
tiào bǎn
  • springboard;diving board;gangplank;access board;gang board;gangboard;drawboard
跳板 [tiào bǎn]
  • (1) [英 gangplank;美 gangboard]∶放在船与岸之间或船与船之间供人走的长板

  • (2) [springboard;diving board]∶供跳水运动用的长板

跳板[tiào bǎn]
  1. 我的一个朋友在游船上工作。由于潮水当时涨得很高,船停靠在墨西哥的一个港口,游客们不得不踩着一条很窄的跳板才能上岸。

    The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide . Everyone on board was forced to use the ship 's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below .

  2. 有线数字电视机顶盒是用户接收数字电视和CATV宽带综合业务的终端平台,也是实现有线电视向数字化整体平移的战略跳板;

    CATV STB is not only an end-platform of digital television and integrated services based on CATV , but also the most significant gangplank of holistic shifting to digital television .

  3. 这可能是迈向成功的跳板。

    It could provide a springboard to success .

  4. 她就是凭此跳板进入媒体行业,成为英国电视界最高薪人士之一。

    It was the launching pad for a media career that has made her one of the highest-paid people on British TV .

  5. 姑娘中有多少从最高的跳板上跳过水?

    How many of our girls dived off the top board .

  6. 就像跳板上的孩子一样,你会犹豫不决。

    Like the child on the diving board , you will stay undecided .

  7. 想象一下,一个孩子站在四英尺高的跳板上,自问道:"我应该跳吗?"

    Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question : " Should I jump ? "

  8. 她在3米跳板比赛中击败了同队选手凯瑟琳·罗尔和卫冕冠军多萝西·波因顿·希尔。

    She defeated her compatriots Katherine Rawl and defending champion Dorothy Poynton-Hill in 3-meter springboard diving .

  9. 当一位七十多岁的老妇人站在跳板的顶端时,船上所有的工作人员都吓呆了。

    The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70 's appeared at the top of the plank .

  10. 在接下来的几年里,她又在跳台和跳板项目上赢得了三枚奥运金牌和一枚银牌。

    In the coming years , She won three more Olympic gold medals and a silver across the platform and springboard events .

  11. 跳板太窄,根本没有搀扶老人的空间。因此,老妇人只好慢慢地侧着身子往下走,最终当她安全抵达码头后,大家悬着的心才放了下来。

    There wasn 't room for anyone to assist her , so she edged along slowly and finally made it to the dock safely , to everyone 's relief .

  12. 下来后,老妇人转过身,冲着跳板的另一端喊道:“没事的,妈妈,您现在可以下来了。”

    As she stepped down , she turned , looked back at the top of the plank and shouted , " It 's okay , mother , you can come down now . "

  13. 您可以将本文作为通向自己的Web服务应用程序的跳板,祝您好运!

    Good luck using this as a springboard to your own web services applications !

  14. 乐观派可能认为,中国西部水泥的故事将鼓励其它中国企业把aim作为进一步做大的跳板。

    Optimists may believe that its story will encourage other Chinese companies to use aim as a jumping-off point to bigger things .

  15. 然后借助Windows这块跳板,打开了PC市场的大门

    and then used the spring board of Windows to get into the PC market with the same applications .

  16. 简单地说,我们正在讨论的是可以支持成功地、渐进地迁移到ESB之前的状态的跳板。

    Briefly , we are discussing the stepping stones that can enable a successful , gradual migration to a pre-ESB state .

  17. APEC技展会的跳板效应

    Springboard Effect of APEC

  18. 在主动网络环境下设计了利用主动标记检测跳板机的原型系统,并在ANTS中实现。

    A prototype for detecting stepping stones is designed and implemented under the active networking environment ANTS using active marking .

  19. 他说,Aureus会盈利的,他还说,NewLiberty将是公司在利比里亚的“起跳板”,他们在利比里亚还持有其他执照。

    Aureus will be profitable , he says , and calls New Liberty a " starter kit " for further development in Liberia , where the company has other licences .

  20. 对于那些想要转行或者升职的人而言,MBA是块好跳板。

    An MBA degree is a good springboard for those who want to switch to another career or climb to a higher position .

  21. rosneft想利用其同bp的关系,作为一块跳板,摇身一变,成为一家受人尊敬的全球石油公司。

    Rosneft wants to transform itself into a respectable global oil firm , using its relationship with BP as a stepping-stone .

  22. 英国投资促进机构伦敦投资局(thinklondon)表示,尽管出现了全球经济低迷,但对于在伦敦设立办事处、并以此作为欧洲和非洲业务跳板的中国企业数量,比以往任何时候都要高。

    Think London , the inward investment agency , said the number of Chinese companies eager to set up an office in London as a stepping stone to Europe and Africa was higher than ever before in spite of the international economic downturn .

  23. EMBA的经历最适宜用作加快职业发展速度的跳板,而不是彻底改变职业轨迹的敲门砖。

    The EMBA experience is most likely to be used as a springboard to accelerate careers , rather than a passport to radical career change .

  24. 三大通讯公司就手机用户数量展开了激烈的竞争,有分析人士指出这款手机将会成为进入4G市场的跳板。

    Competition among the three telecom companies has intensified on slower growth in mobile users and analysts say the phones could offer a springboard in the 4G market .

  25. 方法:用安装于笔记本电脑的运动采集软件及其相连接的两台DV摄像机同步采集三米跳板跳水空中动作。

    Methods : Aerial performances of diving are captured using two synchronized DV cameras , which are controlled by a motion capture software implanted in a notebook PC.

  26. 有利的一面是,llm课程为那些希望成为一流从业律师的人提供了无可比拟的通路,也能够成为获取实习工作的跳板。

    The upside is that LLM programmes offer unparalleled access to leading practitioners and can be a springboard to work placements .

  27. 百仕通(Blackstone)首次进军印度地产市场,收购了一家项目管理公司的股份,该公司可以作为进行其他投资的跳板。

    Blackstone has made its first foray into Indian real estate with the acquisition of a stake in a project management company that it can use as a springboard for other investments .

  28. 最后,本文以OpenGL为工具,在VC++6.0环境下开发了此跳板跳水仿真系统,实验结果表明该方法建立的人体模型视觉效果和运动实时性较好,对指导实践有较高的应用价值。

    At last , we design and develop the 3-dimensional simulation system of springboard diving with the tool , OpenGL . The result shows that the model has good vision effect and real-time nature and is very useful to practice .

  29. “人们认为相对于欧洲杯这只是个小意思但我认为真能够成为我们能够继续前进以及成功的跳板,”内维尔对MUTV说。

    " People may say it 's the lesser of the cup competitions but I think this can be a springboard for us to go on and be more successful ," Neville told MUTV .

  30. 虽然他没有像跳水运动员那样,穿着Speedo站在泳池上方的高台跳板上,但他暴露得更加彻底——在互联网上,所有人都能看到格兰特的失败。

    And while he wasn 't wearing a Speedo on a high board over a pool , he was even more exposed - Grant was standing in the middle of the Internet for all to see .