
zhǒnɡ qún yí chuán xué
  • population genetics
  1. 要达到这个目标,种群遗传学知识必不可少。

    To achieve this goal , one must have a knowledge of population genetics .

  2. 对虾种质资源以及种群遗传学已成为研究热点,种群保护也已提到议事日程。

    The research on shrimp germplasm resources and population genetics have become hot points , and population protection has already been scheduled .

  3. 目的:本次研究旨在建立适宜于珍稀濒危动物种群遗传学研究中提取DNA的方法。

    Aim : The study is intended for working out ways to extract DNA that are suitable for the research into rare animal community genetics .

  4. 森林片断化是造成全球生物多样性丧失的主要原因,但从种群遗传学角度开展的研究还远远不够。

    Forest fragmentation is the main threat to global biodiversity .

  5. 对微卫星标记在动物种群遗传学中的应用进行了综述。

    A review of application about microsatellites in population genetic study was given .

  6. 鸟类剥制标本的皮肤组织和羽毛可以作为研究种群遗传学的资源。

    The specimens of the dried skin and feathers are proved to be a good source of DNA extraction for genetic analysis .

  7. 研究结果为银杏大蚕蛾的种群遗传学和生态学研究提供了一个基本的分子生物学线索。

    The results of this study provide a basic molecular biology clue to the studies on population genetics and ecology of C.japonica .

  8. 随着种群遗传学的发展,分子遗传标记特别是微卫星标记已经成为研究种群遗传的有力工具。

    With the development of population genetics , molecular genetic markers including microsatellite DNA have already become efficient tools in population genetic study .

  9. 这些多态性微卫星分子标记将为多花黄精以及多花黄精近缘物种的种群遗传学、种质保存和保护等研究提供有利工具。

    The results suggest that these microsatellite markers would contribute to the population genetic studies and germplasm preservation of P. cyrtonema and other related species .

  10. 这些多态性位点将是黄精属植物的种质保存、遗传多样性、种群遗传学、繁育系统等研究的有用工具。

    These markers would be the useful tools for analyzing questions concerning germplasm preservation , genetic diversity , population genetics and mating system of Polygonatum .

  11. 随着分子实验技术的不断发展,微卫星分子标记技术在多个物种的种群遗传学和生态学等领域发挥了重要作用。

    With the rapid development of experimental technique of molecular biology , microsatellite marker plays a significant part in the population genetics concerning multispecies and ecology field .

  12. 芜菁花叶病毒的种群遗传学与水稻黑条矮缩病毒山东分离物的分子特性

    To trim with a strip or strips of gathered or pleated material . The Population Genetics of Turnip Mosaic Virus ( TuMV ) and Molecular Characterization of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Virus Isolates from Shandong

  13. 种群遗传学研究揭示,由于小种群效应,以及缺乏有效的基因流和特有的致濒机制,马褂木种群间的遗传分化巨大,30%以上的遗传变异存在于种群间。

    Population genetics revealed that the small population effect , for lack of gene flow and special endangering mechanism resulted in a high genetic differentiation within populations which amounted to 34.34 % of the genetic variation .

  14. 本文根据种群遗传学的基本原理,采用计算机数值模拟的方法定量比较了合理混用、轮用、棋盘式使用等用药策略对害虫抗性增长的影响。

    According to the principle of population genetics and by using computer numerical simulation comparison has been made on the effectiveness of using rational mixture of insecticides with that of other types of insecticide application including rotation and checkerboard in delaying resistance development of a pest insect species .

  15. 我国科学家曾对其宏观迁飞规律、迁飞行为机制、飞行与生殖的关系等进行了深入研究,但对其种群分子遗传学却很少涉及。

    Great efforts have been made by Chinese scientists in the study of its migration regularity , migratory behavior mechanism and the relationship between flight and reproduction , however molecular genetics of oriental armyworm was seldom involved .

  16. 首先陈述了生态遗传学的性质,它是种群生态学和种群遗传学的结合,研究种群层次上正在进行着的进化;

    First of all , the nature of ecological genetics was described . Ecological genetics represents a union of population ecology and population genetics and it studies on evolution at population level .

  17. 该类害虫在入侵时以及入侵后在种群生物学和行为遗传学上发生了一系列的变异,使其成为一种入侵成功的外来生物。

    The genetic changes during or subsequent to introduction have led to alterations in its population biology and behavioral genetics ; these , in turn , have promoted the invasive success of RIFA .

  18. 种群生态学,包括种群遗传学,研究影响动、植物种群分布和多态现象的因素。

    Population ecology , including population genetics , is the study of processes that affect the distribution and abundance of animal and plant populations .