
tiào cáo
  • Job hopping;get a new employment;jump the trough;tiaocao;eat in other troughs;abandon one occupation favor
跳槽 [tiào cáo]
  • (1) [eat in other troughs]∶牲口离开所在的槽头到别的槽头去吃食

  • (2) [abandon one occupation favor;get a new employment]∶比喻人离开原来的工作,另谋高就。也说跳槽子

跳槽[tiào cáo]
  1. 他跳槽之后像换了一个人似的。

    Since he changed jobs he 's looked like a new man .

  2. 他频繁跳槽。

    He flits from one job to another .

  3. 像抢椅子游戏,有能力的人为挣更多的钱而不断跳槽。

    It was musical chairs . Creative people would switch jobs just to get more money .

  4. 跳槽一度甚为罕见,眼下却越来越普遍。

    Job-hopping , once a rare phenomenon , is gaining acceptance .

  5. 这些员工跳槽的可能性也减少了,因此降低了雇员流失率。

    The employees were less likely to leave their jobs , resulting in reduced turnover .

  6. 他们通常会用跳槽价值来跟当前就职公司在未来n年里的涨薪幅度作比较,同时,这个跳槽价值也能体现一个人在互联网领域的地位和价值。

    This number was often compared against the potential for salary hikes with an existing employer over x years , but also as a way to gauge one 's ' rank ' or value in the . com revolution .

  7. 所谓的“跳槽价值”指你的当前薪资与潜在雇主招募你时承诺的薪资之间的差距。

    Jump value is the monetary difference between your current salary and what potential employers are courting you with .

  8. 你可能被资质更好的应聘者打败。不过,你也可能资历过高,导致决策者认为你很快会跳槽或要求加薪。

    On the other hand , you could be overqualified , causing decision-makers to assume that you will soon move on or demand a higher salary .

  9. 越来越多的中国年轻人想的不再是跳槽,而是“跳城”,即,离开大城市,到小城市给自己找位置。

    Instead of job hopping , an increasing number of young Chinese are thinking of city hopping , that is , leaving big cities and finding a place in small cities .

  10. 这个说法在20世纪90年代的时候在网络研发人员和方案工程师当中特别流行,他们频繁跳槽,所有奖金和津贴之类加起来,跳槽价值能达到五位数。

    This was common in the 1990s with web developers and solution architects when they were switching jobs frequently to have jump values of five figures when all bonuses and incentives were calculated .

  11. 去年9月,他跳槽到了谷歌企业部(GoogleEnterprise),成为谷歌奥斯汀公司的企业北美业务拓展(EnterpriseAmericasBusinessDevelopment)团队的负责人。

    In September , he moved over to Google enterprise to become group head of enterprise Americas business development out of Austin .

  12. 随后她进入匹兹堡市的安永会计事务所(Ernst&Young)担任咨询师。几年后跳槽到海湾石油公司(GulfOil)。

    She became a consultant at Ernst & Young in Pittsburgh and moved to Gulf Oil several years later .

  13. 事实上,2000年,他就是从塔吉特百货公司(Target)跳槽到苹果的。

    In some ways , the move may not be all that surprising & Johnson actually came to apple from target back in 2000 .

  14. Haveyoubeengunningforapromotion?你全力竞争以求上位?你决定跳槽了?

    A : Have you been gunning for a transfer ?

  15. 据睿仕管理公司(RightManagement)的一份调查显示,2011年,约84%的员工计划跳槽,而去年这一比例仅有60%。

    According to a poll by the consultants at right management , some 84 % of employees planned to look for jobs in 2011 , up from 60 % the year before .

  16. 据信,美国银行(bankofamerica)收购的美林已有100多名优秀经纪人跳槽到瑞银。

    Merrill Lynch , which has been acquired by Bank of America , is believed to have lost more than 100 of its " thundering herd " of brokers to UBS .

  17. 而竞争对手如戴尔公司(Dell)和甲骨文公司(Oracle)的招聘人员可能已经在致电惠普员工询问跳槽意向了。

    Recruiters from competitors like Dell ( DELL ) and Oracle ( ORCL ) are already likely making calls .

