
zhǒnɡ xìnɡ zhì dù
  • caste system
  1. 种姓制度几乎影响着印度生活的方方面面。

    The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life .

  2. 尼泊尔的种姓制度源于印度。随着梨查维人进入加德满都谷地并建立王朝,种姓制度在尼泊尔开始萌芽。

    The caste system of Nepal had its origins in India .

  3. 社会的阶级制度是否已被种姓制度取代?

    Had our class system been replaced by a caste system ?

  4. 印度种姓制度与凉山彝族等级制

    Indian Caste System the Hierarchy of Yi Nationality in Liangshan

  5. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。

    The caste system is still strong in India .

  6. 尼泊尔种姓制度的历史沿革

    The History of the Caste System in Nepal

  7. 试析印度的种姓制度

    An Analysis on the Caste Systen in India

  8. 种姓制度是工业化的最后一道障碍。

    Caste was the final barrier to industrialization .

  9. 论英国殖民初期印度种姓制度的变化

    Change of the caste system under British rule

  10. 种姓制度所造成的影响是我们无法想像的。

    It is impossible for us to imagine the effects of the caste system .

  11. 种姓制度在一些东方国家如印度仍然很牢固。

    The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as India .

  12. 社会结构上,它有着独具一格、等级森严的种姓制度;

    In social structure , it had a unique national and rigidly stratified family system ;

  13. 种姓制度是影响印度基础教育改革政策的最独特因素;

    The Caste system is the most unique factor that influenced Indian primary educational policies .

  14. 印度教与印度种姓制度

    Hindu and Caste System in India

  15. 古代伊朗的种姓制度

    The Caste System in Ancient Iran

  16. 种姓制度是印度社会的特征之一。

    Caste , with its hereditary and intermarriage system , is a typical social characteristic in India .

  17. 中国还需要深化以农民土地所有权、国有企业所有权和私人财产所有权为重点的产权改革,印度则需要改革其限制社会流动、压抑经济活力和削弱人力资本投资的种姓制度。

    Moreover , China should deep its property reform while India needs to abolish its backward caste system .

  18. 但是您还打算把这些孩子困在种姓制度下多久?

    But how long are you going to control the children 's lives on the basis of caste ?

  19. 从根本上说,种姓制度是一种根植于印度教洁净观念的价值体系。

    Factually , Indian caste system is a system of value growing from the cleaning conceptions of Hinduism .

  20. 我今天晚上看了一遍《种姓制度》,并且完成了翻译。

    I watch one time of the 《 the caste system 》 tonight . I also complete the translation .

  21. 在近现代,法律努力消除种姓制度的影响,但结果并不乐观。

    In modern time the law is trying to eliminate its influence , but the result is not ideal .

  22. 建筑在这种社会结构基础之上的法律体系,压抑了人的个性和理智的正常发展,建立在种姓制度基础上的古代印度法制就是其中的典型。

    Legal system based on this kind of social structure constrains the personal individuality and normal development of intellect .

  23. 种姓制度不仅订在法律,且规定在婆罗门教义教条中,神圣而不可侵犯。

    The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the Brahman 's dogma .

  24. 它还赋予了常青藤学校的学生群体一种二元分化感,虽然这还算不上是“种姓制度”。

    It also gives the student body of the Ivy League a bifurcated , if not " caste " feel .

  25. 贾瓦伊绝非一个时间凝滞的地方,但其人口以印度教徒为主,种姓制度依然颇具影响力。

    Though Jawai is by no means a timeless place , it is overwhelmingly Hindu and the caste system retains real power .

  26. 这简直荒唐透顶,愚不可及!就像印度的种姓制度。这是个耻辱!

    It 's absolutely absurd and silly ! It 's a hierarchy , just like Indian caste system . it 's a shame !

  27. 这名印度小哥于1949出生在印度一个贫穷的纺织户家庭,因为种姓制度,他被归类为“不可接触的贱民”。

    The Indian was born in 1949 into a weaver family in Odisha , Dhenkanal and was considered an untouchable in the society .

  28. 种姓制度是一种印度社会独有的,并且非常严格的等级制度,它是阶级差别的一种形式。

    The caste system is a society of India is unique , and very strict hierarchy , it is a form of class distinction .

  29. 我今天晚上只有时间看了《种姓制度》的一段,并同时把这些内容翻译成了中文。

    I just have time to watch one paragraph of the 《 the caste system 》 tonight . I also translate it into Chinese .

  30. 另外,根深蒂固的印度种姓制度严重制约了初等教育政策的公平性,造成了不同种姓之间教育公平的真空地带。

    Besides , Deep-rooted caste system has limited the equity of primary education policies , causing some vacuum of education equity among different castes .