
  • 网络Edinburgh;the university of edinburgh;Edinburgh University;Edinburg
  1. 她是爱丁堡大学的音乐准教授。

    She is Reader in Music at Edinburgh .

  2. 他还设计了爱丁堡大学一座投影于乔治广场的塔楼。

    He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square

  3. 在这项研究中,爱丁堡大学的研究人员研究了有关智力和基因的数据。

    In the study , researchers from the University of Edinburgh studied data on brainpower and genes .

  4. 来自英国爱丁堡大学的艾拉·迈尔·史密斯说,照目前的趋势来看,数厘米高的北极植物数量有可能在本世纪末前翻一番。

    Isla Myers-Smith from the University of Edinburgh says that on current trends , the centimetres-tall Arctic plants could double in size by the end of the century .

  5. 爱丁堡大学人口遗传学家JimWilson博士解释说:

    Dr Jim Wilson , a population geneticist at the University of Edinburgh , explains :

  6. 与此同时,布拉德福德大学管理学院(BradfordUniversitySchoolofManagement)和爱丁堡大学商学院(UniversityofEdinburghBusinessSchool)的排名均上升16位,分别排在第42名和第55名。

    Meanwhile , the University of Bradford School of Management and the University of Edinburgh Business School each climb 16 places , to 42nd and 55th , respectively .

  7. 来自于爱丁堡大学的BrianWalker教授和ScottWebster博士正领导药物发展计划。

    Professor Brian Walker and Dr Scott Webster from the University of Edinburgh are leading the drug development programme .

  8. 在2011年,来自英国爱丁堡大学的光无线通信专家、哈拉尔德哈斯教授,演示了一只配备有信息处理装置的LED灯泡是如何将高保真视频传输到电脑上的。

    In 2011 , Prof Harald Haas , an expert in optical wireless communications at the University of Edinburgh , demonstrated how an LED bulb equipped with signal processing technology could stream a high-definition video to a computer .

  9. 爱丁堡大学的HelenSang教授表示,基因改造是比注射疫苗更好的预防疾病的方法,因为即使病毒突变,这种方法仍然有效。

    Professor Helen Sang of Edinburgh University says genetic modification is potentially a much better way of protecting against diseases than vaccination because it works even if the virus mutates .

  10. 但苏格兰爱丁堡大学(UniversityofEdinburgh)经济学教授休斯(GordonHughes)说,中国将很难一下子为减排制定重大目标。

    But Gordon Hughes , a professor of economics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland , said it would be difficult for China to suddenly set major targets for reducing emissions .

  11. “研究也表明大多数人认为在大多数时间里自己很幸福,”爱丁堡大学的Bates说。

    " The research also shows that most people consider themselves happy most of the time ," says University of Edinburgh 's Bates .

  12. LiFi技术是由爱丁堡大学的研究员HaraldHaas发明的,现在已经被多家公司所采用。

    Li-Fi was invented by Harald Haas , a researcher at Edinburgh University , and has since been worked on by a number of companies .

  13. 爱丁堡大学(EdinburghUniversity)的唐纳德麦肯兹(DonaldMacKenzie)表示,模型的真正问题在于,银行家往往把它们视为捕捉世界运行规律的摄像机,就像拍摄物理实验的摄像机一样。

    Donald MacKenzie of Edinburgh university says the real problem with models is that bankers tend to view them as cameras that capture how the world works , like the camera that might photograph a physics experiment .

  14. 歌登?波文在英国爱丁堡大学与哈拉尔德·哈斯及其同事一起研究光通信;他说,因为LED是半导体器件,调整一下其电路就能很轻易地产生传输数据所需的闪光信号。

    And because they are semiconductor devices , tinkering with their electronics to produce the flickering signals required for data transmission is pretty straightforward , according to Gordon Povey , who is working on light communication with Harald Haas and his colleagues at the University of Edinburgh , in Britain .

  15. 他拿爱丁堡大学在Coursera上推出的首批6门Mooc课程举例,每门课程的时长仅为五周。

    He cites Edinburgh 's first six Moocs , delivered on Coursera , that are each only five weeks long .

  16. 但据爱丁堡大学(UniversityofEdinburgh)男性生育健康专家理查德&12539;夏普(RichardSharpe)说,在北欧展开的联合调查发现,精子数低到影响生育的男性比例已高达五分之一。

    But coordinated studies across Northern Europe found that as many as 1 in 5 young men have sperm counts low enough to affect fertility , according to Richard Sharpe , a male reproductive health specialist at the University of Edinburgh .

  17. 爱丁堡大学人口遗传学家JimWilson博士解释说:父母对后代各占50%的遗传基因,第一代混血儿在肤色上肯定会中和父母双方的肤色。

    Dr Jim Wilson , a population geneticist at the University of Edinburgh , explains : Since parents contribute 50 per cent of the genes each to an offspring , the first generation born to a mixed-race couple will definitely be midway in colour between the two .

  18. 本文以2006年度爱丁堡大学莫雷教育学院BED课程计划和伦敦大学教育学院PGCE课程计划为例,透析英国当前的职前教师教育课程,对其现状、特点及负面效果进行阐述分析。

    This paper takes the BED course of Moray House School of Education . University of Edinburgh and the PGCE course of Institute of Education . University of London as examples , and analyses their status , char - acteristics and negative effects .

  19. 今年早些时候,爱丁堡大学的迈克·路德维格(MikeLudwig)在《神经内分泌学杂志》撰文预测道:到了十二月,“我们会不可避免的再一次成为圣诞荷尔蒙作用的俘虏。”

    Writing in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology earlier this year , the University of Edinburgh 's Mike Ludwig , predicted that come December , " it is inevitable that , once again , we will again totally surrender to the effects of our Christmas hormones . "

  20. 她是爱丁堡大学Innogen中心(英国经济与社会研究理事会基因组学创新的社会与经济研究中心)的科学顾问。

    She is scientific adviser to the Innogen Centre ( ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics ) at Edinburgh University .

  21. 英国职前教师教育课程现状述评&以爱丁堡大学莫雷教育学院和伦敦大学教育学院为例

    A Review of the Current Initial Teacher Education Course in England

  22. 英国爱丁堡大学的技术转移及知识产权管理

    Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management in Edinburgh University of UK

  23. 他继续在爱丁堡大学学医。

    He went on to study medicine at Edinburgh university .

  24. 休谟12岁被送入爱丁堡大学法律系。

    Hume was sent to the law school at university of Edinburgh .

  25. 这项研究的首席作家爱丁堡大学的乔治佩娜拉比亚这样说道。

    Lead author Jorge Penarrubia of the University of Edinburgh .

  26. 爱丁堡大学:智者能看到表象,也能发现内涵。

    University of Edinburgh : The learned can see twice .

  27. 23.从爱丁堡大学的研究中我们了解到什么?

    Question 23 . What can be learned from Edinburgh University 's research ?

  28. 这位来自爱丁堡大学的学生表示旅行中的杰瑞德非常的自在。

    The Edinburgh University student says Jared takes it all in his stride .

  29. 他被爱丁堡大学的学生推选为校长。

    He was elected by the students of Edinburgh University as their rector .

  30. 爱丁堡大学的教授认为遗传学可能发挥作用。

    Professors at the University of Edinburgh think that genetics may play a role .