
qiū qiān
  • swing ;trapeze
秋千 [qiū qiān]
  • [swing] 游戏用具,将长绳系在架子上,下挂蹬板,人随蹬板来回摆动

  1. 随着他推她,她在秋千上越荡越高。

    As he pushed her , she swung higher and higher .

  2. 孩子们在荡秋千。

    The kids were playing on the swings .

  3. 长长的一阵紧锣密鼓声中迎来了高空秋千表演者。

    A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists .

  4. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

    There was a sandpit , a seesaw and a swing in the playground .

  5. 我们看到公园管理员让一些大男孩从秋千上下来。

    We saw the Park Keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings .

  6. 这小男孩在荡秋千。

    The little lad was playing on the swing .

  7. 但我的心飞得比秋千还高。

    But my heart was flying much higher than the swings .

  8. 我们一到那儿,我女儿就跑到秋千旁,叫我们帮她推秋千。

    As soon as we got there , my daughter ran to the swing and asked for a push .

  9. 当我帮助我女儿的时候,我注意到另一个女孩试图让自己的秋千飞得更高。

    When I was helping my daughter , I noticed another girl trying to make her own swing go high by herself .

  10. 接下来的两个小时里,我推着秋千,和我的两个孩子以及那个小女孩一起玩。

    For the next two hours , I pushed the swings , and played with my two children and the little girl .

  11. 附近的母亲们都为祖克曼先生的秋千担心。

    Mothers for miles around worried about Zuckerman ’ s swing .

  12. 青蛙好像今早在秋千上玩累了。

    The frog seemed tired after his morning in the swing .

  13. 祖克曼先生有一个村子里最棒的秋千。

    Mr. Zuckerman had the best swing in the county .

  14. 他跳下来,把秋千扔给了妹妹。

    When he jumped off , he threw the swing up to his sister .

  15. 在星星上荡秋千、云中漫步都是什么感觉呢?

    What would it be like to swing on a star , or walk on a cloud ?

  16. 硅谷的Box公司在其总部安装秋千。

    Box , a Silicon Valley company , has installed swings in its headquarters .

  17. 结论(1)平行秋千摆动中迷走神经活动显著增强,反映迷走神经兴奋水平的HF应作为前庭耐力评价的重要指标。

    Conclusion The vagal nervous activity was markedly increased during swing .

  18. 利用ADAMS软件的优化分析功能,研究了旋转秋千的输入转速对游客安全的影响。

    The influence of importing rotate speed on tourist safety was studied by using optimization function of ADAMS .

  19. 采用机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS,对如何提高旋转秋千的安全性能进行了分析研究。

    Mechanical system dynamics software ADAMS was used to do some study for improving the security of rotary swing .

  20. 在她与丈夫比尔(Bill)及四个孩子共同居住的家里,前院安装了一副秋千,这对于路过的孩子们来说就是个公开的邀请。

    At the home she shares with her husband , Bill , and their four children , the swing set sits in the front yard , an open invitation to youngsters walking by .

  21. 另一方面Augustus直接跑向秋千架子,差点丢了小命。

    Augustus , on the other hand , ran straight for the swing set and almost got decapitated !

  22. 像秋千在平衡前的摇摆。Spar平台垂荡&纵摇耦合运动的不稳定性

    Vibrate , as of a swing before it comes to a total rest . Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platform

  23. 平行秋千摆动试验:秋千的摆长6m,摆角45°。

    Parallel swing test : the arms of parallel swing were 6 m in length , and swing angle used was 45 ° .

  24. 还有几张照片是乔治小王子在由剑桥公爵夫妇命名的“WilliamAndCatherine”的木制秋千上或站或坐的情景,此外还有他在诺福克花园里散步的照片。

    The photographs also show him standing and sitting on a wooden swing , personalised with his parents names , William and Catherine , and walking through the family 's Norfolk garden .

  25. ByTammyWorth作者塔米沃斯翻译:飘荡的秋千几年前西娅和丈夫搬迁到洛杉矶时,她周围没有朋友,在丈夫整天忙于工作时,她经常感觉非常孤单。

    When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago , she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours .

  26. 亚瑟小子大热的R&B歌手在7月5日马里布的上映期时准备给他最小的儿子UsherRaymondV和另一个玩伴推着秋千。

    USHER The hot R & B crooner gets ready to give his youngest son Usher Raymond V , and another playmate a playful push during a July 5 playdate in Malibu .

  27. 目的观察飞行员在平行秋千摆动前、中、后反映心脏植物神经调节功能的心率变异性(HRV)特点,探讨以此评价线性加速度作用下前庭-植物神经反应性的可能性。

    Objective To study the pilots ' heart rate variability ( HRV ) characteristic before , during and after parallel swing and the possibility of evaluating vestibule vegetative nervous reaction under linear acceleration .

  28. 这位《达拉斯买家俱乐部》女演员扮直升机给她的小儿子当人肉秋千。萨缪尔穿着UGG的儿童靴和毕加索的T恤。

    The Dallas Buyers Club star played helicopter with her young tot , who was wearing teeny-tiny Ugg boots and a Pablo Picasso t-shirt .

  29. 根据被试者所耐受的秋千摆动时间和运动病症状程度,综合确定个体的运动病稳定性指数(MSSI)。

    The motion sickness stablity index ( MSSI ) was defined by scoring points according to both duration endured on the swing and severity of symptoms observed .

  30. 把MaBourgogne咖啡店外面的停车区换成一架秋千或者滑梯,你就拥有了完美的家庭活动地点:一个“父母友好型”场所,也就是说,这儿供应咖啡。

    Replace that parked car outside Ma Bourgogne with a swing or slide , and you 'd have the perfect family spot : parent friendly , which means " with coffee . "