
  • 网络mcD;mcdonald's corporation;McDonald;McDonald's Corp
  1. 例如:麦当劳公司将特许权卖给个人,允许他们在特定地点经营其汉堡包业务。

    For example , McDonald 's Corporation sells franchises to individuals to operate its hamburger outlets in specific locations .

  2. (美国)全国有色人种协会(简称NAACP)北卡协会主席Rev.Dr.WilliamBarberII带领游行队伍进入了麦当劳公司大院。

    The Rev . Dr. William Barber II , head of the NAACP 's North Carolina chapter , led the march onto the sprawling McDonald 's campus .

  3. 介绍了施乐公司、麦当劳公司、丰田公司、联想公司、IBM公司的基于知识管理的人力资源管理方法。

    Finally , introducing the methods of HR management based on KM carried out in Shile , Mcdonald 's , Toyota , Lenovo , IBM and Motorola co.

  4. 2003年,由于麦当劳公司拒绝将McJob一词收入韦氏大字典第11版中,因此字典的编辑拒绝删除或修改这个词的定义。

    In2003 , editors at the Merriam-Webster dictionary declined to remove or change their definition of " McJob " after McDonald 's balked at its inclusion in the book's11th edition .

  5. JambaJuice去年表示,他们将采用纸杯来装奶昔和其他冷饮,“以改善我们的环境记录”。麦当劳公司(McDonald'sCorp.)正在将全美14000家麦咖啡(McCafe)的泡沫塑料杯替换成纸杯。

    Jamba Juice said last year it would adopt paper cups for its smoothies and other cold drinks ' to improve our environmental footprint . ' McDonald 's Corp. is replacing plastic foam cups with McCafe paper cups at all 14 , 000 McCafes across the country .

  6. 同时,这也是为了响应麦当劳公司一项更大的战略&“本地化战略”,比如:麦当劳在法国推出了“干酪堡”,在中东地区推出“McArabia”圆面皮三明治。

    It also fits into McDonald 's larger corporate practice of catering to local tastes , such as a fondue-style burger in France or a pita-wrapped " McArabia " sandwich in the Middle East .

  7. 麦当劳公司16日晚宣布了他辞世的消息。

    McDonald 's announced his death Sunday evening in the United States .

  8. 但麦当劳公司声称其将会“调查此事”。

    None the less , the company said it was " looking into the matter . "

  9. 如果我们能够让麦当劳公司出面解决问题,前面的路会容易很多。

    If we can bring McDonald 's to the table , the road ahead will be a lot easier .

  10. 中华全国总工会要求麦当劳公司调整其公司水平,并建议麦当劳员工成立工会。

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions called on McDonald 's to adjust its pay and let its workers unionize .

  11. 根据《华尔街日报》报道,麦当劳公司的文件称,该计划将为公司增加十亿美元的销售收入。

    Company documents reported by the Wall Street Journal said the plan would add one billion dollars a year in sales .

  12. 麦当劳公司并没有强制规定退休年龄,66岁的斯金纳也不会轻易透露他的退休计划。

    McDonald 's doesn 't have a mandatory retirement age , and the66-year-old Skinner won 't say when he plans to make the move .

  13. 高效干练的斯金纳(他已在麦当劳公司供职41年之久)是一位坚决奉行顾客至上原则的经营大师。

    The no-nonsense Skinner , who spent 41 years with the company , is an operations guru with a penchant for always putting the customer first .

  14. 麦当劳公司为了提高公众对其快餐食品的认可度,再次发布视频向人们介绍了麦乐鸡的制作过程。

    McDonald 's on Tuesday released another video focused on improving public perceptions of their fast food products -- this time with a focus on the Chicken McNugget .

  15. 为了能够进一步改善美国13000家分店的经营和服务,麦当劳公司已经降低了菜单的复杂程度。

    The company has been reducing complexity of its menu , part of a broader push to improve operations and service in its more than 13,000 U.S. restaurants .

  16. 麦当劳公司这星期公布的四季度同店销售额超出了分析师的预测。中国市场的快速恢复为该公司全球销售力的恢复提供了强有力的动力。

    McDonald 's beat analyst forecasts for quarterly same-restaurant sales this week , adding momentum to a global recovery for the chain as demand picked up in China .

