
zhǒng qún
  • population;plant or animal community
种群 [zhǒng qún]
  • [plant or animal community;population] 指生活在同一地点、属于同一物种的生物群

种群[zhǒng qún]
  1. 这种疾病有可能毁灭整个种群。

    The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population .

  2. 生物学家称这个地区的面积可能足以让一个自我维系的种群生存下来。

    Biologists say the area might be large enough to support a self-sustaining population .

  3. 拉塞尔博士正通过把全球各地的山羊品种进行杂交来培育一个优良种群。

    Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe .

  4. 在美国可耕地中蚯蚓的种群会被冰冻所毁坏。

    Earthworm populations in arable soils in the United States may be destroyed by frost .

  5. 这是个关于恢复了种群数量的小狐狸以及一生致力于保护灰狐的人类的故事。

    This is the story of the little fox that has come back , and the people who have   dedicated   their lives to protecting it .

  6. 在被拯救的诸多哺乳动物中,岛屿灰狐是恢复最快的一个种群,和路易斯安那黑熊等一起成为《濒危物种法》保护历史上最瞩目的成功案例。

    It 's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal , joining peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in the history of the Endangered Species Act .

  7. 正因为如此,不同种群的虎鲸必须学习不同的捕猎技巧,以便在追捕当地猎物时占据上风。

    As such , different populations of killer whales have had to learn different hunting techniques in order to gain the upper hand over their local prey .

  8. 这反过来又对它们的饮食习惯产生了重大影响,这使得科学家纷纷猜测,虎鲸学习某一种群独特的捕猎方法的能力也许正在促进着它们的基因发展。

    This , in turn , has a major effect on their diet , leading scientists to expressed that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals ' genetic development .

  9. 海洋生物也可能受到影响:厄尔尼诺现象会减少大量鱼类种群赖以生存的营养丰富的冷水的上升,异常温暖的海洋温度也会破坏珊瑚。

    Marine life may be affected too : El Ninos can reduce the rising of the cold , nutrient-rich water that supports large fish populations , and the unusually warm ocean temperatures can destroy coral .

  10. 是什么让不同物种的种群变成了如今的样子?

    What makes the populations of different species the way they are ?

  11. Interspeciesfriendship指不同种群的动物之间发展出来的社交关系,也就是“跨种群友情”。

    Interspecies friendship refers to the social relationships formed between members of different animal species .

  12. 该国家公园区域内具有独特的动物种群和植物种群。

    This National Park is an area with unique fauna and flora .

  13. 种群存活率曲线呈C型,说明林麝的死亡主要发生在幼麝时期。

    The survivorship curve indicates that the most death happened in fawn period .

  14. 野生与笼养绿孔雀种群的随机扩增多态DNA研究

    A Study of the Wild and Captive Green Peafowl ( Pavo muticus ) by Random-Amplified Polymorphic DNA

  15. 取盲肠内粪便作厌氧培养及细菌种群DNA指纹图谱分析。

    The feces in cecum were cultured for anaerobic bacterial growth and analysed by bacterial group DNA fingerprint spectrum .

  16. 扩散对污染斑块上Logistic种群生存的影响

    The Effect of Diffusion on the Permanence of Logistic Population in the Polluted Patch

  17. 具有无穷分布时滞的n种群Lotka-Volterra型竞争系统的正周期解

    The positive periodic solutions of n-species Lotka Volterra competition systems with infinite distributed delay

  18. Laplace变换应用于一类非线性种群发展系统

    A Class of Nonlinear Population Evolution System by Using Laplace Transformation

  19. 目的:本次研究旨在建立适宜于珍稀濒危动物种群遗传学研究中提取DNA的方法。

    Aim : The study is intended for working out ways to extract DNA that are suitable for the research into rare animal community genetics .

  20. 确认了宽叶金粟兰、及己C.青蛤两个异域种群的遗传多样性与分化研究

    Four species , i.e. C. studies on genetic diversity and differentiation between two allopatric populations of Cyclina sinensis

  21. 对溴氰菊酯抗性品系(R)和敏感性品系(S)的一系列生长发育和繁殖特征,以种群数量趋势指数来确定各个品系的生物适合度;

    Were evaluated in terms of developmental and reproductive characteristics by constructing life table of resistant strain ( R ) and susceptible strain ( S );

  22. 本文定义了一种群H,讨论了映射芽对于群H有限决定的一些充分、必要条件。

    A kind of group H is defined and some ample and necessary conditions for finite determination of map-germ with respect to group H are discussed .

  23. 生物协同学,Lorenz模型和种群动力学

    Biological Synergetics , Lorenz Model and Population Dynamics

  24. 因此,对于复杂多峰优化问题,DC不能在单一种群中并行地维持多个全局或局部最优解。

    Thus DC is not capable of finding and maintaining multiple global or local optima in parallel in a single population when used to optimize complicated multimodal problems .

  25. 以随机扩增多态DNA分析,搞清楚了北京动物园饲养朱鹮种群的亲缘关系,制定出朱鹮人工种群谱系图。

    In this paper , we study the kin relationship of captive population on Crested Ibis by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis in Beijing Zoo , and establish the map of pedigree .

  26. Lotka-Volterra型N-种群自治竞争系统的一些新结果

    Some new results of autonomous Lotka-Volterra n-species competitive systems

  27. 北京种群GST活性较低,与台湾敏感品系近似。

    GST activity of Beijing population was lower , and near to the level of Taiwan sensitive strain .

  28. 通过本文的研究,作者还提出,在利用DNA序列比对法进行近缘物种的鉴定时,不同种群间的DNA序列变异,可能对结果造成一定的影响。

    Besides , it was pointed out when using the DNA sequences alignment method to identify related species , DNA sequence variations among different populations may influence the result to a certain extent .

  29. 微卫星DNA作为一种优良的遗传标记在分子生态学领域得到了广泛应用,本文综述了其在分子种群生物学、分子环境遗传学、分子适应等研究领域中的应用情况。

    Microsatellite DNA has been widely used as a good genetic marker in molecular ecology . This paper reviewed its application in molecular population biology , molecular environmental genetics , and molecular adaptation .

  30. 验证表明,新建立的烟粉虱SCAR标记能特异性扩增不同地理种群的烟粉虱而不能扩增温室白粉虱;

    Specific amplification experiments showed that the SCAR markers for B.tabaci were specific to different populations of B.tabaci , and the SCAR markers for T.