
  • 网络al-azhar university
  1. 出生于埃及的萨迈赫·阿萨尔三年前来到美国北卡罗莱纳州,之前他在开罗的爱资哈尔大学接受了神学训练。

    Egyptian-born Sameh Asal came to North Carolina three years ago after theological training at the Al-Azhar university in Cairo .

  2. 从这些学生毕业的学生将会获得爱资哈尔授予的资格证书,就可以进入爱资哈尔大学。

    Students graduating from these schools will be granted Al-Azhar-sealed certificates qualifying them to join Al-Azhar University .

  3. 新学校的宗教课均由逊尼派穆斯林世界的最高学府爱资哈尔大学提供。

    Religious curricula in the new schools are supervised by Al-Azhar , the highest seat of learning in the Sunni Muslim world .

  4. 埃及是非洲最早发展高等教育的国家,早在殖民入侵以前就已存在的爱资哈尔大学是世界上现存最古老的大学。

    Egypt is the first African country to develop higher education . Al-Azhar , which had existed long before the colonialist invasion , is the oldest university extant in the world .