
mài dāng láo
  • McDonald's;MacDonald;snack bar
麦当劳[mài dāng láo]
  1. 根据布鲁克斯的邮件,布莱尔建议她成立一个独立小组,并聘请前刑事检控专员肯•麦当劳(KenMacdonald)担任外部律师,称他是一个德高望重的人,严肃的刑事鉴识大律师。

    According to Ms Brooks ' email , Mr Blair advised her to set up an independent unit with an outside counsel , Ken Macdonald , a former director of public prosecutions , a great and good type , a serious forensic criminal barrister .

  2. 您一般是从哪里得知麦当劳新产品的消息呢?

    Where do you get the information of Macdonald 's new food ?

  3. “巨无霸”是麦当劳最著名的商标。

    ' Big Mac ' is McDonald 's best-known trademark .

  4. 在巨大的红色麦当劳标志牌下,他显得很矮小。

    His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald 's sign

  5. 1987年,麦当劳占据了整个快餐业销售额的19%。

    In 1987 , McDonald 's captured 19 percent of all fast-food sales

  6. 麦当劳明年将在美国销售粥类食物。

    McDonald 's will start selling porridge in America next year .

  7. 麦当劳开始销售更优质的咖啡作为对星巴克的挑战。

    McDonald 's started selling better coffee as a challenge to Starbucks .

  8. 吃的少还能感到幸福的秘诀可能早在几年前就被麦当劳破解了。

    The secret to eating less and being happy about it may have been cracked years ago — by McDonald 's.

  9. 在美国同行业的营业额中,世界上最大的快餐企业麦当劳在没有下滑的情况下度过了经济衰退期。

    Same-store sales in America at McDonald 's , the world 's largest fast-food company , did not decline throughout the downturn .

  10. 评论家们甚至抱怨说商标代表超高热量的麦当劳不应该获准赞助世界杯。

    Critics even complain that McDonald 's , whose logo symbolises calorie excess , should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup .

  11. 麦当劳的沃特·瑞克宣称其公司已经对菜单进行了改良,这意味着麦当劳与几年前相比会提供更多健康的食品。

    Walt Riker of McDonald 's claims the change it has made in its menu means it offers more healthy items than it did a few years ago .

  12. 根据康奈尔大学食品和品牌实验室的一项新研究,小型非食物奖励——如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同食物一样可以刺激大脑中的奖励中枢。

    According to a new study from Cornell University 's Food and Brand Lab , small non-food rewards — like the toys in McDonald 's Happy Meals — stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does .

  13. 但是加利福尼亚州的一个小镇最近提出一项议案,即禁止麦当劳在其高热量的“快乐套餐”中附赠玩具,因为立法者们认为这会引诱孩子们去吃不健康的食物,这表明还有更多事情等着快餐企业去做。

    But the recent proposal by a county in California to ban McDonald 's from including toys in its high-calorie " Happy Meals " , because legislators believe it attracts children to unhealthy food , suggests there is a lot more left to do .

  14. 我今天刚拿到在麦当劳的第一个年度考评。

    I had my first year appraisal3 at the McDonalds today .

  15. 在日本,多数麦当劳都是通宵营业的。

    In Japan , most McDonald 's restaurants are operated around the clock .

  16. “麦难民”是新出现的一个词,指在麦当劳24小时店里过夜的人。

    McRefugees is a neologism referring to those who stay overnight in McDonald 's 24-hour fast food restaurant .

  17. 随着麦当劳,Dunkin'Donuts以及其它快餐联锁店朝着上流市场发展,星巴克失去了自己的特色。

    As McDonald 's , Dunkin ' Donuts and other fast-food chains moved upmarket , Starbucks looked less distinctive .

  18. 为了适应不同国家人们的口味,麦当劳连锁店的菜单各不相同,则是全球本土化的一个典型例子。

    McDonald 's restaurants ' menus adopted the practice and customized its menus to suit local tastes in various countries .

  19. 由于失业高房租以及交通支出等因素,不少人都选择在麦当劳过夜。

    Due to unemployment and high rents and transportation costs , McRefugees are forced to stay at a McDonald 's overnight .

  20. 于是就有了McRefugee(麦难民)这个说法。后来,这个现象和说法又传到了香港,不少人在麦当劳里过夜打游戏,于是又被称为“麦游戏族”。

    The phenomenon and word spread to Hong Kong , where some McRefugees play video games and are known as McGamers .

  21. 15岁少年的麦当劳CEO之梦

    CEO of McDonald-a Teenager 's Dream

  22. 在前10强中,9个都属于美国,其中苹果(Apple)位居榜首,其后依次是谷歌(Google)、IBM和麦当劳(McDonald's)。

    Of the top10 , nine are American & with Apple taking the top spot , followed by Google , IBM , and McDonald 's.

  23. 在1960年代,麦当劳重塑其形象,讨论了一些可能的新logo。

    In the 1960s , McDonald 's was retooling its image , which included discussing a possible new logo .

  24. 麦当劳此次奥运宣传计划的新元素还包括一个叫作《LostRing》的网络游戏。在游戏中,玩家将搜集线索揭开一个与奥运有关的秘密。

    The nontraditional aspects of the campaign include an online game called the Lost Ring , where players piece together clues to uncover a secret tied to the Games .

  25. MelanieDuShane被告知麦当劳只供应早餐之后非常愤怒。

    Melanie DuShane became d when she was told that McDonald 's was only serving breakfast .

  26. 顺便提一下,我仅有的两笔Applepay支付记录中的另一笔是在麦当劳。

    The only other transaction I was able to use Apple Pay for , by the way , was at McDonald ' s. I took my kids out for some ice cream .

  27. 麦当劳在各个市场销售由卡夫食品(kraft)供应的、不同配料的咖啡,以适应当地口味。

    It is selling different blends of coffee supplied by Kraft in each market to suit local tastes .

  28. 因此,为“山姆大叔”(unclesam)的债务所支付的保险成本高于麦当劳(或其它任何公司),看起来极其怪异。

    Thus paying more to insure loans to Uncle Sam than those to Ronald McDonald ( or any other company ) seemed distinctly bizarre .

  29. 杰克•格林伯格(CEO任期:1998年7月&2003年1月):很遗憾,格林伯格执掌麦当劳时,公司正处于动荡不安的阶段。

    Jack Greenberg ( CEO from July 1998 – January 2003 ) : Unfortunately Greenberg held the top spot during a tumultuous period for the company .

  30. 在奥运会期间,伦敦已经作为礼物送给了麦当劳(McDonald's)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)这样的赞助商。

    London has been gifted to McDonald 's , Coca-Cola and the like for the duration of the games .