
  • 网络Fukushima Prefecture;Iwaki
  1. 桥本还表示,宫城县、福岛县和静冈县已决定当地奥运场馆可接待观众为场馆容量的50%,最多1万名观众。

    Miyagi , Fukushima , and Shizuoka prefectures have decided that venues can be filled to 50 % of capacity with a maximum of 10000 spectators , added Hashimoto .

  2. 除了宫城县,青森县、岩手县和福岛县也感觉到强烈震动。东京的建筑物持续摇晃超过一分钟。

    Besides Miyagi , the prefectures of Aomori , Iwate and Fukushima also experienced strong shaking . Tokyo 's buildings continued to sway for more than a minute .

  3. 年3月25日星期五,日本福岛县相马市,为福岛核设施泄露而设立的避难中心里,一位妇女一动不动地坐在那里。

    A woman sits motionless at an evacuee center for leaked radiation from the damaged fukushima nuclear facilities friday march 25 2011 in soma fukushima prefecture japan.2011

  4. 搜索队已经到达福岛县的SOMA,从周五起第一次挖掘尸体。

    Search parties arrived in Soma , Fukushima prefecture , for the first time since Friday to dig out bodies .

  5. EmiKaneko是来自福岛县的执政党民主党成员。她呼吁人们相信福岛的农民和他们的蔬菜。

    Emi Kaneko , a member of the ruling Democratic Party from Fukushima , is asking people to trust in her prefecture 's farmers and their vegetables .

  6. 为了传达这条信息,福岛县磐城市的YokoNozaki等人来到东京。

    Publicity campaign To drive home that message , people like Yoko Nozaki , from Fukushima 's Iwaki City , came to Tokyo .

  7. 福岛县还没有出现恐慌的迹象。

    There is little sign of panic here in Fukushima prefecture .

  8. 福岛县产的牛奶也被禁售。

    Sale of milk from the Fukushima area has also been restricted .

  9. 日本东北福岛县西南部观测的剪切波分裂

    Shear wave splitting observed in the southwestern part of Fukushima Prefecture , northeastern Japan

  10. 圣火传递从日本东北部的福岛县开始。

    The relay began in northeastern Fukushima prefecture .

  11. 法新社报道,福岛县东京电力第一核电站1号机组内传出爆炸声并冒出白烟。

    An explosion has been heard and smoke was seen at Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant .

  12. 这次天灾还对位于福岛县的一座核电厂的核反应堆造成严重破坏。

    The natural disaster also triggered the meltdown of reactors at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture .

  13. 日本目前停止了福岛县的原料奶以及茨城县菠菜的销售。

    Japan is now halting the sale of raw milk from Fukushima prefecture and spinach from Ibaraki prefecture .

  14. 枝野幸男说,有些在福岛县以外的肉牛也是以同样高铯含量的草料饲养。

    Edano says that some beef cattle outside Fukushima prefecture were also fed rice straw with high levels of radioactive cesium .

  15. 核辐射的泄漏迫使几个城镇和村庄居民被迫疏散到其他地区,并且进一步摧毁福岛县的工业和农业。

    That radiation release forced the evacuation of numerous towns and villages , further devastating industry and agriculture in Fukushima prefecture .

  16. 富冈是福岛县的一个小城,福岛县位于向东京供电的两座核电站之间。

    Tomioka is a small town in Fukushima Prefecture , Fukushima Prefecture to Tokyo in between supply two nuclear power plants .

  17. 从福岛县内及其邻近地区的抽样点上获得的某些食物产品已经受到了放射性物质的污染。

    Some food products sampled at sites both within the Fukushima Prefecture and in adjacent areas have been contaminated by radioactive materials .

  18. 福岛县福岛第一核能发电厂三号反应炉,上周四冒出蒸气。

    Photo of steam rising from the number three reactor of Fukushima Dai-Chi power plant in Okumamachi , Fukushima Prefecture is shown on Thursday .

  19. 日本官员已下令增加辐射测试,但他们称,福岛县以外的热点不是一个令人担忧的原因。

    Japanese officials have ordered an increase in radiation testing , but they say hot spots outside Fukushima are not a cause for worry .

  20. 福岛县核电站在地震和海啸中遭到破坏,核电站至今仍然面临严峻问题。

    Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami .

  21. 他的哥哥也是一名僧人,继承了祖父在福岛县的寺庙,所以他必须另觅他处。

    His elder brother had succeeded the temple founded by their grandfather , also a monk , in Fukushima prefecture , so Watanabe had to go elsewhere .

  22. 2020年东京奥组委主席森喜朗于上周五表示,福岛县营吾妻球场将举办至少一场棒球和垒球比赛。

    The Azuma Baseball Stadium in Fukushima city will host at least one baseball and one softball match , Tokyo 2020 president Yoshiro Mori said on Friday .

  23. 中国驻日使馆宣布,将协助本国公民撤离海啸破坏最严重的四个地区宫城县、福岛县、茨城县和岩手县。

    The Chinese Embassy offered to help evacuate its citizens from four of the areas worst hit by the tsunami Miyagi , Fukushima , Ibaragi and Iwate .

  24. 公共支出主要与福岛县、宫城县以及岩手县的清理和净化活动有关,这三个县在去年的地震和海啸中受创最重。

    Spending was led by clean-up and decontamination in Fukushima , Miyagi and Iwate , the three prefectures hit hardest by the earthquake and tsunami last year .

  25. 福岛县政府非常热衷举办奥运训练营,并且希望国外的运动员和粉丝们不要担忧辐射水平,放心地品尝当地产的食物。

    Fukushima Prefecture is also keen on holding Olympic training camps and wants overseas athletes and fans to eat locally produced food , despite concerns over radiation levels .

  26. 本周,日本医生开始给福岛县的36万名儿童做检查,目的是了解辐射在多大程度上会增加他们患甲状腺癌的风险。

    This week , Japanese doctors began examining three hundred sixty thousand children in Fukushima Prefecture . The goal is to learn the extent to which radiation may increase their risk of cancer .

  27. 除了帮助在地震和海啸中受伤或无家可归的数千人之外,菅直人表示,他的首要工作是应对福岛县几座受损的核电站的危急状况。

    helping the thousands of people injured and made homeless by the quake and tsunami , Kan said his top priority is the emergencies with a pair of damaged nuclear power plants in Fukushima

  28. 福岛县的人们应该也学过这些知识,但他们大多数人也只有15分钟的时间来完成所有事情:明白自己刚刚经历的是一场地震,注意到海水正在退潮,然后拔足逃命。

    The residents of Fukushima Prefecture would have been taught this as well , and yet most would have had only 15 minutes to understand they had just experienced an earthquake , to notice the sea was retreating , and escape .

  29. 日本的海外游客数量一直在增长,但是由于日本大东海地震以及2011年3月宫城县、岩手县和福岛县等沿海地区发生的海啸,日本东北六县的旅游业一直停滞不前。

    Overseas traveler numbers have increased around Japan , but tourism in the six Tohoku prefectures has remained stagnant since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami hit the coastal regions of Miyagi , Iwate and Fukushima prefectures in March 2011 .

  30. 2011年遭受了史上最严重核污染的城市&福岛县,欲在2020年东京奥运会举办棒球和垒球项目,并希望能够说服运动员们食用当地食物。

    Fukushima Prefecture , which was hit by one of the world 's worst-ever nuclear disasters in 2011 , wants to host baseball and softball games at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics & and hopes to convince athletes to eat the local food .