相色谱进行鉴定,结果证明,无论是休眠种子还是解除休眠的种子,其种皮和种胚中都含有脱落酸(ABA);

    The endogenous phytohormones were extracted and isolated by means of column chromatography and detected in seed coat and embryo of both seeds dormant and released from dormancy .

  22. 对9120株独立增强子捕获标签系的T1代未成熟种子进行了GUS染色分析,观察并统计了胚,胚乳和种皮中GUS基因的表达频率。

    Immature T_1 seeds of 9,120 independent enhancer trap lines were collected for GUS expression pattern analysis on embryo , endosperm and seed capsule .

  23. 在本研究中,从银杏外种皮中提取、分离并制备了GA(15:1)。在体外代谢研究中,应用SD大鼠的肝微粒体考察了其代谢情况。

    In this study , the in vitro metabolism of ginkgolic acid ( 15:1 ), one component of ginkgo acids , was investigated as a model compound in Sprague-Dawley rat liver microsomes .

  24. 试验证明黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)可经黄瓜种子传播,传毒率为0.20%,传毒部位为种皮和种胚。

    The tests proved cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ) could be transmitted by cucumber seed with the rate of 0.20 % in seed surface and embryo .

  25. 本文采用不同条件抽提银杏外种皮多酚氧化酶(简称PPO),比较了抽提条件对PPO活性的影响;

    Polyphenol oxidase of exopleura of Ginkgo was extracted on different conditions , the effection of the conditions to polyphenol oxidase was also discussed in this paper .

  26. 银杏外种皮多糖对免疫功能低下小鼠IL-2活性及sIL-2R的影响

    Influence of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides ( GBEP ) on interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) activity and solubility interleukin-2 receptor ( sIL-2R ) level in mice under lower immune function

  27. 6在低温条件下培养,带种皮培养的对幼胚PF值增大、提高成苗率的效果明显好于不带种皮的。

    The PF value and the percent of normal seedling of immature embryos with seed coats were better than the embryo without seed coats when cultured at low temperature condition .

  28. 同属十字花科(Cruciferae)植物,种皮色素的合成可能具有相似性。

    Thaliana belong to Cruciferae and the manner of testa pigment phenotype formation in these two species may be much similar .

  29. 分布曲线的峰值所对应的深度即离子的最可几深度的范围一般在5~40μm,小于一般植物种子的种皮厚度。说明造成胚细胞的DNA损伤是注入离子的次级效应的间接作用。

    The range of the possible depth is about to 5 ~ 40 um , which is less than ordinary testa thickness of plant 's seed , thus result which DNA in embryonic cell is damaged is the Indirect Action of ion-implanted secondary effect .

  30. 在实验浓度0-0.5mg/mL范围内,3种黑色粮油作物的种皮提取物对O2-·、·OH和H2O2均有不同程度的清除作用,并呈现量效关系;

    Within the experimental concentration range of 0 ~ 0.5mg / mL , the three black crop seeds can scavenge O2 - · , · OH , and H2O2 at varying degree , showing dose effect relation .