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zhǒnɡ jiàn zá jiāo
  • interspecies cross;interspecific chiasma;interspecific crossing;interspecific hybrid
  1. 通过种间杂交培育的极早熟梨新品系&珍珠梨

    A new very early ripening pear line pearl pear bred from interspecific crossing

  2. 海带属种间杂交育种的研究

    Study on interspecific crossing of Laminaria species

  3. 种间杂交的主要障碍是F1代的不育性。

    A major barrier to interspecific hybridization is sterility in the F1 progeny .

  4. 杨山牡丹和牡丹种间杂交后代的DNA分子证据

    DNA Molecular Evidences of the Inter-specific Hybrids between Paeonia ostii and P.suffruticosa Based on ISSR Markers

  5. 小麦及其近缘种间杂交的不亲和性及其F1籽粒性状研究

    Interspecific Cross-incompatibility between Triticum aestivum and Its Related Species and Their F_1 Kernel Characters

  6. 棉属种间杂交渐渗系AFLP和DNA甲基化的遗传与变异

    Inheritance and Variation of AFLP and DNA Methylation in Cotton Introgressed Lines

  7. 葡萄种间杂交F1代的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis in an interspecific F_1 hybrid of grapes

  8. 芦荟属植物种间杂交及其F1代POD同工酶鉴定

    The interspecific hybridization and identification of F_1 hybrids by POD isozyme application in Aloe

  9. 用RAPD标记检测鹅掌楸属种间杂交的花粉污染

    RAPD Detection of Pollen Contamination in Cross Breeding of Liriodendron

  10. RAPD标记在桉属种间杂交一代的分离方式研究

    Segregation of RAPD Markers : A Case in Interspecific Cross of Eucalyptus

  11. 甜菜属(BetaGenus)种间杂交的研究

    Study on Hybridization Between Species of Beta Genus

  12. 水稻亚亚种间杂交F1籽粒性状的双列分析

    Diallel analysis in characters of f_1 ′ s grains in the crosses of indica / inclined to japonica in Rice

  13. 棉花种间杂交渐渗系SSR及农艺性状分析

    SSR and Agronomic Characters Analysis of the Introgressed Lines from Interspecific Hybridization in Cotton

  14. 棉属种间杂交基因渐渗系SSR标记及其表型性状的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis of the Introgressed Lines from Interspecific Hybridization in Cotton based on SSR Markers and Phenotype Traits

  15. 综合利用SSR、表型性状聚类结果将促进棉属种间杂交基因渐渗材料的高效利用。

    Comprehensive utilization of SSR and phenotype trait cluster analyses will promote the use of the introgressed lines from interspecific hybridization in cotton .

  16. 结果表明:药用野生稻亲本Pc和种间杂交后代品系Ac鄄1、Ac鄄3对稻纵卷叶螟表现较高抗虫性,可为选育抗虫品种提供参考。

    The results showed that medical wild rice ( Pc ) and the hybrid Ac-1 and Ac-3 had the strong-resistance to rice leaf roller , which could be used in rice insect-resistant breeding .

  17. 利用气相色谱质谱计算机联用系统(GCMSCS)对两个葡萄种间杂交的亲本及其后代的香味成分进行了研究。

    S : Aroma components of grape from F 1 generation of two Vitis interspecific crossings were analysed with Gas chromatography Mass spectrum Computer System ( GC MS CS ) .

  18. 吸管授粉在棉花杂交制种技术中的应用研究棉花种间杂交渐渗系SSR及农艺性状分析

    Application of Pollination by Isolating the Pistil and Stamen with Wheat Straw in Hybrid Seed Production of Cotton SSR and Agronomic Characters Analysis of the Introgressed Lines from Interspecific Hybridization in Cotton

  19. 我国养殖品种多数属于种间杂交种,其种质遗传基础1/2以上均来自我国原种群海带(LaminariaJaponica),品种单一化存在遗传脆弱性的巨大威胁。

    Most of cultivated varieties are interspecific hybrids , 1 / 2 or more of the genetic bases of their germplasm are from the original population Laminaria japonica . Single species exist great threat of genetic vulnerability .

  20. 对4个甘蓝型油菜杂交组合F1和白花甘蓝(Brassicaoleracea)与双低甘蓝型油菜(B.napus)品种花油3号种间杂交及回交BC4代的植株进行小孢子培养,获得大量的再生植株。

    Microspore culture of four ( F1 ) hybrid lines of Brassica napus and one ( F1 ) intervarietal hybridization between B.oleracea and B.napus , and many of DH plants of regeneration were successive selected in field .

  21. 大豆种间杂交育种技术的研究与应用

    Study and Utilization of Techniques of Soybean Interspecific Cross in Breeding

  22. 授粉条件对芸薹属作物种间杂交亲和性的影响

    Effects of Pollination Conditions on Cross Compatibility Index between Brassica Crops

  23. 油纤兼用型亚麻种间杂交技术研究

    Study on Technic of Oil and Fiber Flax Species Hybridization

  24. 依托盘式棉花拔杆机构的研讨棉花种间杂交的研究

    A research on the plate type cotton stub pulling mechanism

  25. 通过种间杂交选育加工黄瓜新品种宁佳1号

    A New Pickling Cucumber F_1 Hybrid Bred from Interspecific Hybridization

  26. 樱桃种间杂交种胚培养及子叶植株再生

    Embryo Culture and Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons in Interspecies Hybrids of Cherry

  27. 小麦种间杂交后代的细胞学观察与后代选择

    Cytological Observations of Interspecific Crosses and Progeny Selection in Wheat

  28. 花生种间杂交及其胚营救技术研究

    Interspecific hybridization in genus Arachis and techniques for embryo rescue

  29. 野生稻在种间杂交育种中利用的研究进展

    Research Progress on the Utilization of Wild Rice in Interspecific Cross Breeding

  30. 棉花种间杂交抗棉铃虫资源选育

    Breeding of Cotton with Resistance to Bollworm by Interspecific Crossing