  17. 麦当劳公司在采访中称:“迷你套餐”的食品选项可能会把薯条、汉堡和饮料打包进去,但现在尚未确定。

    The company told us that a " mini-combo meal " offering may bundle the fries , burger , and drink but a decision has not been made on that yet .

  18. 随着食品成本的上涨,麦当劳公司高层在3月份宣布,在一元菜单中用现烤饼干和冰激凌甜筒取代小份饮料和薯条。

    In March , amid higher food costs , executives announced it was removing small drinks and small French fries from its dollar menu , replacing those items with fresh baked cookies and ice cream cones .

  19. 经过50年的快速发展,由于麦当劳公司超过50%的薯条都是由辛普劳公司提供,后者的土豆帝国使“爱达荷州”和“土豆”长久地联系在了一起。

    Fast-forward some 50 years , and Simplot 's potato empire has permanently forced the association of " Idaho " and " potato " by providing McDonald 's with more than 50 % of its French fries worldwide .

  20. 全球最大的计算机芯片制造商英特尔公司和最大的快餐连锁经营者麦当劳公司在星期二宣布,两家公司将联手在几家麦当劳餐厅推广因特网无线接入技术。

    Intel corp. , the world 's biggest computer-chip maker , and mcdonald 's corp. , the world 's biggest restaurant chain , are teaming up to market wireless connectivity to the Internet in some mcdonald 's restaurants , the companies said on tuesday .

  21. 上海营养学会副理事长蔡美琴表示,麦当劳公司专注于少盐、好油、更均衡的饮食,与今年公布的最新版《中国居民膳食指南》的饮食建议不谋而合。

    Cai Meiqin , the vice chairperson of the Shanghai Nutrition Society , said McDonald 's focus on less salt , better oil , and a more balanced diet fits well with the overall theme of " The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " released this year .

  22. 麦当劳公司计划年内在中国开设150家概念餐厅,在这些餐厅里,顾客可以根据自己的口味自创汉堡。而作为世界顶级快餐连锁公司的麦当劳,在经历了2014年食品安全问题的沉重打击后,决心在中国提升销售额。

    McDonald 's Corp ( MCD . N ) plans to launch in China this year 150 outlets where clients can customize burgers to suit their tastes , as the world 's top restaurant chain aims to grow sales in the country after being hit by a fast-food scandal in 2014 .

  23. 麦当劳日本公司首席执行长卡萨瓦尔(SarahCasanova)周二在一个新闻发布会上表示,愿向重要客户真诚致歉。

    ' I would like to extend my sincere apology to our valued customers , ' said Sarah Casanova , chief executive of McDonald 's Japan , at a news conference Tuesday .

  24. 该组织在1999年组织了一次反对麦当劳快餐公司的活动。

    PETA organized a campaign against the McDonald 's fast-food company in 1999 .

  25. 她称,麦当劳日本公司致力于确保食品安全,这起事件只发生在一个城市的一家供货商。

    She said the company was committed to safety and described the issue as ' restricted to one supplier in one city . '

  26. 据福喜集团网站显示,该公司自1992年开始向麦当劳中国公司供应产品,自2008年开始向百胜餐饮集团供应产品。

    OSI began supplying the Chinese operations of McDonald 's in 1992 and those of Yum in 2008 , according to the meat processor 's website .

  27. 继中国媒体本月早些时候曝光上海福喜食品使用过期肉后,麦当劳日本公司称将切断与该供货商的联系。

    Following Chinese media reports earlier this month that Shanghai Husi Food was using expired meat in its products , McDonalds Japan said it would cut ties with the supplier .

  28. 杰克•格林伯格(CEO任期:1998年7月&2003年1月):很遗憾,格林伯格执掌麦当劳时,公司正处于动荡不安的阶段。

    Jack Greenberg ( CEO from July 1998 – January 2003 ) : Unfortunately Greenberg held the top spot during a tumultuous period for the company .

  29. 麦当劳从苹果公司提前得知iphone8的设计不太可能,所以很可能这只是一个机模或是网络上流传的泄露的设计。

    It 's highly unlikely McDonald 's has seen an approved iPhone 8 design from Apple so it 's probably just a mockup or a render created from leaks already floating around on the internet .

  30. Exelon的资料显示,麦当劳是该公司客户,2013年向其支付1400万美元。

    Exelon 's proxy notes that McDonald 's is a customer , paying Exelon $ 14 million in 2013 .