
  • Meizu;apple;LG;MX
  1. 在本世纪的头十年里,魅族推出过热门MP3播放器和中国最早的智能手机之一,当时该公司将其称为“iPhone杀手”。

    In the 2000s it turned out popular Mp3 players and one of China 's first smartphones it called an iPhone-killer .

  2. 魅族手机目前使用免费的谷歌安卓操作系统。阿里巴巴表示,它的阿里云OS移动操作系统将集成到魅族手机中。

    Alibaba said its mobile operating system , YunOS , will be integrated into Meizu 's phones that now run on Google 's free Android operating system .

  3. 魅族m8是一款触屏多媒体互联网智能手机。

    The Meizu M8 is a touch-controlled , multimedia and internet-enabled smartphone .

  4. 魅族曾经出产的是MP3。与小米上百万的忠实粉丝相比,它的中端手机在年龄稍大、经济状况也更好的人群中广受欢迎。

    Once a maker of MP3 players , Meizu 's middle-range phones are popular with a demographic slightly older and more affluent than the millions loyal to Xiaomi .

  5. 如今,小米和魅族等中国本土手机在酷炫方面堪比苹果,而价钱却不足苹果的一半,于是iPhone沦为众多选择中的一个。

    Today , the iPhone is simply one option among many , as local companies like Xiaomi and Meizu Technology rival Apple in terms of coolness while charging less than half the price .

  6. 一位魅族的经理同时告诉报社,警方采取的行动并不是针对电话,而是该公司的另外一个产品:一个便携MP3播放器。

    A manager of Meizu told Reuters the meantime , the police action was not to the phone , but to another unit of the company-a portable MP3 player-gone .

  7. 但CounterpointResearch董事沙哈指出,阿里巴巴携手魅族“可能极大地改善阿里巴巴的产品结构和零售市场布局,以及产品的整体清晰度”。而更高的产品清晰度有可能再次引起谷歌的关注。

    But Shah of Counterpoint says for Meizu , the Alibaba tie-up " could significantly improve its product portfolio , retail presence and overall visibility for its products . " That greater visibility could also bring renewed scrutiny from Google .

  8. 与此同时,华为和小米,以及Oppo和魅族(Meizu)等新兴竞争对手,正继续发布新款手机,并在研发和市场营销方面投入巨资。今年2月,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)购入魅族少数股权。

    Meanwhile Huawei and Xiaomi , and emerging challengers such as Oppo and Meizu , in which Alibaba purchased a minority stake in February , continue to release new handsets and are investing heavily in research and development and marketing .

  9. 该报告称,华为、OPPO、VIVO、中兴、联想、小米、TCL、金立、魅族、乐视/酷派去年的装货量总计为5.87亿部,共占市场份额的39%。

    The shipments of Chinese smartphone brands Huawei , OPPO , Vivo , ZTE , Lenovo , Xiaomi , TCL , Gionee , Meizu and LeEco / Coolpad totaled 587 million units last year , with a combined market share of 39 percent , according to the report .

  10. 魅族偷窃了我们的想法和知识产权!

    Because they stole our ideas and intellectual property .

  11. 本人很遗憾地向各位通知:魅族Me网站即将于2009年4月30日关闭。

    I deeply regret having to inform everyone that Meizu Me will be discontinued as of April30th2009 .

  12. 借助阿里巴巴的操作系统,魅族强势回归,而这有可能再次点燃熄灭已久的战火。

    A strong comeback for Meizu , using Alibaba 's operating system , could resurrect an old fight .

  13. 周一,中国电商巨头阿里巴巴宣布向魅族投资5.9亿美元,以获得后者的少数股份。

    On Monday , the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba announced a $ 590 million investment for a minority stake in Meizu .

  14. 起初,魅族计划发布入门版但后改变计划,现只有一种标准型号。

    At first , Meizu was going to release an entry version but that changed later and now there is only the standard model .

  15. 阿里巴巴首席技术官王坚在一份声明中表示,投资魅族代表着阿里巴巴集团生态系统的一次大规模扩张。

    The investment in Meizu represents a significant expansion of the Alibaba Group ecosystem , said Jian Wang , Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba , in a statement .

  16. 在中国移动宣布开始预订iPhone6的同一天里,魅族在北京发布了其最新一代的智能手机。

    On the same day that China Mobile started its reservation service for the iPhone 6 , Chinese company Meizu Telecom Equipment Co Ltd introduced its latest smartphone in Beijing .

  17. 魅族发言人称,这次投资将让魅族在定价和产品线方面变得更大胆,从而实现今年2000万美元的手机销售目标。

    A Meizu spokesperson said the investment will help the company get more aggressive in pricing and product lines to reach its sales goal of 20 million phones this year .

  18. 除非苹果对这种厚颜无耻的行径做点什么,否则魅族这款致青春大礼有望在1月下半月进军西方市场。

    Unless Apple does something about this cheekiness , Meizu 's gift to the next generation is expected to head to the Western market in the second half of January .

  19. 这笔巨额投资让阿里巴巴获得了魅族的少数股份,但具体数量尚未披露。8个月前,阿里巴巴整体收购了中国最大的移动浏览器公司优视科技。

    The big investment , which earned Alibaba a minority but undisclosed stake in Meizu , comes eight months after Alibaba bought outright China 's largest mobile browser company , UCWeb .

  20. 阿里巴巴为自己的操作系统找到了新的(而且是更大的)使用者,魅族则有机会通过阿里巴巴的一系列电子商务平台提高自己的销售规模,这对一些品牌来说是生死攸关的大事。

    While Alibaba gets a new ( bigger ) host for its operating system , Meizu gets a shot at greater sales across Alibaba 's e-commerce platforms , which can spell life or death for brands .

  21. 阿里巴巴集团周一宣布,对魅族投资5.9亿美元。尽管魅族在中国知名度和市场份额较弱,但在很长一段时间内,魅族是国内最聪敏的电子设备制造商之一。

    Alibaba Group announced Monday that it invested $ 590 million in one of China 's lesser-known smartphone makers , Meizu , a company with small market share but a long history as one of the country 's smartest device makers .

  22. 为了与华为和联想等老牌巨头竞争,锤子和魅族等手机公司利用社交媒体、创始人的名气,以及他们能够想到的其他任何的网络招数,来为自己制造人气。

    To compete with already established giants like Huawei and Lenovo , companies like Smartisan and Meizu use social media , the fame of their founders and just about any other Internet trick they can think of to build a name for themselves .

  23. 由此,阿里巴巴可以打造一个平台,让消费者的手机和阿里巴巴的购物和娱乐网站实现无缝对接(只不过阿里巴巴在这方面没有亚马逊走的那么远,它把制造手机的工作留给了魅族)。

    In pushing its own operating system , Alibaba is taking a page from Amazon 's playbook and creating a platform on which consumers are seamlessly plugged into its shopping and entertainment sites through their phone . ( Only Alibaba isn 't taking the concept quite as far as Amazon - it will leave building the phones to Meizu . )