
  • 网络Xiapu County
  1. 霞浦县柳杉人工林生长规律的研究

    Study on the Growth Law of Cryptomeria fortumei Plantation in Xiapu County

  2. 福建省霞浦县农业地球化学初步研究

    On Agrogeochemical Characteristics of Xiapu County , Fujian Province

  3. 霞浦县环境噪声污染现状分析与防治措施

    The Analysis of the Current Status of Environmental Noise Pollution in Xiapu Country and Its Harnessing Countermeasures

  4. 霞浦县2003年冬季低温考察及栽植果树的小气候区选择

    Extreme-low temperature research and micro-climate zone selection for planting fruit tree in Xiapu County in winter of 2003

  5. 霞浦县福宁湾围垦项目是省级在建重点项目,是国务院批准的滩涂围垦综合开发项目。

    Funing Bay reclamation project in Xiapu County is the provincial key projects , meanwhile , it is also the State Council approved the comprehensive development project .

  6. 海峡西岸经济区对台临海产业合作先行先试研究&福建霞浦县东冲半岛试验区分析

    On the Taking the Lead of Sea Front Industrial Cooperation Towards Taiwan in the West Straight Economic Zone : Analyzing the Dong-chong Peninsula Test Area in Xia-pu County , Fujian Province

  7. 2000年6月7日-7月12日在霞浦县东安海区网箱进行全价配合饲料喂养大黄鱼鱼种试验。

    From June 7 to July 12 , 2000 , the feeding experiment of larvae Pseudosciaena crocea was carried out with formula feed in sea water cages in Dong'an , Xiapu , Fujian .

  8. 霞浦县作为当时福宁府的政治、文化中心,英国圣公会自然而然将该县作为传教的重要地区,投入了较大的人力和物力。

    The county of Xiapu is the political and cultural center of Funing at that time , the Anglican naturally taked it as an important missionary area and invested great manpower and material resources .