
  1. 人员分流是我国县级政府机构改革的瓶颈。

    Staff split-flow is the bottleneck of Chinese county government organizational reform .

  2. 对煤矿企业人员分流的几点思考

    Some opinions about reducing staff of coal mine enterprises

  3. 组织机构上重新设计了该企业的组织机构及人员分流的渠道;

    The redesigning of the business organization and the channel for staff flowing ;

  4. 试论地勘单位的人员分流问题

    Discussion on the Personnel Diversion of Geological Prospecting Units

  5. 省级地震系统机构精简人员分流的尝试与探讨

    Study on the administrative structure simplification and its staffs reassignment in provincial seismological Department

  6. 事业单位富余人员分流安置问题研究

    Study on the Issue of Distributing and Allocating the Redundant Personnel of Public Institution

  7. 高等学校待聘人员分流安置的实践与思考

    Practice and reflections on the reposition and settlement of personnel for reemployment at universities

  8. 地方行政机构人员分流难的成因及对策

    The reasons and Counter Measure for the Difficulties of Local Administrative Setup Staff Cuting

  9. 国有企业的人员分流与债务转换问题初探

    A Probe on the Superabundant personnel 's Re-assignment and Liabilities Transfer in the Sate-owned Enterprises

  10. 气象部门队伍结构比例和人员分流问题的研究

    Preliminary study on the rate of ranks ' structure and the problem of dividing staffs in meteorological department

  11. 协助企业开辟多种渠道,搞好富余人员分流安置,尽量减少下岗和失业;

    Trade union should assist the enterprises to create multiple employment ditch , to reduce laid-off workers and unemployment ;

  12. 黑龙江省卫生厅在卫生事业单位机构改革中,探索了人员分流的七种主要途径:(1)系统内调剂余缺,优化人员配置分流;

    During its reforms , Heilongjiang Department of Public Health found out several approaches to resettle personnel : 1.regulate staff supplies to optimize personnel assignment ;

  13. 调研组认为,改革资金,人员分流,科学调整乡镇区划是乡镇机构改革面临的主要难题。

    The delegation remarked that reforming fund , personnel diversion , and adjustment of township division in a scientific way were major issues for the institutional reform at townships .

  14. 广东省交通综合执法改革后主要出现的问题是:信息平台不能实现共享、人员分流、经费保障等问题。

    Traffic comprehensive law enforcement reform in our province the main problem is : to share information platform can not be achieved , staff diversion , funding guarantees and other issues .

  15. 在上述整合优化软件中,充分考虑了如停工损失、人员分流、产品销量和装置能力等较多的现实工厂情况,使得整个决策措施更适合工厂实际。

    Losses caused by shutdowns , workforce changes , sales volume and installed capacity have been taken into full consideration in the above-mentioned software so that the decision taken can be more practical .

  16. 1997年以来,由于大批国有企业进行资产重组、人员分流和产品结构调整,使得国有经济拉动经济增长的作用明显减弱。

    Since 1997 the role of state-owned economy to boost economy has been weakened because of the recombination of assets , personnel distribution , and the adjustment of product structure in state-owned enterprises .

  17. 结果表明,在航站楼内陆侧和空侧人员分流疏散策略是适宜的。

    The results showed that inside the terminal , the best way of evacuation is to evacuate people separately from the side facing to the airstrip and the side facing to the opposite .

  18. 省直管县体制改革涉及到省一级政府的管理幅度、地级市政府利益分配、行政区划调整、机构改革、人员分流等众多复杂问题。

    Country directly under the provincial government system reform involves provincial government management range . Locally administratered level government profit distribution , and administrative division adjustment , institution reform , personnel dismissal for many complex problems .

  19. 在乡镇机构改革过程中,这两类地区既有相同的改革重点和难点,即政府职能转变和人员分流,同时又有很多不相一致的地方。

    During the framework reform of village and town , there are not only different aspects but also uniform pivots and difficulties in the two kinds of areas such as governmental function transformation and neatening redundant personnel .

  20. 在这种情况下,乡镇政府面临财政状况恶化、公共服务与社会管理能力薄弱、机构改革推进困难,机构臃肿和人员分流困难等一系列的问题与挑战。

    In this case , the township government is facing worsening financial situation , public service and social management capacity is weak , difficult to promote institutional reforms , unwieldy and difficult personnel reassignments and a series of problems and challenges .

  21. 高校试行人事代理制度改革的目的之一是实现高校人才的社会化管理,将单位人转变成为社会人,减轻高校人事分配制度改革中人员分流的压力,进而优化人才配置。

    The purpose of the present tentative personnel agency system reform is to realize the socialization management of talents , that is , to change a unit being into a social being , to reduce the pressure in distribution system reform and to optimize the talents reasonable configuration .

  22. 非政府组织的发展还可以提供更多的就业岗位,减轻机构改革中人员分流的压力、提高公共物品和公共服务的供给效率、满足社会多元化需求、制约政府权力和完善社会保障体系等等。

    The development of the NGO can also offer more vacancies , lightening the pressure of personnel shunt in government reform , improving the supply efficiency of public goods and public service , meeting the social demands , restricting government 's power and perfecting the social security system etc.

  23. (三)销或者合并机构后编制的调整和人员的分流。

    The adjustment in staffing and diversion of personnel after dissolution or merger of agencies .

  24. 高校富余人员转岗分流的思考

    Thoughts on the Change of Positions and the Diversion of the Surplus of Staff in Institutions of Higher Learning

  25. 高等学校人事管理体制改革的最大难点是解决富余人员的分流问题。

    Solving the problem of reposition of redundant personnel is the most difficulty of the reform of personnel managerial structure in university .

  26. 高等学校待聘人员的分流安置是学校人事分配制度改革的一项重要内容,它关系到学校改革、发展与稳定的大局。

    The reposition and settlement of personnel for reemployment at universities is an important part in the reforms of personnel and distribution system , which is closely related to the overall situation of the university 's reforms , development and stability .

  27. 转变乡镇政府职能必然带来乡镇政府机构的调整和部分人员向社会的分流。

    The transformation of the government function of the villages and towns will inevitably leads to the institutional innovation and the repositioning of the redundant personnel .

  28. 包括在职人员安置费用、离退休人员费用、分流安置费用、改制成本。

    Including resettlement costs of serving officers , retired personnel costs , diverting the resettlement costs , restructuring costs .

  29. 高等学校人事管理改革要做到:机构设置规范化、定编定岗合理化、岗位职责明确化、人员管理聘用化、业绩考核科学化、工资管理动态化、后勤服务社会化、人员分流多样化。

    The reform in college personnel management includes : normalization of organization establishment , rationalization of structure and post delimitation , definite positional obligations , employment system of personnel management , scientific achievement assessment , dynamic wage management , socialization of rear-service and diversification of personnel distribution .