
  • 网络Personnel analysis;Person Analysis;people analytics;Incumbent Analysis
  1. 这里包括组织分析、人员分析、任务分析和选择供应商的三个关键因素。只有把这三个因素结合起来考察,才能做出符合企业实际情况、有利于绩效目标实现的培训外包决策。

    To make a decision , we must do some basic work such as organizational analysis , person analysis , task analysis and the choice of supplier .

  2. 采用B/S架构设计了一个油田企业失业人员管理一体化的管理信息系统,核心是基于数据挖掘的失业人员分析模型。

    B / S architecture is adopted to design an integrated management information system of unemployment personnel management for the oil field companies . The core of the system is the unemployed person analysis model based on data mining .

  3. 研究人员分析了超过7.2万人的人体蓝图——基因组。

    Researchers analysed DNA - the blueprint4 for the human body - from more than 72000 people .

  4. 研究人员分析了基因突变人群的基因变化与近视或花在学业上时间的关系。

    The researchers studied what happened to people who had mutations in their DNA2 that were either linked to short-sightedness or to spending a long time in education .

  5. 研究人员分析了芝加哥布斯商学院(BoothSchoolofBusiness)500名MBA学位在读生的唾液,并安排这些学生完成一些游戏。

    In the study , researchers analyzed the saliva of500 M.B.A.students at Chicago 's Booth School of Business and put the students through certain games .

  6. 研究人员分析了五名尼安德塔人硬化的牙菌斑,这五名尼安德塔人遗体在西班牙北部的ElSidróncave被发现。

    Researchers analyzed hardened dental plaque from five Neanderthals found in El Sidr ó n cave , in northern Spain .

  7. 来自Baltimore城市自闭和相关病症中心的研究人员分析了有年长同胞患自闭症的儿童并且在他们三岁以前,一直做跟踪调查。

    Researchers from Baltimore 's Center for Autism and Related Disorders analyzed children who had an older sibling with autism and followed them until their third birthday .

  8. 计算流体动力学(CFD)方法实现了计算试验,在材料加工工程领域应用日益广泛,是材料加工工程研究人员分析问题和解决问题的有力工具。

    CFD is important means to realize computational experiment , so its application to material processing engineering has been attracted wide attention . CFD provides the tool to analyze problem and to solve problem for technician of environmental engineering .

  9. 研究人员分析了从1901到2008年的525名科学诺贝尔奖的获得者。

    Researchers analyzed 525 science Nobel Prizewinners from 1901 to 2008 .

  10. 可打印出制动力曲线图,便于有关人员分析。

    System can be printed out power curve to facilitate the staff analysis .

  11. 1997―2002年杭州地区强制戒毒人员分析

    An Analysis of Addicts of Compulsory Abstainers in Hangzhou in period of 1997-2002

  12. 为了帮助开发人员分析利用。

    In order to assist the developer analyses the .

  13. 研究人员分析了氨基甲酸乙酯对小鼠的效果。

    The researchers are studying the effects of treatment with vinyl carbamate in mice .

  14. 开发人员分析这个缺陷,并继续对缺陷位置进行定位。

    The developer analyses the defect and proceeds to work on a defect fix .

  15. 研究人员分析了一家大型跨国医药公司的3193名员工的健康调查。

    The researchers studied a health survey completed by3,193 employees of a large multinational pharmaceutical company .

  16. 研究人员分析了5000例鼻窦感染和3000例尿路感染的就诊案例。

    Researchers analyzed some 5000 doctor visits for sinus infections and 3000 visits for urinary tract infection .

  17. 提供实时排水次数及累计排水量,供运行人员分析。

    Provide real time draining off number of times and accumulate displacement , Confess to run personnel analysis .

  18. 之后,大概三个月后,研究人员分析她们的体重和忧虑是否发生了变化。

    Then , after about three months , researchers analyzed whether their weight and their concerns had changed .

  19. 现在,研究人员分析了米勒研究中另外一个实验的结果,那次实验是在1958年进行的。

    Now , researchers have analyzed the results of another of Miller 's studies , one conducted in1958 .

  20. 英国研究人员分析了来自一项全国性调查的数据,这项研究从1991年开始至2008年结束、有超过一万人参与。

    UK researchers analyzed data from a national survey of more than 10000 people between 1991 through to 2008 .

  21. 研究人员分析了一个以前的药物临床试验的数据,该实验是为了解药物缓解神经病变而启动的。

    The researchers examined data from a previous clinical trial of a drug that showed promise for relieving neuropathy .

  22. 这种高分辨率粒子束能使研究人员分析出例如单一的、星形的陨石坑和峡谷的组成。

    The high-resolution beam would enable researchers to investigate the formation of individual asteroid craters and canyons , for example .

  23. 研究人员分析了队列中739例绝经后妇女的激素水平,她们未接受激素替代治疗。

    The researchers analyzed the hormone levels in739 postmenopausal women in the cohort who were not on hormone replacement therapy .

  24. 为进一步帮助工程设计人员分析设计蒸发式风冷冷水机组,在理论研究基础上,本文开发了机组计算软件包。

    For further help engineers to analyze and design evaporative air-cooled water chiller , this paper develops calculation software package for chiller based on theoretical analysis .

  25. 加利福尼亚大学的研究人员分析了约2000人的基因差异,将没有血缘关系的朋友和没有血缘关系的陌生人相比较。

    Researchers from the University of California have analyzed gene variation in around 2000 people , comparing pairs of unrelated friends with pairs of unrelated strangers .

  26. 操作体系是针对大学建设项目进行建筑策划的各阶段的工作内容、成果、技术手段、参与人员分析和研究。

    The operation system introduces the work content , the production , the technological means and the person who join the work about various stage of the project .

  27. 其中需求分析包括客户调研、组织分析、人员分析、任务分析以及培训需求评估应采用的方法五个内容。

    Needs analysis , which includes research , analysis , staff analysis , task analysis , as well as training needs assessment methodology to be used five content .

  28. 波形测试模块对外界信息进行实时采集并直观的反映在界面上,供操作人员分析和处理。

    The upper interface software also provides a wave test module , through which , the operators can collect the real-time information of the outside and analyze it .

  29. 然而,有如此众多的研究人员分析美国及其问题的事实说明,中国人相信全球地缘政治格局已经发生改变。

    Yet the fact that so many researchers are analysing the US and its problems suggests a Chinese belief that the underlying dynamics of global geopolitics are already shifting .

  30. 为海洋科研和工作人员分析使用数据、观察海洋环境变化提供了方便有效的工具。

    It provides a convenient and effective tool for marine scientific research and staff . With the tool , they can analyze data , observe the marine environment changes .