
  • 网络psychological assistance;psychological aid;mental health aid
  1. 箱庭疗法在灾后心理援助与辅导中的应用

    The Application of Sandplay Therapy in Post-disaster Psychological Assistance and Counseling

  2. 抗震救灾的三层次心理援助模式研究

    On the Model of Three-level Psychological Assistance in Earthquake Relief

  3. 敬请通晓法语或克里奥尔语加入IACMSP心理援助资料翻译志愿者团队。

    All the people who understand French or Creole are very welcome to join the IACMSP volunteer team of information translation of psycho and mental health aid .

  4. 敬请各位朋友为海地灾区人民奉献一份善款,以支持IACMSP的心理援助工作。

    All friends over the world please make a charity dedication to the Haitian people in the disaster area to support the work of IACMSP psycho and mental health aid .

  5. 非典心理援助热线来电初步分析报告

    The Original Report of Mental Assistance Hotline for SARS in Beijing

  6. 关于农科院校贫困生心理援助的思考

    Consideration of Psychologic Help for Needy Students in Agricultural Colleges and Universities

  7. 企业的员工心理援助和压力管理研究;

    Studies on Employee Assistance Program and stress management ;

  8. 灾后心理援助,是一项急迫又长期的工作。

    Post-disaster psycho and mental health aid is an urgent and long-term task .

  9. 突发事件心理援助的杭州模式研究

    The Research on a Psychological Support System in Emergent Situations : Hangzhou Model

  10. 心理援助成为灾后救援中非常重要的组成部分。

    Psychological aid become a very important part in the aid after disasters .

  11. 地震灾区学校心理援助体系构建研究

    On Constructing School Psychological Assistance System in Quake-Stricken Areas

  12. 汶川地震救援人员心理援助资料评价

    The Evaluation of Psychological Aid Resources for Rescue Workers

  13. 从汶川地震反思我国突发灾难事件后的心理援助服务

    Reflection on Disaster Psychological Service after Wenchuan Earthquake

  14. 体育游戏可作为灾后学生心理援助手段的研究

    PE Games as Post-quake Psychological Aids for Students

  15. 运用大量的社会工作手法,同时起到心理援助的作用。

    Using abundant techniques of social work to achieve the functions of psychological aids .

  16. 在灾后心理援助中,团体心理辅导是首选的高效援助方法之一。

    This paper elaborates the advantages and characteristics of group psychological counseling for students .

  17. 汶川灾区民众心理援助的体育支持&论震区心理拓展训练的广泛开展

    Psychological Aid of Sports in Wenchuan Disaster Area & on the Psychological Development Training

  18. 团体辅导在大学生情绪调适及灾后心理援助中的应用研究

    Application of Group Counseling in College Students ' Emotion Adjustment and Mental Assistance after Big Disaster

  19. 海地大地震后的心理援助需要您的帮助!

    We need your help for psycho and mental health aid after the big earthquake in Haiti !

  20. 这些死难者的家属、伤员、灾区人民和奔赴灾区的救援人员,都需要心理援助和心理卫生服务。

    These people are waiting for psycho and mental health aid , and rescue workers need also mental health service .

  21. 针对这些特点,对灾后志愿者的心理援助工作应该全程、全面和系统地展开。

    Therefore , the psychological aid for volunteers should be carried out in a whole-process , comprehensive and systematic manner .

  22. 以真诚的陪伴与支持平复哀伤&一个地震灾区心理援助的个案报告

    With Accompany and Support Sincerely to Calm Down Sadness : A Case Report of Sad Psychological Assistance in Earthquake-stricken Areas

  23. 他的项目不仅关注在自然灾难中生还的孩子的生理健康,还包括对他们的心理援助。

    His program not just focuses on the well-being of children who survive natural disasters but offers psychological support as well .

  24. 采取三层次介入理论,建立完善的中学生心理援助体系。

    Put " the theory of intervention from three levels " into practice to complete the system of psychological help for middle school students .

  25. 大马医药援助协会和慈济基金会等组织也将会帮助马航向乘客以及机组人员的家属提供特别的心理援助。

    Mercy Malaysia and Tzu Chi and others are also helping Malaysia Airlines by providing special psychological counseling to families and also the MH crew .

  26. 心理援助是一个长期的系统工程,要求以政府为主导,民间组织、社区、市场形成一个强有力的社会支持系统有效提供服务。

    Psychological support is a long-term systematic project which needs efficient services provided by a strong social support system made up by governments , civil organizations , communities and market .

  27. 此外,条例还对加强次生灾害监测、卫生防疫、治安管理和心理援助工作等作了规定。

    In addition , these Regulations provide that more attention should be paid to the monitoring of secondary disasters , sanitation and epidemic prevention , public security and psychological assistance .

  28. 学校的心理援助与有效干预在一定范围内和一定程度上能缓解学生的学业焦虑问题。4、只有加快发展、深入进行教育改革才能更好地解决好高中生学业焦虑现象。

    Psychological interventions from the schools can be made available to relief the students in some degree . 4 . A better way for these phenomena is further education reform nationwide .

  29. 灾后心理援助关系到灾民心理健康状况的恢复,重建自救能力的重塑,更关系到灾区日后的长治久安。

    Psychological assistance after disaster is firmly related to victims ' mental health recovery , to the self renewal capacity of remodeling , and also related to long-term stability in the future .

  30. 汶川地震极重灾区中小学校的心理援助现状与需求&以茂县、汶川县和都江堰市为例

    The Status Quo and Needs of Psychological Assistance of the Primary and Secondary Schools in Severely Affected Areas in Wenchuan Earthquake : Take Mao County , Wenchuan County and Dujiangyan City as Examples