
xīn lǐ xué jiā
  • psychologist;shrink
  1. 他们征询一位心理学家的独立意见。

    They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion .

  2. 让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。

    Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist .

  3. 测验由心理学家评分。

    The tests are scored by psychologists .

  4. 我们知道有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。

    We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them .

  5. 心理学家用一段录像对一组6岁的儿童进行了测试。

    Psychologists tested a group of six-year-olds with a video .

  6. 昨天晚上,一位顶级犯罪心理学家使人们对该理论产生了怀疑。

    Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory .

  7. 然而,心理学家坚称他们并非一味灌输。

    The psychologists insist , however , that they are not being prescriptive .

  8. 他冒充成资深心理学家。

    He passed himself off as a senior psychologist

  9. 根据心理学家马丁·劳埃德·埃利奥特的研究,人们之间90%的交流是非语言的。

    According to psychologist Martin Lloyd-Elliott , 90 per cent of communication between people is non-verbal .

  10. 心理学家称每个人潜意识中都有被爱的需求。

    Psychologists say that everyone has an unconscious need to be loved .

  11. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  12. 在心理学家的帮助下,我们终于有了绿色环保的新希望。

    With the help of psychologists , there is fresh hope that we might go green after all .

  13. 如果是这样的话,你可能已经思考过心理学家詹姆斯克廷曾问自己的问题:一件艺术品怎样才会被认为是伟大的?

    If so , you 've probably pondered the question a psychologist , James Cutting , asked himself : How does a work of art come to be considered great ?

  14. 著名心理学家伊万·伯尔曼解释说,这种问题叫作“决策疲劳”,是在经历了不停做决策的漫长一天后会出现的一种心理学现象,而它会影响你的决策质量。

    The problem is " decision fatigue , " a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making , says Evan Polman , a leading psychologist .

  15. 布莱恩·诺塞克是社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行董事,他指出通过使用这种标记,《心理科学》期刊的平均数据共享率从2013年至2015年间增长38%,翻了十倍。

    According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .

  16. 在去年发表的一顼研究中,心理学家创造了一个术语“工作场所远程压力”,来描述员工想要立即回复邮件的强烈欲望,和想要立即回复老板、同事或客户电子邮件的痴迷。

    In a study published last year , psychologists coined the term " workplace telepressure " to describe an employee 's urge to immediately respond to emails and engage in obsessive thoughts about returning an email to one 's boss , colleagues or clients .

  17. 我是三个孩子的母亲,也是一名教师和发展心理学家。

    I 'm a mother of three , a teacher , and a developmental psychologist .

  18. 心理学家们已经表明,早在2个月大时,婴儿就似乎期望周围的世界符合物理定律以及因果关系。

    Psychologists have shown that babies apparently expect their world to comply with the laws of physics and cause and effect as early as two months of age .

  19. 宾夕法尼亚大学心理学家们所做的动物实验已经证明,在遭遇多次失败后,大多数动物会得出这样的结论,即某种局面没有希望变好了且它们无法掌控。

    Animal experiments by psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeated failures , most animals conclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control .

  20. 通过引用心理学家和认知科学家的成果,莱斯利批评了公认的观点,即学业成功是智力和努力相结合的结果。

    Citing the work of psychologists and cognitive ( ) scientists , Leslie criticizes the received wisdom that academic success is the result of a combination of intellectual talent and hard work .

  21. 20世纪20年代,瑞士心理学家让·皮亚杰提出,儿童认知能力的发展就像花朵绽放一样自然,几乎与生活中发生的其他事情无关。

    In the 1920s , Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget proposed that children 's cognitiveabilities unfold naturally , like the blooming of a flower , almost independent of what else is happening in their lives .

  22. 该硏究并没有考察这个错误是否具有深刻的心理意义,心理学家大卫·瑞斌说:“但是这个研究的确告诉我们谁在这个组,谁不在这个组。”

    The study did not examine the possibility of deep psychological significance to the mistake , says psychologist David Rubin , " but it does tell us who 's in and who 's out of the group . "

  23. 心理学家迈克尔托马塞洛(MichaelTomasello)在一系列儿童实验中研究了这种合作性。

    The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this cooperativeness in a series of experiments with very young children .

  24. 获得这一发现的心理学家乔治·维兰特(GeorgeVaillant)说:“那些在家或社区里工作的男孩们获得了能力,也开始感觉自己成为了对社会有用的人。”

    " Boys who worked in the home or community gained competenceand came to feel they were worthwhile members of society , " said George Vaillant , the psychologistwho made the discovery .

  25. 正如一些心理学家所说,"不是说孩子是小科学家,而是说科学家是大孩子。"

    As some psychologists put it , " It is not that children are little scientists but that scientists are big children . "

  26. 也许是这样,但一些发展心理学家认为,这个"游戏"比想象得更像一个科学调查。

    Perhaps , but some developmental psychologists have argued that this " play " s more like a scientific investigation than one might think .

  27. 中年家庭主妇、退休人员和失业者来到这类咖啡馆,与心理学家谈论爱情、愤怒和梦想。

    Middle-aged homemakers , retirees , and the unemployed come to such cafes to talk about love , anger , and dreams with a psychologist .

  28. 心理学家认为,科学是一种探索、解释和理解我们的世界的欲望,它仅仅来自我们的幼年时期。

    Psychologists have suggested that science as an effort-the desire to explore , explain , and understand our world-is simply something that comes from our babyhood .

  29. 就像每个星期四晚上一样,这天晚上心理学家莫德·莱汉恩一次举行了两场法国人最爱的消遣活动,那就是喝咖啡和“谈话疗法”。

    This evening , as on every Thursday night , psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France 's favorite pastimes , coffee drinking and the " talking cure " .

  30. 时薪48.98英镑的兼职律师被证实为是最赚钱的“母亲工作”,紧随其后的是心理学家。

    Being a part-time lawyer , at £ 48.98 an hour , would prove to be the most profitable of the “ mum jobs ” , with psychologist (心理学家) a close second .