  18. 虽然ca文件有口令,但是口令也可能在您的管理员离开或者跳槽到其他公司时而泄露出去。

    And even if the CA file has a password , this information could leak out as your administrators leave and move on to other companies .

  19. 阿什在2012年从哥伦比亚广播集团(CBSInteractive)旗下的互动媒体公司CBSInteractive跳槽加盟沃尔玛,一直负责把电子商务变成这家公司的核心业务。

    Ashe , who joined Wal-Mart in 2012 from CBS Interactive , has been tasked with making e-commerce central to the company .

  20. 盖伊海沃德(GuyHayward)承认,如果一名有才华的年轻员工想跳槽到另一家领先的广告公司,他会痛苦万分。

    Guy Hayward admits he would be torn if a talented young employee wanted to move to another leading advertising agency .

  21. 阿南德在该诉讼披露的文件中被列为购买人,于2009年从摩根大通公司跳槽到对冲基金DuetGroup。

    Mr. Anand , who is listed as the purchaser in documents disclosed in the lawsuit , joined the hedge fund Duet Group in 2009 from JPMorgan Chase Company .

  22. 巴拉当时是从语音技术公司Nuance跳槽到谷歌的。

    Barra joined Google from speech technology firm Nuance .

  23. 跳槽也许是许多高管晋升和加薪的通道,但是今天发布的《财富》杂志“全球最具影响力商界女性”(MostPowerfulWomen)榜单显示,忠于企业依然有它的价值。

    Job-hopping can be a path to promotions and big pay for many executives , but theglobal edition of the fortune most powerful women list , released today , suggests that there is still value in corporate loyalty .

  24. 史蒂芬•吉列特(StephenGillett)以数码部负责人的身份在百思买(BestBuyCo.)工作了九个月之后,便于12月跳槽到赛门铁克(SymantecCorp.)担任首席运营长。

    Stephen Gillett , Best Buy Co. 's head of digital , stayed nine months before jumping ship to become chief operating officer of Symantec Corp.in December .

  25. 周受资是在2015年中从尤里•米尔纳(YuriMilner)的DST全球(DSTGlobal)跳槽到小米的。DST全球是成立七年的小米公司的一个主要投资方。

    Mr Chew joined Xiaomi in mid-2015 from Yuri Milner 's DST Global , a significant investor in the seven-year-old Chinese company .

  26. 麦格劳•希尔高等教育集团(McGrawHillHigherEducation)的前任数码产品总经理杰伊•查克拉帕尼于2月跳槽至CK-12,担任这家非盈利开源教育技术公司的总裁。

    Former McGraw Hill higher education general manager of digital products Jay chakrapani jumped to ck-12 in February to serve as president at the nonprofit open-education tech venture .

  27. 菲利浦•苏在跳槽到Facebook之前,曾效力于微软12年。他认为,微软丧失原有魅力的根本原因在于,公司员工缺乏进取心。

    Philip Su , who spent a dozen years working at Microsoft before taking a job at Facebook , sees a less motivated workforce as a root cause of Microsoft 's lost mojo .

  28. 很多外籍护士表示,他们初到英国时一般先去私营部门工作,在完成相关培训课程后不久便跳槽到NHS寻求新的岗位。(文/张咏)

    Many nurses said they had initially worked for private sector employers in the UK before moving to the NHS soon after completing an adaptation course .

  29. 想从公司跳槽到非营利性机构的人可以查看一下OpportunityKnocks网站提供的《2011/2012年美国非营利性机构工资与福利报告》(The2011/2012NationalNonprofitWage&BenefitsReport)。

    Anyone contemplating a move from a corporate job to a nonprofit position might want to take a look at " the 2011 / 2012 national nonprofit wage & benefits report , " available through opportunity knocks ' Web site .

  30. 乔布斯说服Sculley跳槽到苹果公司的过程

    How Jobs persuaded Sculley to take the job