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  1. 这些变动引发的警告受到了迅速发展的拉美福音教派的关注和传播。

    The alarm that these changes have produced has been picked up and amplified by the fast-growing Latino evangelical movement .

  2. 自从1925年发生”美国猴子案件“以来,福音教派就一直规避国内的政治圈子。

    Ever since the Scopes Monkey Trial in1925 , evangelicals had shunned the national political scene .

  3. 威伯福斯1787年皈依了强调人生罪孽和赎罪的福音教派,离开了这个背景就很难真正地理解他。

    He can hardly be understood except in the context of a strain of evangelical Christianity , one that stresses sin and atonement , to which he was converted in 1787 .

  4. 本文试图从宗教对布什竞选连任成功的作用出发,分析美国宗教势力尤其是占人口43%的福音教派的崛起对美国内政特别是外交的影响。

    This article attempts to analyze the religious influence on American foreign and domestic affairs , especially that of the rise of the Gospels , which takes up about 43 % of the population .