
  • 网络Akita;Akita Prefecture
  1. 1923年出生于秋田县大馆市的这只小狗,以当时30日元的价格被东京大学的农业系教授上野英三郎买下,当时的他正好在寻找一只纯种的秋田犬。

    He was born in Odate City in Akita Prefecture in 1923 , the newborn pup was sold for ¥ 30 ( a sizeable sum at the time ) to Hidesaburo Ueno , an agricultural scientist at the University of Tokyo who was looking for a pure-bred Akita-inu ( 'Akita dog ' ) .

  2. 真正的八公在1923年出生于日本秋田县大馆市。

    The real Hachiko was born in Odate Japan in1923 .

  3. 日本秋田县警方日前发现了一具女人的尸体,他们怀疑这是因受到山中的熊类重创所致。

    Police in Akita prefecture found the body of a woman they suspect was mauled by a bear in a mountain forest .

  4. 除了秋田县,也有人目击到母熊带着小熊出现在其他几个县,此外也有遭熊类袭击受伤的报道。

    Aside from Akita , there have been sightings of mother with their cubs in several other prefectures , as well as reports of injuries due to bear attacks .